PLAT ASIA:PLAT ASIA南迪工作室受委托设计一艺术办公空间,项目位于北京一苏式工业园区邻街低层楼宇的一层,空间原始层高4.2米,室内面积606平方米,本次改造拆除不必要隔墙,暴露出原空间规律的六跨四排梁柱结构,室内出入口在临街的北向,南北开窗,可见静谧凛然的园区景观。
PLAT ASIA:PLAT ASIA ndn lab is designated to design an art office, which is posited in an industrial campus in Beijing. The room has 4.2 meters in height and 606 square meters at total floors. Abolished the old decoration, a structure with six spans and four rows of columns appeared. The entrance faces the street north, and windows open south and north for a peaceful scenery on campus.
▽光幕中的天 SKY film
▽接待厅 Reception hall
The architect responds to clients’ necessities, proposes a dynamic space, introduces NOMAD-IN-URBAN concept into experience design, plans a journey from scenes to spirits, and creates an art office which benefits for more inspiration.
▽概念草图 Concept sketch
©NANDIN▽设计手稿 Design manuscript
©NANDIN▽一层流线示意 Diagram 1F
©NANDIN▽隔层流线示意 Diagram 1.5F
©NANDIN▽一层轴测图 Axonometric drawing 1F
©NANDIN▽隔层轴测图 Axonometric drawing 1.5F
Nomad is a lifestyle rooted in nature. The design use lights effect on materials for wind, stream, and sky, symbolizing desert, steppe, rivers, and cliff. The translucent membrane ceiling with blue lights and air-moving aluminium slices decorated the Mongolian yurt like space and formed a Tangeri (means the great sky in Mongolian) space born in the steppe. The narrowed canyon echo in corridors, the aluminium slices as water steam. Public space set a big stage similar to the rock sculpted by the wind. The public space presents a feeling of dynamic and wilderness into the urban context.
▽接待厅-隐藏的走廊入口 Disappeared entrance to corridor
©吴昂▽接待厅-精神之境 Spirit space of SKY
©吴昂▽通往走廊&峡谷廊道 Access to corridor&“Canyon” corridor
©吴昂 ©吴昂▽二楼入口 To second floor
©吴昂▽曲动的楼梯 Curved stage
©吴昂▽看向走廊 Look to corridors
©吴昂▽多功能公共空间看向窗外 Multifunction public space look to exteriors
©吴昂▽山岩阶梯“Rocky” stage
©吴昂▽通往会议室&流动的走廊 Path to meeting room & Flowed corridor
©吴昂 ©吴昂▽通往隔层办公区&走廊 To interlayers & Corridor
©吴昂 ©吴昂▽台阶上看向开放会议空间 Open meeting area
©吴昂▽办公区 Office area
©吴昂▽个人办公室 Private office
©吴昂▽多功能公共空间 Multifunction public space
光影游弋 Define by lights
The illumination phenomenon follows peoples’ behavior. Intense and mystery renders by the pulse lighting system; unpredicted lighting shapes areas by adjusted pattern. Nomad-in-urban space changes by screen between a blue sky and a starry night, in use of an art exhibition or party area. The entrance to canyon conceals behind a column; the variable lights lead people to a visionary and futuristic space. The public space is the core, owns grand windows, integrated with gathering, staying, dispersing, and attached with nomadic behavior.
▽光环境定义空间情绪 Lights define emotions
©吴昂▽情绪实验R Emotion experimentR
©吴昂▽看向走廊 &两种光的晕染 Look to corridor & Emotional mixture
©吴昂 ©吴昂▽ 台阶上看向公共空间 Look to public space
©吴昂▽情绪实验B Emotion experiment B
实验向度 Experiments
Architect Nandin explore two experimental directions. One is constructive configuration of space, in this project, not in a logic of layout or composition, but arranged by the lighting to foster emotions. For instance, the illumination system creates different scenes, like art exhibition spaces specialized for sculptures and artworks. Another one is the presentation on the nomad culture, the design applied to the dynamic model, intelligent lighting system, and unique decoration materials to restore spirits in pursuit for the vigor and nature origins from nomadic cultures.
▽透过峡谷走廊看向公共空间 Corridor space
©吴昂▽镜面中的城市游牧 Mirrored the NOMAD-IN-URBAN
In this art office, the architect achieves a nomadic space in experience and romantic light environment in an urban context through a dynamic space formed by lights and materials.
▽一层平面图 First floor plan
©NANDIN▽隔层平面图 Interlayer plan
设计团队:PLAT ASIA 南迪工作室 – 南迪,赵延文,孙滢
室内材料:水泥自流平,木地板,人造石板,氟碳漆,乳胶漆,风动片,不锈钢板,木纹贴皮,弧形无框光电玻,镜面玻璃, 玻璃栏板,透光膜,反光膜,脉冲灯带
施工图设计:JSD Studio – 李明,张瑞
施工方:北京海澜伟业装饰工程有限责任公司- 左利军,张凯鈅,杨明中
灯光设计及供应商:北京西铁照明有限公司 – 张振国
Project name: Xi Garden Art Office
Location: Chaoyang district, Beijing, China
Architects: PLAT ASIA
Design Scope: Interiors
Principal designer: NANDIN
Design team: PLAT ASIA ndn lab – NANDIN, Zhao Yanwen, Sun Ying
Areas: 822 sqm
Floors: 1F/1.5F
Materials: Self-leveling cement, wooden floor, artificial stone slats, fluorocarbon coatings, latex paint, air moving slices, stainless steel panel, wood grain veneer, curved frameless photoelectric glass, mirrored glass, glass railing, translucid finish membrane, reflective transfer films, pulse lighting strip
Design period: 2020-2021
Completed time: 10/2022
Photography: Wu Ang
Construction design: JSD Studio – Li Ming, Zhang Rui
Construction contractor: Beijing Hai Lan construction – Zuo Lijun, Zhang Kaiyue, Yang Mingzhong
Lighting design & Supplier: SELTY Lighting – Zhang Zhenguo
Air moving slices supplier: Beijing MeiSiHua metal decoration co., Ltd.
“ 设计从游牧文化对自然的感知和精神体验中提取元素,营造极具艺术的创意办公空间。”
更多 Read more about:PLAT ASIA
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