Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-0

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-1

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-2

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-3

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-4

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-5

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-6

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-7

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-8

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-9

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-10

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-11

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-12

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-13

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-14

Apartment Refurbishment in Psychiko-15

This apartment, in the area of Psychiko, Athens, is located in the ground floor of a multi-storey building, built in the year 1961 on a slopy plot.

It went through some alterations and extensions of its spaces through the decades. While the original core consisted of approximately 60cm (2ft) thick stone walls, the extensions were constructed as a reinforced concrete structure with brick infills. Since a new residence was built on a neighbouring plot, there has been a change of the local groundwater line. The planners had to take protective measures, to ensure, that the apartment’s substance was not additionally endangered by rising damp. Existing parquet floors, that had already been damaged, had to be removed. All floors were then covered with one type of ceramic tiles, giving the apartment a more spacious feel as a whole. All static elements were checked and appropriate repairs were carried through, where needed. The electrical system, heating and plumbing were reconstructed and adapted to contemporary needs. The main entrance was relocated to a more central position of the floor plan. While the distinct function of the kitchen was preserved, its walls were torn down, creating a free-flow space with the living room. The two spaces are now defined by a wooden construction “hiding” an existing pillar and featuring additional storage space. The small bathroom was altered by “tidying up” its random shape. Every available space in the apartment was exploited for storage room by integrating closets in niches and openings.

The project was published by the website “kataskevesktirion.gr” (June 2018)

Architectural design and supervision of construction: Elena Exarchopoulou Panos E. Gerakakis

Apartment’s area: 71,50m² (769,50ft²) Completion of construction: 2018