
拉霍亚(La Hoya)是一个峡谷,位于阿尔卡萨巴和圣克里斯托瓦尔两座山丘之间的历史街区边缘,Jayrān 古城墙穿过其间。时间倒回到中世纪中叶,这里曾是一个街区,后来被遗弃,变成了一个农业空间,又经过几个世纪的演变,直至衰落,这里成为一片被人遗忘而又充满期待的空地。


This landscape intervention reclaims the unique heritage site of La Hoya for the city of Almería.

La Hoya is a gorge located on the edge of the historic quarter, between the hills of the Alcazaba and San Cristóbal, and crossed by the Wall of Jayrān. During the High Middle Ages, it was occupied by a neighborhood that was later abandoned, turning into an agricultural space that over the centuries evolved until its decline, becoming a forgotten and expectant vacant lot.


© Fernando Alda


▽项目视频 The video(© Peripheria Films Daniel Natoli)




Historic landscape restoration, environmental regeneration and spatial reimagination are intertwined to define this proposal which aims at the rediscovery and reinvention of this place. The act of revealing the story of this landscape in order to become part of the palimpsest of its evolution has been the main premise of this project.

The design was already there; in the hills that embrace this place, the wall that outlines its concave shape, the fortresses that guard it, the dike that contains it, the valley that widens it, the agricultural terraces that geometrize it and the network of channels that irrigates them, the archaeology that lays hidden below the surface, the escarpments and stone outcrops, the tones of its earth, its resilient vegetation, its wild fauna, its arid atmosphere and it broad blue sky. Our task was merely to tend to the features that we found, accentuating them by means of a soft intervention that is both minimal in its impact and highly specific.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda




The actions carried out result from delving into the memory of this landscape in order to understand and maintain its configuration, explore its manifold scales, understand its unique form, identify its multiple environmental units, preserve and enhance its valuable ecosystem, shape its expressive materiality and atmosphere and find the construction techniques and material palette that make it all possible. All within the framework of discussion of what a park should be, both physically and symbolically, in the context of the current environmental crisis, in a heritage site such as this one, and in a climate like Almería’s. And with the goal of turning La Hoya into a space shared by agents, a habitat with no other added program than the mere enjoyment of such an exceptional place.

The park which has been imagined, the Mediterranean Gardens of La Hoya, is a landscape that comprises a monumental setting, an archeological reserve, a sanctuary for flora and fauna in the center of the city, a celebration of the semi-arid Mediterranean climate and a reflection of the culture of water of Almería.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda



拉霍亚公园西南面是阿尔卡萨巴山丘,东北面是圣克里斯托瓦尔山丘,西北面是 Jayrān 城墙,东南面则是 Calle Luna 堤坝。从城市一侧开始,街道逐渐升高,并可以通往阿尔卡萨巴山或圣克里斯托瓦尔山脚下的公园。

The park is bounded by the Hill of the Alcazaba to the southwest, the Hill of San Cristobal to the northeast, the Wall of Jayrān to the northwest and the Dike of Calle Luna to the southeast. From the city, this street gradually rises providing access to the park either at the foot of the Alcazaba or along the base of hill of San Cristóbal.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda


古堤坝的顶部与城市相接,用土石材料组合而成,成为一个阳台,从这里可以俯瞰整个城市空间和公园全景,同时还可以眺望 Jayrān 城墙。阳台上还可以远眺阿尔卡萨巴和圣克里斯托瓦尔山。阳台在地形上连接着两座山丘的山脚和遗址的两个结构特征。一方面,阳台与阿尔卡萨巴山脚下原有的一条小路相连,这条小路通向通往围墙外研究中心的大门。另一方面,它与圣克里斯托瓦尔山脚下由干石墙构成的梯田系统的中间层相交。


The top of the ancient dike, which is elevated with regards to the city, is tattooed with a combination of earthen and stone materials to become a balcony from which to look onto the entire space and have a panoramic view of the park, while contemplating the Wall of Jayrán. It also provides a perspective of the hills of the Alcazaba and San Cristóbal. The balcony topographically connects the bases of these hills and two of the structuring features of the site. On the one hand, it joins the preexisting lane that runs along the foot of the Alcazaba leading to the gate that gives access to the Research Center located beyond the Wall. On the other, it intersects with the intermediate level of the system of terraces contained by dry stone walls which sits at the foot of the hill of San Cristóbal.

These terraces preexisted and have been maintained in their entirety, preserving their topographical levels and restoring their walls with additional stones originating, like all the natural materials employed in this project, from leftover stockpiles from nearby quarries. Stairs and ramps, also of a massive stone nature, have been implemented onto to these walls in order to define itineraries and provide access to the different levels. These itineraries are accompanied by a restored network of water channels that once provided irrigation to the different crops that were cultivated on the terraces. The two pools that served as reservoirs for this system have once again been put to use; the upper reservoir is the beginning of the system and the main water store, while the lower reservoir serves as the tank for the park’s current watering system. The project includes intermediate diversion boxes and basins that help regulate the flow of water, along with multiple features that provide sound, contributing to the atmosphere of the place.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda




Tree-lined paths and small resting spaces have been laid out along the terraces. The trees are of different species that speak of the agricultural past of La Hoya. The terraces enable the discovery of viewpoints over the park, new perspectives of the Alcazaba and the wall, and even provide glimpses of the sea over the rooftops of the city. They also allow the public to reach the base of the Wall. In the beds at the foot of the trees prairies of wild Mediterranean flowers have been planted in order to protect the soil and contribute to animal biodiversity—attracting insects and serving as a refuge for chameleons. The terrace that corresponds to the level where the former farmhouse once stood has become a vegetable and flower orchard, another terrace is dedicated to the cultivation of citrus trees, while the one that intersects with the balcony over the dike is conceived as an organic promenade recalling the time when spontaneous vegetation took over the space and blurred the linear order of the cultivated terraces.

This organic approach is the premise behind the preservation and restoration of the slopes that fall towards the valley from the bases of the hills and the dike. The paths that traverse them, which over the years had become well-established desire lines, have been maintained.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda




The valley of La Hoya, originally the dry river bed at the base of the gorge which later became the site where a medieval settlement once stood, is conceived as continuous plane and an archeological reserve with large groupings of vegetation—mainly native herbaceous plants and bushes— planted in a thick layer of added soil, traversed by multidirectional winding paths. These groupings are an abstraction of the forms that water leaves behind when it sporadically flows and where plants tend to group in these kinds of environments in arid climates, while in the park they also serve as infrastructural elements to manage its irrigation as well as the water from the occasional—and sometimes torrential—rains of this area.

In the center a large esplanade can be found, an open and empty space outlined by a ring of stone slabs where both spontaneous and organized collective activities can take place.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda


拉霍亚(La Hoya)又名奥亚(Oya)、伊亚(Oia)和乔亚(Joya),很可能是因为其地质构造的缘故,它是阿尔梅里亚圣克里斯托巴尔山的阿尔卡萨巴和城墙遗址的一部分。该建筑群已有一千多年的历史,1931 年被宣布为国家古迹。在阿尔卡萨巴山脚下的拉霍亚,可以看到在山上开凿的小采石场,上面有开采大块石料的痕迹,这些石料很可能用于堡垒本身或城市其他历史建筑的建设。通过这些采石场说明,除了规模宏大的拉霍亚及其结构组成部分之外,还有大量较小的物质特征,甚至是非物质特征,也成为了项目的一部分。

在阿尔梅里亚,“parata”一词意指农业梯田,“balate”则是保留梯田的墙壁。这种传统的干石砌墙技术已被联合国教科文组织列为非物质文化遗产。该项目保留了 19 世纪在此建立的农庄的梯田和围墙结构。

La Hoya, known through time also as Oya, Oia and Joya due most likely to it geological formation, is part of the Alcazaba and Walls of the Hill of San Cristóbal heritage site of Almería. This complex is over one thousand years old, and it was declared a national monument in 1931. In La Hoya itself, at the foot of the Alcazaba, small quarries can be found excavated into the hill, with markings from the extraction of large blocks, probably used for the construction of parts the fortress itself or for other historical buildings of the city. These quarries are just an example of how, beyond the grand scale of La Hoya and its structural components there also exist a plethora of smaller material—and even immaterial—features that have also become part of the project.

In Almería, the term “parata” is used for an agricultural terrace, and “balate” for the wall that retains it. The traditional dry-stone construction of these walls is a technique that has been declared Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The project has maintained the structure of terraces and walls of the farmstead that was established on the site in the 19th century.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda


由于大部分墙壁都已破败不堪,很不稳定,而且大部分材料都已丢失。因此,我们决定使用这些墙壁的残余部分作为新的干石墙的回填土,并添加少量石灰砂浆,以提供新的公共空间使用所需的稳定性。原有墙壁中保存较好的部分也已经得到修复。在其中一些部分,可以看到较大的悬臂石突出墙外;这是在梯田的不同层次之间攀爬的传统结构。在这些城墙的石雕中,还可以看到中世纪围攻阿尔卡萨巴时用过的弹射石。散落在遗址各处的弹射石被集中在一起,放置在 Jayrān 城墙的大门旁边。

Jayrān 城墙因阿尔梅里亚的第一位泰法君主而得名,他在 11 世纪推动了该城墙的修建。它是在城市发展时期建造的,同时期建造的还有拉霍亚的 Jandaq Bāb Mūsà 社区。城墙由夯土筑成,设有一系列大型塔式结构,这无疑是该遗址的重要特征,不仅因为它气势恢宏,还因为它勾勒出了峡谷的形状。我们今天看到的大门是弗朗西斯科-普列托-莫雷诺在 20 世纪 50 年代进行的一系列修复工程中打开的,尽管在中世纪,这里肯定曾有过某种被称为 Bāb Mūsà 的开口。大门旁还有一些夯土块,它们也很可能是上述修复工程所留下的。事实上,在拉霍亚中心的城墙脚下,还可以找到另一块丢失的夯土,这块夯土或许是在 20 世纪 50 年代的一次洪水中从城墙上掉落的。所有这些遗迹都已被纳入公园的种植区。

Most of the walls were in a ruinous state, they were unstable and much of their material had been lost. This led to the decision to use what remained of these walls as backfill for new dry-stone walls, adding a minimal amount of lime-based mortar in order to provide them with the stability recquired given the new public use of the space. Sections of the original walls in a better state of conservation have been restored. In some of these sections, larger cantilevered stones jutting out of the wall can be seen; this was the traditional way of climbing between the different levels of the terraces. Catapult stones from medieval sieges of the Alcazaba can also be seen reused in the stonework of these walls. The catapult stones that have been found scattered throughout the site have been grouped together an placed next to the gate in the Wall of Jayrān.

The Wall of Jayrān is known as such after the first Taifa sovereign of Almería, who promoted its construction in the 11th century. It was built during a period of urban growth, and it was then when the neighborhood of Jandaq Bāb Mūsà was established in La Hoya. The Wall is made of rammed earth, it has a series of large towers and is doubtlessly the main feature of the site, not only due to its imposing presence, but also because it outlines the shape of the gorge. The gate that we see today was opened during a series of restoration works carried out by Francisco Prieto-Moreno in the 1950s, even though some sort of opening known as Bāb Mūsà must have once existed there during the Middle Ages. Next to the gate there are lose blocks of rammed earth that possibly come from the aforementioned restoration work. In fact, at the foot of the wall, in the center of La Hoya, another of these lose rammed earth blocks can be found, this one may have fallen from the wall during a flood in the 1950s. All of these remains have been integrated into planting areas of the park.


▽项目施工视频 The video(© Peripheria Films Daniel Natoli)

© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda


在清理场地的头几周,我们还在梯田边发现了许多混凝土小方块。这些形状像被截断的金字塔的粗糙构件被用作柱子的基座,这些柱子以 2×2 米的间距设置,用来支撑葡萄藤的牵引线,而这种结构就是后来阿尔梅里亚温室的前身。这些混凝土小方块被收集起来,摆放在其中一个露台上。

A similar course of action was taken with the many small concrete cubes that were found along the terraces during the first weeks of clearing the site. These rough elements shaped like truncated pyramids were used as footings for posts set at 2-by-2-meter intervals that held up the wiring to train grapevines, a structure that was the precursor of what became the Almería greenhouse. They have been gathered and laid out on one of the terraces.


© Fernando Alda


在施工期间,一大堆属于农舍的瓦砾被移走。这是一座三层楼高的建筑,位于半山梯田上,在 20 世纪末被遗弃并拆除。在清理该区域时,我们发现了可追溯到中世纪的夯土墙遗迹,这证明了该遗址上存在中世纪时期的建筑。这些遗迹在晚期曾被用作地基,或者用于建造像这栋楼一样的建筑,或用作梯田挡土墙的回填土。这片曾经的街区在 13 世纪被遗弃,空间逐渐乡村化。所有潜在被掩埋的遗迹都已成为考古保护区的一部分。本次项目开展的前提是保护这些潜在的遗迹,并在施工期间采取措施避免对已发现的遗迹造成影响。在采取的其他预防措施中,我们使用了地面穿透雷达探测器,它可以探测到可能存在的遗迹,并基于此来决定绿化树木的确切位置,或通过增加土层重新平整山谷地形,以避免挖掘到现有地层。

During the works, a large pile of rubble belonging to the farmhouse was removed. This three-story building, located on one of the mid-level terraces, had been abandoned and then demolished towards the end of the 20th century. As the area was being cleared away, the remains of rammed earth wall dating back to the Middle Ages was discovered, proving the existence of buildings from that period on the site. These remains had been used as foundations during later periods, either for buildings such as this one, or as backfill for the retaining walls of the terraces. That neighborhood was abandoned in the 13th century, and the space gradually ruralized. All the potential buried remains have become part of an archaeological reserve. The premise of the project has been preservation of these potential remains, and during construction measures were taken to avoid impacting those that were discovered. Among other precautions taken, the potential existence of remains, detected by a ground-penetrating radar, led to decisions regarding the exact location of trees or to the re-grading of the terrain of the valley by adding layers of soil in order to avoid excavating into the existing strata.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda


在老农舍附近有一口井或者说一个蓄水池,它开凿在圣克里斯托瓦尔山的基岩上。在圣因达莱西奥海峡的水流到达该地区之前,这可能是雨水收集系统的一部分。该渠道建于 19 世纪,是一个大型水利基础设施项目,用于灌溉城市周围的大片土地。它的起点是安达拉克斯河,终点是“阿尔卡萨巴后面的拉霍亚”。如今,该工程已不再被使用,但其遗迹仍散布在市内各处。其中,它的终点是拉霍亚上水库。这个由石砌墙壁建成的水池经过修复,可容纳约 150 立方米的水量。它是灌溉网络的起点,曾经为农庄提供水源,现在则为公园提供水源。该系统以一系列渠道为基础,这些渠道沿着每块干石墙的底部延伸,利用漫灌的方式浇灌每块梯田。该项目重建了这一网络,修复了系统中段的大型引水箱,并新建了引水箱、水池、小型蓄水池和垂直水景。在某些情况下,仍然可以进行漫灌。在系统修复期间,在其中一条渠道旁发现并保留了“JCG 1971”的标记;这可能是当年维修水网的工人所留下的。水网的终点是下水库,这是梯田的最低水位点。现在,水库的结构经过加固,已作为公园滴灌系统的蓄水池。

In the vicinity of the old farmhouse there is a well or a cistern excavated into the bedrock of the hill of San Cristóbal. This element was probably part of a rainwater catchment system before the water from the Channel of San Indalecio reached the area. This channel, built in the 19th century, was a large hydraulic infrastructure project built to provide irrigation to large swaths of land around the city. It began at the Andarax river and ended at “La Hoya behind the Alcazaba”. Nowadays it is no longer used but remains of it can be found scattered throughout the municipality. Among them, the feature where it ended: the upper reservoir of La Hoya. This pool made of stonemasonry walls has been restored to hold around 150 cubic meters of water. It was the beginning of the irrigation network that once watered the farmstead and now waters the park. The system is based on a series of channels that run along the base of each of the dry-stone walls in order to water each terrace using flood irrigation. The project has reconstructed this network, restored the large diversion box midway through the system and implemented new diversion boxes, basins, smaller reservoirs and vertical water features. Flood irrigation is still possible in a couple of instances. During the restoration of the system the markings ‘JCG 1971’ were discovered and maintained next to one of the channels; they were probably made by a worker who repaired the network that year. The network ends in the lower reservoir, the lowest hydraulic point of the terraces. Its structure has been reinforced and it now serves as the tank for the park’s drip irrigation system.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda


阿尔梅里亚的沙漠气候(普遍干旱、长期干旱和日照时间长)决定了如何利用“水”这一宝贵的资源。拉霍亚公园不仅通过水资源管理,还通过植物的挑选来适应这些严苛的条件。公园中植物的种类包括该地区传统农业使用的树木、本地灌木和草本植物,以及来自地中海半干旱地区的世界性物种。该地区最具特色的植物是红刺棘(Maytenus senegalensis),它是当地特有的受保护物种。现在,所有现存的标本植物都得到了维护,并种植了新的标本植物和其他本地灌木,以加强与之共存的物种的存在。陡峭的山坡成为了一个很好的环境恢复样本区域,因为从一开始我们就决定将其视为不可进入的保护区。因此,所有植被都参与了空间的环境再生。

Almería’s desert climate has determined how such a precious asset as water is used. The climate here is characterized by its generalized aridness, long periods of drought and elevated sun exposure. The park adapts to these conditions, not only through its water management but also through the selection of plants. The plant palette comprises trees used traditionally in the agriculture of the area, along with native shrubs and herbaceous plants as well as cosmopolitan species also from the semi-arid Mediterranean spectrum. The most characteristic plant of the area is the red spikethorn (Maytenus senegalensis), an endemic and protected species. All the existing specimens have been maintained and new ones have been planted, along with other native bushes to reinforce the presence of the species with which it coexists. The steep slopes are an example of this, since it was decided from the beginning to consider them non-accessible reserves. Therefore, all the vegetation participates in the environmental regeneration of the space.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda


在被用来种植葡萄和果树之后,拉霍亚变成了“刺梨园”。一旦场地被遗弃,这种作物就会占据并侵占整个空间。2015 年的 cocheneil 疫病杀死了大部分标本植物,只有两棵保留了下来,并纳入了种植计划。随着该项目的推进及落地,梯田上种植了一系列果树,包括榅桲树、枣树、石榴树、桑树、杏树和柑橘树,以及农舍建筑附近曾有的其他观赏树种,如枣椰树和假胡椒树,桑树也点缀着山谷和阳台,白花犹大树(南欧紫荆)因其季节变化以及其优美的外形和文化意义而被选中,沿着梯田种植成行。

与公园植物群相伴的还有动物群。许多动物都生活在拉霍亚,其中包括变色龙,这是一种受保护的动物,已经开始在公园里的许多新植物和城墙岩石中繁衍生息。有时还能看到伊比利亚野山羊从加多尔山脉(Sierra de Gádor)沿着卡瓦拉尔峡谷(El Caballar)陡峭的山坡下来,拉霍亚就在卡瓦拉尔峡谷的上游。鸟类和授粉昆虫的存在也很重要,而且自项目被保护干预以来,它们的数量还在增加。

After being used to cultivate grapes and fruit trees, La Hoya became a “prickly pear orchard”. Once abandoned, this crop took over and invaded the entire space. The cocheneil plague of 2015 killed most of the specimens, except for two which have been kept and integrated into the planting scheme. A collection of fruit trees has been planted on the terraces, including quince, jujube, pomegranate, mulberry, almond and citrus trees, along with other ornamental species that once existed near the farmhouse building, such as date palms and false pepper trees. Mulberry trees also dot the valley and the balcony. White-flowered Judas trees, chosen for their seasonal changes as well as for their formal and cultural significance, have been planted in rows along the terraces.

The park’s flora is accompanied by its fauna. Many animals live in La Hoya, among them chameleons, a protected species that has begun to flourish among the many new plants of the park and rocks of the walls. Sometimes Iberian wild goats can be spotted when they come down from the Sierra de Gádor following the steep slopes of the gorge of El Caballar, which La Hoya joins upstream. The presence of birds and pollinizing insects is also important and has grown since the intervention.


© Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda © Fernando Alda



设计选择与石灰混合的水稳路面,是因为它具有天然的色泽和良好的排水性能。所使用的骨料——也是作为剩余材料储存起来的——来自当地人称为“柯南的采石场”的地方,距离拉霍亚只有几公里远。巧合的是,1982 年的电影《野蛮人柯南》也是在拉霍亚取景的。

The Sierra de Gador is also where the quarries from which the stone for the walls comes from are located. The stones were found stockpiled as leftover and discarded material in an abandoned pit. The cut stone used for the pavement —cobbled areas and on ramps and stairs, as well as to manufacture the components of the irrigation network—channels, spouts, basins, etc.— comes from Sierra de Las Estancias, to the north of Almería.

The water-bound pavement, mixed with lime, has been chosen for its natural and chromatic characteristics and its drainage properties. The aggregate used—also a stockpiled as a residual material—comes from what are known locally as “Conan’s quarries”, just a couple of kilometers away from La Hoya.Coincidentally, and among other well-known movies, scenes from the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian were filmed in La Hoya.


© Fernando Alda



These material and immaterial connections all constitute La Hoya, in the same way its human history and its natural processes have done and its current human and non-human inhabitants will. This contemporary landscape project simply gathers all of the them together.


▽项目区位 Situacion Location



▽总体规划平面 General-plan context



▽地形剖面 Section



▽公园平面 Plan/Features




▽公园种植设计 Planting



▽公园铺装路面 Paving



▽公园梯田挡墙分布及构造细节 Walls



▽公园灌溉系统分布及设计细节 Water



▽公园遗迹及潜在保护区 Archeology



▽公园照明设计 Lighting





设计师:Vincent Morales Garoffolo & Juan Antonio Sánchez Muñoz.


Joaquín Morales Garoffolo, 生物学家,竞赛阶段
Esperanza Moreno Cruz,  3D 渲染建筑师,竞赛阶段
Mark Risner, 景观设计师,初步设计阶段
Manuel Barba Delgado, 建筑师,设计阶段
Lorena González Romero, 建筑工程师,设计阶段
Gustavo Corredera, 建筑工程师,健康与安全,设计阶段
Alberto Giachi, Luz y Forma Lighting Design. 城市照明,设计和施工阶段
Hesar Ingeniería y Desarrollo SL. Agustín González Rueda, 工业工程师; A. Hervia Muñoz, 工业工程师-电气设施,设计和施工阶段
Cerener Consultoría Agroambiental. Rafael Suárez, 农业工程师; María Concepción Garrido, 土木工程师-水力学、排水、灌溉,设计和施工阶段
Rafael Sevillano Ballester. 考古学家,施工阶段
Ginés Alarcós, Consuelo Castillo. 测量师,施工阶段

摄影师:Fernando Alda
视频:Peripheria Films Daniel Natoli

Javier Garrido Jiménez, Jorge Nofuentes Bonilla, Eva Rodríguez Marín, Ana Martínez, Alfonso Novis, Jesús Serrano, Álvaro García Gascón, Maximiliano Martínez, José M. Rodríguez, Francisco Jiménez, José Manuel Muñoz, Félix López, Abraham Niño, Juan Miguel Navarro, Nicolás Terrero, Hammid el Mafouidi, Bárbara Boloix Gallardo, Allen Fromherz, Amelia Garrido Campos, Fernando Alda, Daniel Natoli.

Project Name: LA HOYA PARK
Designer: Vincent Morales Garoffolo & Juan Antonio Sánchez Muñoz.
E-mail: kauharquitectos@gmail.com

Competition Winning Entry-2009-2010

Joaquín Morales Garoffolo, Biologist. Competition phase.
Esperanza Moreno Cruz, Architect 3D Visalizations. Competition phase.
Mark Risner, Landscape archictect. Preliminary Design phase.
Manuel Barba Delgado, Architect. Design phase.
Lorena González Romero, Building Engineer. Design phase.
Gustavo Corredera, Building Engineer. Health and Safety. Design phase.
Alberto Giachi, Luz y Forma Lighting Design. Urban lighting. Design and construction phases.
Hesar Ingeniería y Desarrollo SL. Agustín González Rueda, Industrial Engineer; A. Hervia Muñoz, Industrial Engineer. Electrical facilities. Design and construction phases.
Cerener Consultoría Agroambiental. Rafael Suárez, Agricultural Engineer; María Concepción Garrido, Civil Engineer. Hydraulics. Drainage. Irrigation. Design and construction phases.
Rafael Sevillano Ballester. Archeologist. Construction phase.
Ginés Alarcós, Consuelo Castillo. Surveyor. Construction phase.

Photos by Fernando Alda. CC in this email info@fernandoalda.com : https://www.fernandoalda.com/es/trabajos/arquitectura/1524/parque-jardines-mediterraneos-de-la-hoya
Videos by Peripheria Films Daniel Natoli CC in this email peripheria.films@gmail.com :
Finished work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVds-lCovLU&t=12s
Under construction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVds-lCovLU&t=12s

Thanks to
Javier Garrido Jiménez, Jorge Nofuentes Bonilla, Eva Rodríguez Marín, Ana Martínez, Alfonso Novis, Jesús Serrano, Álvaro García Gascón, Maximiliano Martínez, José M. Rodríguez, Francisco Jiménez, José Manuel Muñoz, Félix López, Abraham Niño, Juan Miguel Navarro, Nicolás Terrero, Hammid el Mafouidi, Bárbara Boloix Gallardo, Allen Fromherz, Amelia Garrido Campos, Fernando Alda, Daniel Natoli.






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