To mark Wallpaper’s 20th anniversary, we conceived a bespoke version of Fontana’s Milano 1915’s ‘A’ bag, the lower half hand-painted in the signature blue tone of the magazine. Photography: Sam Hofman

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去年9月,为纪念墙纸成立20周年,我们又增添了一个新的转折。与1915年的丰塔纳·米拉诺(Fontana Milano)的“罗马宫”工作室(Porta Romana)紧密合作,墙纸*创意总监萨拉·道格拉斯(Sarah Douglas)构思了一个定制的‘A’包-下半部的蜂蜜色调一次性是手绘的墙纸*蓝色,该杂志的标志性色调,与英国造纸厂詹姆斯克罗珀合作创作。一种皮革钥匙圈,呈现为墙纸*星号,也从手柄上摆动。

我们的更新换代包括对一个安静的标志性包的优雅修整,上个月在米兰旗舰店丰塔纳米拉诺(Fontana Milano)的一个派对上展出了这款包。活动还展示了另外四款新的“A”包设计,它们在不同的蓝色阴影中被想象出来。在奇妙的冬季色彩,这些创造坐在雪花启发破碎的玻璃集,由弗雷德里克德守望者构想。


At an event at the brand’s Milan flagship last month, four other bags in varying blue hues were also showcased

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The bags were showcased against a winter-inspired set, conceived by Frederik de Watcher and created using smashed glass

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The meticulously handcrafted ‘A’ bag takes two to three days to complete

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keywords:Fashion accessories
