拟建的双子塔项目占地 223,000 平方米坐落在武汉市一个交汇点,是公共场所和海滨长廊的交界处。经过精心的计划,项目被优化为可以饱览湖滨景观的最佳角度,并最大程度地减低项目体量以保持一个在湖边地平线上的优雅形态。

Located at a juncture in the city bordering the slow wandering public realm and promenade of Wuhan, the proposed 223,000sqm GFA twin tower development has been carefully positioned to optimise the lakeside views and the best aspects of the context, and also carefully crafted to minimise its mass as an elegant form on the lake’s horizon.


This intention to connect with the context drives the development of the project from the base of the towers upwards. The intention has at ground level, been to cultivate a subtle yet generous sanctuary in the city; embracing the duality of the dynamic and passive contexts on both sides of the development through a light and welcoming court at the centre of the scheme which connects retail spaces with workplace and residential users along with the public at large.


By embracing the context and its users the scheme seeks to promote connections with the district scale and the grain of the public spaces below to ensure it becomes a celebrated and compelling new place in the city’s developing lakeside fabric.

项目类型: 商业零售、办公、酒店、住宅、 服务式公寓

占地面积: 18,664 平方米

建筑面积: 223,000 平方米

高度: 250 米

服务范围: 建筑设计、景观设计、CGI 电脑成像

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