▼场所氛围,Atmosphere of the place ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-5
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-6
▼分析图,Concept diagram ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-9
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-10
▼立面,Facade ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-12
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-13
Symbolism through geometric interpretation is an imperative feature of Islamic art and architecture. Islam prescribes symbolic or suggestive approach rather than literal representation of any sort. This makes geometry one of the most vital tools in abstraction of symbolism in mosque design, which seeks its development through the philosophy and way of life. In this particular mosque, the project brief had the firm requirements of having the traditional symbolic elements of a mosque like the dome, minarets and arch. This imposed criterion was taken as rather an opportunity by the designers to exercise the abstraction of the traditional symbols in mosque architecture through the concept of “Abstract Semiotics”. This principle was applied in measurable mass and space, and other immeasurable aspects with a deeper perceptual level.
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-16
▼局部特写,Close-up of the part of building ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-18
▼立面肌理,Textures of the facade ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-20
▼肌理特写,Close-up of the textures ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-22
▼立面细部,Detail of the facade ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-24
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-25
▼入口特写,Close-up of the entrance ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-28
The dome here is a floating dome, allowing the daylight through the interior, giving an experience of the vastness of the sky. The minarets are carved as sculptural elements soaring towards the sky. The entrance of the mosque is translated from a typical arch to a volumetric arch making it more inviting.
▼祈祷空间特写,Close-up of the prayer space ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-31
▼祈祷空间,Prayer space ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-34
▼静谧与神圣,Silent and sacred ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-36
A human centric scale has been intended by carving a simple rectangular volume which represents stability. The single storey mosque with a lofty height gives the users a brilliant experience in terms of spatial quality. The mosque gives the spirituality not only by spatial quality, but also with touch and vision.
▼光影特写,Close-up of the light ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-39
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-40
To achieve timeless materiality, red brick and stones are used which goes back long way in Bangladeshi mosque heritage. The deep red of the brick brings about a mellow contrast to the surrounding greenery of the area. While brick makes the enclosure, floors and plinth are made of stone, mainly marble. The marble floors are porous and keep the floors cool even during the blistering summer heat waves.
▼室内氛围,Atmosphere of the interior ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-44
▼光线编制的肌理,Light fabric ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-46
Light has been used as a building element here, rather than just an environmental parameter. In addition to the direct lights from the apertures in the North and South side, few more indirect lights has been designed to wash through the wall and dome, enhancing the spirituality.
▼天窗特写,Close-up of the skylight ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-50
As mosques are comparatively quieter in the other days except Friday noon, the building is more reliant on natural ventilation and cooling instead of being too reliant on mechanical means cutting the unnecessary costs. Large apertures ensure abundance of lights and air. The ambience of the entire prayer space is enhanced by skylight that keeps the area well illuminated.
▼夜景,Night view ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-54
▼夜色下的砖墙,Night view of the bricks wall  ©Asif Salman
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-56
▼总平面图,Master plan ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-58
▼首层平面,Ground floor plan ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-60
▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-62
▼东立面图,East elevation ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-64
▼西立面图,West elevation ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-66
▼南立面,South elevation ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-68
▼北立面,North elevation ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-70
▼剖面图AA’,Section AA’ ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-72
▼剖面图BB’,Section BB’ ©Cubeinside
Bait Ur Raiyan清真寺,孟加拉国 / CUBEINSIDE-74


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