城市的诞生,赋予了人类聚落与文明。 城事的诞生,则让文明以各式形态流传于后世。 城市将随时间更迭而泯灭,而城事则会成为历史的注脚,记录过往亦承载新解。 ————以此,是为城市立卷。
The birth of a city endowed humans with civilization. The birth of city affairs made civilization spread in various forms to the later generations. The city would eventually disappear with the change of time, and the city affairs would become a foot in history, recording the past and carrying a new solution. ————In this way, they could make a roll up for the city
▼办公空间概览,overview of the office  ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


Neat black as a half open box, standing on the outside, attractive, naturally mottled. Concrete, as one of the original building materials, is widely used at the entrance. According to the inscriptions on the lining wall, it directly and simply interprets the “original intention” of space.
▼以砼作为主要材料的办公室入口,office entrance using concrete as main material ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川




The rectangular ceiling lamps with array feeling are arranged in turn, the rotary floor filing cabinet stands against the wall, the old row chair is located by the window, and the natural light enters the space with the square glass. Tracing back to the past, it also gives space a new narrative perspective through the collision and combination of materials. Give a new explanation and start the prologue.
▼阵列感的矩形顶灯,rectangular ceiling lamps arranged in array ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


▼矩形顶灯近景,close shot of the rectangular ceiling lamps ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


▼转轮式落地档案柜,rotary floor filing cabinet ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川



There was a world hidden in it. As soon as you enter, you can see the wine red wooden vault gently downward, and the landing bookshelves are surrounded by the central office area. It not only meets the file storage function, but also realizes the reasonable division of space moving line.
▼落地书架,landing bookshelves ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


The independent office space is adjacent to the outer edge, and the light and natural scenery enter the room with the window, which is quiet and enjoyable. The open office area combines different functional demands to build a diversified and flexible office, reception and thinking space for users, giving consideration to comfort and security. Regardless of the surroundings, he freely captured inspiration and wrote City Story.
▼公共办公区,open office area  ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


▼通透的公共空间隔断,transparent partition in the open office area ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


▼铅灰色拱顶近景,close shot undulating lead gray vault  ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川



The undulating lead gray vault gives the space a wide field of vision, supplemented by warm lights to make the atmosphere more peaceful. The conference space constructed by black and white, with frosted glass and writable floor white board on the facade, gives the entrants an atmosphere of immersion and concentration, and also becomes the carrier of formal meeting and inspiration.
▼会议空间,conference room  ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


▼可书写落地白板,writable floor white board ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


四方之库,采拮归档。 言在意外,余味无穷。
From inside to outside, different from the sense of order of the former, the sharing area composed of wine red, white and light gray colors is equipped with various flexible combination of tables and chairs, which expands more modes and possibilities for office work. It not only meets the functional demands of creative team such as inspiration collision, research strategy and activities, but also leaves blank for the continuous growth of the team.
The square warehouse was packed up and filed. His words were full of surprise.
▼交流空间,sharing space  ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


▼做旧排椅,old row chair  ©形在空间摄影 – 贺川


Name_项目名称 Z/S STUDIO Location_项目地点 Chengdu.China_中国成都 Area_面积 680m² Date_完成时间 Apr 2021.2021年4月 Design in charge_主案设计 Tommy Yu Cooperative Design_协同设计 April Lo. Deniel Hwang. Edith Yu Animation Design_动画设计 ViVi Lee Furniture Supplier_家具提供 宅二三/Van Der Rohe凡德罗/YEPOM/Hodays Lighting Solution_灯光方案 ArtLuci Photographer_摄影 形在空间摄影Here Space贺川 Wall Craft Solution_墙面工艺方案 所是「souls」研造 Article_文案 SIJIA