Valerio Olgiati:​这座房屋位于葡萄牙阿连特茹,距离大海 10 公里。该地区以其开阔的空间和乡村景观而闻名。


Valerio Olgiati:The house is located in Alentejo, Portugal. It is 10 km away from the ocean. The area is known for its wide-open spaces and its rural landscape.

The house is set at the end of a dirt road, in between hills and surrounded by cork oaks.


© PauloCatrica



In the middle of this wild, hilly landscape there is a platform and on it a garden with a pavilion like house in it. There are walls of different heights around the platform that protect the life on it. The setting of walls allows a differentiated spatial perception of the surrounding landscape.


© PauloCatrica © PauloCatrica



Through the entrance gate, the blue quartzite shines through the deeper water surface of the pool. From the room with a concrete sofa there is the only opening towards north, which allows a view over the illuminated garden and the pool into the wild landscape.


© PauloCatrica © PauloCatrica




There is no internal connecting corridor in the house itself. The garden’s path system connects the rooms.

Everything is set so that there is enough shade inside the house during the hot summer and that the sun can shine deep into the rooms in the cooler winter.


© PauloCatrica © PauloCatrica © PauloCatrica


▽项目图纸 Design drawings

© archive Olgiati © archive Olgiati © archive Olgiati © archive Olgiati




项目名称:Pereiro Do Cha
项目地点:葡萄牙 阿连特茹
建筑师:VALERIO OLGIATI,Senda Stretga 1,CH-7017 Flims 电话:+41 81 552 05 05,
合作者:Anthony Bonnici
当地建筑师:Patricia da Silva,Travessa do Giestal 43A,1300-277 Lisboa
承包商:Matriz Sociedade de Construções Lda., Rua do Monte 151, 4470-558,迈亚省新特尔哈村
结构工程师:Edgar Brito, Clanet&Brito, Rua de Júlio Dinis, 947, 4E,葡萄牙波尔图
图纸:© archive Olgiati
图片:© PauloCatrica

Project Name: Pereiro Do Cha
Object: house
Location: Alentejo, Portugal
Architect: VALERIO OLGIATI, Senda Stretga 1, CH-7017 Flims Tel. +41 81 552 05 05,
Collaborators: Anthony Bonnici
Local architect: Patricia da Silva, Travessa do Giestal 43A, 1300-277 Lisboa
Contractor : Matriz Sociedade de Construções Lda., Rua do Monte 151, 4470-558 Vila Nova de Telha, Maia
Structural engineer: Edgar Brito, Clanet&Brito, Rua de Júlio Dinis, 947, 4E, Porto Portugal
Materials: in-situ concrete, marble
Begin of planning: May 2018
Start of construction: August 2020
End of construction: August 2021
Copyrights plans: © archive Olgiati
Copyrights pics: © PauloCatrica




更多 Read more about:Valerio Olgiati


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