非常建筑桂林火祭 Dramatic Context


FCJZ:  On the enchanting banks of the Li River, beneath the fantastic peaks of Yangshuo Karst Mountains, the former State-owned sugar mill, revitalized by architect Gong Dong (Vector Architects), now stands transformed into the Yangshuo Sugar House. The once fervent sugar extraction season finds a renewed life in the Sugar House’s New Year Countdown Festival. The Wood Lace Tower is set to burn on the central terrace by the riverbank precisely at the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2023.


▽漓江畔露台上的叠凳火塔 Wood Lace Tower by the riverbank of Li River


▽山脚下的阳朔糖舍度假酒店与叠凳火塔 Yangshuo Sugar House and Wood Lace Tower at the foot of mountain

©Paul Zhong

▽鸟瞰叠凳火塔 Aerial view of Wood Lace Tower


▽叠凳火塔 Wood Lace Tower



建筑思维 Architectural Thinking


The design approach of the Wood Lace Tower reflects the ontological understanding of architecture developed by Atelier FCJZ through decades of practice. Meticulously researched and experimented with in various aspects like material, structure, space, experience, and construction, the design is realized into a piece of well-thought-out architectural installation, while seamlessly integrating with the site’s natural and cultural surroundings.


▽张永和手绘草图 Sketchs by Yung Ho Chang

©非常建筑 ©非常建筑

▽游泳者与火塔 Swimmer with the Tower


▽儿童与火塔 child with the Tower


▽客人将许愿牌放置在火塔上 Guests placeing wish cards on the Tower

©何俊杰 ©何俊杰


传统技艺 Traditional Craft


The Wood Lace Tower materializes primarily through the use of the commonplace 9mm thick laminated plywood. Its stable triangular form, a testament to its robust structural stability, relies on the time-honored mortise and tenon joint technique for each component unit and ensures not only solidity but also flexibility. Employing a modular production approach and on-site assembly warrants precision in fabrication of parts while enabling convenient and efficient construction. To ensure a complete combustion of the tower, the entire structure did not use any metal components.


▽傍晚的叠凳火塔 Wood Lace Tower at dusk

©Paul Zhong

▽塔身局部 Close-up


▽火塔立面 Tower elevation


▽从火塔内仰视顶端的孔明灯 Look up at the sky lanterns at top from inside of the Tower


▽细部 Detail




The Tower, with its lace-like, porous and ethereal rectangular volume, gracing the riverside terrace, provides a visual journey through the installation to a panoramic view of the surrounding natural landscape. Amidst an industrial ruin, the Tower engages in a harmonious dialogue with the preserved concrete frame within the site. At its burning, the number of traditional Chinses sky lanterns on the top of the Tower are released with aflame installation, carrying wishes and aspirations for the upcoming New Year.


▽叠凳火塔夜景 Wood Lace Tower night view


▽火塔与孔明灯 Tower and traditional Chinses sky lanterns


▽叠凳火塔夜景 Wood Lace Tower at night


▽聚在塔下迎接新年的人群 Crowds gathered under the Tower to celebrate New Year


▽火塔在2023年的最后一秒被点燃 The Tower was lit at the last second in 2023


▽燃烧中的叠凳火塔 Wood Lace Tower in the fire

©何俊杰 ©何俊杰 ©何俊杰

▽轴测 Axonometric


▽标准视图 Standard view


▽平面 Plan


▽立面 Elevations


▽剖面 Sections


▽节点大样 details





竣工时间:2023. 11. 21

Client: Yangshuo Sugar House
Location: Yangshuo, Guilin, China
Principal Architects: Yung Ho Chang, Lijia Lu
Project Team: Guo Qingmin
Construction Team: Weiyuan Studio
Building Area: 16m²
Structure: Xu Minsheng
Design Period: ≈30 days
Completion Time: 2023. 11. 21




更多 Read more about:  非常建筑


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