Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅坐落在群山环绕的茶叶种植园中。

Choui Fong Tea Café is located in the area of Choui Fong tea plantation where is covering with a number of huge hills.

▼项目概览,overview ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-3


▼隐于山间的咖啡厅,A cafe hidden in the mountains ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-6

▼咖啡厅从半坡向外延伸,The cafe extends from the slope ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-8

Instead of locating the tea café on the hilltop, the architect decided to lay the buildings hidden in the hill but outreach to take the view of plantation. The idea is to keep the hill top view where the building rooftop would then be a 360-degree viewpoint of the plantation. Here at the rooftop, in addition to the natural atmosphere of the plantation, the visitors can do observe the farmers’ activity, tea leaves ‘hand pick’ harvesting during the day.

▼设计策略图,design strategy diagrams ©IDIN Architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-11

▼在屋顶游客不仅能够感受园区的自然氛围,还可以观察茶农们采摘茶叶的场景,On the roof, visitors can not only feel the natural atmosphere of the garden, but also observe the tea farmers picking tea leaves ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-13


▼设计示意图,design diagrams ©IDIN Architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-16

The main building is composed of three buildings; they are floated and outreached from different viewpoints. The functional areas included dining zone, café, teashop, and toilets. Scale and proportion of them are various and depended on those usage of each building. The structure is challenged point, we can see they are floating when we look at them from the foot hill and only one pile appears to bear the entire building. The retaining wall at the back is set into a distance of the building to create an extra space for the green courtyard to provide shade and shadow in this area.

▼从山脚仰视建筑,它们就像是漂浮着的,Looking up from the foot of the mountain, the buildings seem to be floating ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-19

▼后方的挡土墙与建筑物保持了一定距离,The retaining wall at the back is set into a distance of the building to create an extra space ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-21

▼通往屋顶的楼梯,Stairs to the roof ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-23


There is another separated building of toilets for visitors at the parking lot; this is to alleviate the visitor circulation during the high season. Same as with the main building, this toilet building is also hidden under the hill and also composed with stone and green courtyard for shady.

▼位于停车场的卫生间,Toilet in parking lot ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-27

▼卫生间隐于山下,The toilet is hidden under the mountain ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-29

▼卫生间入口,Toilet entrance ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-31


The interior design concept is, by the designer, willingly set to respond with several issues and purposes which are “to create natural feel, to show senses of raw materials and especially to be harmonious with the exterior design itself.” Therefore, to expose the senses and to create the feel, material selection is an important process and needed to be carefully done. In order to bring the materials stand out, we chose to make a perceptual contrast effect. As a result, two materials that are chosen as main materials of the design are pines and steels. While pines brought the natural feel, steels played an important role to hit back with strength and rawness.

▼内外空间相得益彰的设计风格,Interior and exterior Spaces complement each other ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-35

▼从咖啡厅望向茶园,View from the cafe towards the tea garden ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-37

▼从咖啡厅入口看向用餐区和零售商店,View from the cafe entrance into the dining area and the retail store ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-39

▼松木为室内空间带来自然的感觉,Pine brings a natural feel to the interior space ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-41

为了达到室内外设计的统一,建筑外部标志性的对角木纹被用在纪念品商店的展示架中,以促进商品的销售。木材和钢材也被一起用来打造普通的产品架。店内的货架上摆放着糖果、茶杯,尤其是正宗的本地茶等各式各样的Choui Fong产品。

To achieve the unity between interior and exterior design. The diagonal wood pattern that is used as exterior features is used again in souvenir shop as pattern in interior display shelves in promoting recommended items. The two materials, woods and steels, are also be used together in normal product shelves. The shelves presented several kinds of Choui Fong products such as sweets, tea cups and particularly their local and authentic tea.

▼商品零售空间,Commodity retail space ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-45

▼从零售空间看向用餐区,View to the dining area from the retail space ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-47

▼建筑外部标志性的对角木纹被用在纪念品商店的展示架中,The iconic diagonal wood grain on the exterior of the building is used in the display rack of the souvenir shop ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-49

▼木纹框架细部,Wood grain frame details ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-51


▼装饰有黑色穿孔钢的洗手间墙壁,Bathroom walls decorated with black perforated steel ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-54

Moreover, using black color and black steels is another technique that are put in many features in this interior project to harmonize with the exterior of cafe. Pantry counters are colored in black. Restroom walls are decorated with black perforated steels to create shade and shadow lighting effect at night. Apart from materials use, there is architectural element that is adopted to be in the interior design like the table leg. The rectangular diagonal leg stands similarly and identically as the way the column of the building do.

▼傍晚时分,In the evening ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-57

▼夜幕时分,At night ©Spaceshift Studio

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-59

▼项目总平面,Master plan ©IDIN architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-61

▼建筑平面,Plan ©IDIN architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-63

▼建筑不同角度立面,Elevations ©IDIN architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-65

▼建筑不同角度剖面,Sections ©IDIN architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-67

▼停车场卫生间不同角度立面,Elevations of the toilet ©IDIN architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-69

▼停车场卫生间不同角度剖面,Sections of the toilet ©IDIN architects

Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-71

Design year & Completion Year:2011,2015 Architects:Jeravej Hongsakul, Rubporn Sukatup, Eakaluk Sirijariyawat, Supachai Phiromrach Interior:Jureerat Korvanichakul, Sarin Rangsikanbhum Project location:Chiangrai, Thailand Gross Built Area:1145 sq.m. Photo credits:Spaceshift Studio

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Choui Fong茶园咖啡厅,泰国/纵览群山,茶香沁脾-93

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