本项目强调营造一个独特都市氛围的小区, 对外能加强城市个性, 对内则能提升工作环境质量。两个地块分别布置了三栋楼高40米至74米的塔楼,设计利用简洁有力的建筑形态来确立城市界面及项目的标志性,而高低有序的楼高亦创造了独有的临海天际线。

The design targets to create an urban community with a distinct architectural setting, which can enrich the cityscape as well as offer a most dynamic working environment. Three towers of different heights are positioned in each lot, with the volumetric forms effectively defining the city edge and establishing a lasting impression for the whole development.


Communal spaces of various scales in the form of streets, courtyards and plazas are created for maximizing public enjoyment. Taking advantage of the stepping architectural composition, terraces and green features are introduced at different levels to offer environmentally pleasant working space and additional amenities to the tenants. The proposed development will ultimately generate a sustainable, livable and humane office and commercial precinct and energize this highly developing area of Shekou in the long run.



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