Ananas Woodworking致力于以与众不同的手法打造内置与模块化家具,为建筑和室内项目提供以设计为导向的木家具定制服务。近期,该品牌推出了两套源于安那托利亚传统餐桌文化的新产品:Sofra & Stool桌椅系列。

Adopting a different design approach to built-in and modular furniture production and offering design-oriented wooden furniture manufacturing services for architectural and interior design projects, Ananas Woodworking has recently introduced two series inspired by the Anatolian table culture: Sofra and Stool.

▼Sofra & Stool 桌椅系列,Sofra and Stool series © Ananas Woodworking

Sofra &  Stool 桌椅系列/从安纳托利亚文化中汲取美的气息-3

Ananas Woodworking的团队年轻且充满活力,设计与制造能力都十分出色。Sofra & Stool系列专为设计爱好者打造,手工制作的传统桌椅以安那托利亚文化为灵感,富有浓郁的东方气息。

Serving as a wood workshop with its young and dynamic team with great design and production skills, Ananas Woodworking launched its series Sofra and Stool for design enthusiasts. Inspired by the Anatolian culture, the series Sofra and Stool were handcrafted based on the ethnic forms and spirit of the eastern culture.

▼传统形式的桌子,tables in ethnic forms © Ananas Woodworking

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The series Sofra, which was inspired by the floor tables in our traditional culture, was designed in two different sizes by considering different uses. Designers, who create different spaces for the user with products that enable the user to experience the floor tables in the Anatolian culture and that can also be used as a coffee table or side table, offer metal trays in two different colors: silver and gold. The Stool series, which include Orient, Buka, and Bookworm, can be used as a stool or side table in the bathroom, bedroom, doorway, or sitting area or as a bedside table.

▼Sofra系列,the Sofra series © Ananas Woodworking

Sofra &  Stool 桌椅系列/从安纳托利亚文化中汲取美的气息-11

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▼Stool系列,the Stool series © Ananas Woodworking

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Sofra &  Stool 桌椅系列/从安纳托利亚文化中汲取美的气息-17

Sofra和Stool系列的Orient、Bookworm、Buka等家具的主体由雪松木在加工台上旋转雕刻而成。设计均采用雪松为原材料,气质独特,清新宜人,这些来自于Taurus山脉的雪松也可作为香料使用。Sofra & Stool桌椅的自然裂纹、年轮痕迹,以及独特的香气都将令使用者深深着迷。

The legs of the Sofra series and Orient, Bookworm, and Buka (stool) are made by turning solid cedar woods on a lathe. As the raw material of both series, cedar adds a unique smell and spirit to both series. Cedar, which grows in the Taurus Mountains, is also a fragrance ingredient. As a result, two new-generation series that charm the user with the cracks on their legs, the age rings on their upper surfaces, and their unique smells emerge.

▼细部,details © Ananas Woodworking

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