Studio Jencquel:沿着巴厘岛海岸行驶,在轻便摩托车的喇叭声间穿行,经过路边的小吃摊、棕榈树林和汹涌的海浪,一场令人心驰神往的旅行就此开启。抵达佩库塔坦(Pekutatan)后,一条宁静的乡村小路通向一片空地,小路两旁寺庙林立,树木成荫。突然,眼前仿佛出现了一面巨大的、灯火通明的霓虹灯墙,巨大的字体宣扬着度假的乐趣。墙上有一扇暗藏的小门,它平淡无奇,很容易被错过。打开折扇门,随即进入一片郁郁葱葱的丛林,一条狭窄的小径在热带植物丛林之间穿梭,前行,而后抵达一片树屋景观,这里就是 LOST LINDENBERG 酒店,一个远离巴厘岛大众旅游景点的新聚集地:人们可以在日出时在纯净的黑色熔岩沙地上冲浪;在开放式的公共空间里享受宁静;在凉棚下练习瑜伽;在海滩上点燃篝火,在碧绿的泳池里享用亲自采摘的椰子,或在丛林水疗中心享受香薰按摩;夜晚在餐厅享用丰盛的植物晚餐,分享彼此的故事。—— LINDENBERG

2022 年 7 月 15 日, LOST LINDENBERG 开业,它作为法兰克福酒店管理公司 LINDENBERG 的第五个项目,也是他们在印度尼西亚的第一个项目。该酒店的设计注重客人的集体体验,盛邀他们在酒店的公共区域共度美好时光。八间精心设计的客房高高耸立在巴厘岛西海岸的棕榈丛林树梢间,坐落在绵长、纯净、闪闪发光的黑色熔岩沙滩上,每间客房都为客人提供了独享的静谧空间.—— LINDENBERG

Studio Jencquel:The drive along Bali’s coast, amongst honking moped drivers, past roadside Warungs (street food stands), palm forests and crashing waves, is captivating. On arrival in Pekutatan, a quiet village road lined with temples and frangipani trees leads to a clearing and, as if out of nowhere, a huge, brightly illuminated wall of neon signs appears, advertising holiday pleasures in giant letters. It would look more at home in Las Vegas than it does in Bali. There’s a small, secret door built into it, so plain that it’s easy to miss. Open it, and enter a lush green jungle, a narrow path weaves between tropical plants before reaching a landscape of treehouses. We are at LOST LINDENBERG, a new guest collective far removed from Bali‘s garish mass tourism: Surfing waves at sunrise against a backdrop of pristine black lava sand; enjoying peace and quiet in the open-plan communal spaces; practising yoga under the pergola; enjoying bonfires on the beach, self-harvested coconuts in the turquoise pool or an aroma massage in the jungle spa; in the evenings, sumptuous plant-based dinners at the restaurant and the sharing of stories.(Text by LINDENBERG)

From 15th of July 2022, all this will be possible at LOST LINDENBERG, the fifth project, and the first in Indonesia, from the young Frankfurt hospitality company, LINDENBERG. Just as with their previous concepts, LOST LINDENBERG focuses on the collective experience of the guests, who are invited to spend their time together in the property’s communal areas. Retreat is offered in each of the eight lovingly-designed rooms, which are elevated high amongst the treetops of the West Balinese palm jungle, set on a long and pristine, glistening black lava sand beach.(Text by LINDENBERG)



LOST LINDENBERG 位于巴厘岛西海岸的一个印度教小村庄,是 Pekutatan 社区的一部分,基本没有受到旅游业的影响。这里是一个隐秘的世外桃源,周围寺庙环绕,大自然和神圣的灵魂主宰着这里,距离著名的梅德维冲浪点(Medewi Surf Point)仅一箭之遥。

LOST LINDENBERG is part of the Pekutatan community, a small Hindu village on Bali‘s west coast that is largely untouched by tourism. A hidden retreat surrounded by temples, ruled by nature and sacred spirits – and only a stone‘s throw from the famous Medewi Surf Point.



酒店共有八间客房,分为两种不同类型。两间海洋全景套房位于前排,拥有直面大海的开阔视野;另外六间丛林全景套房则可以欣赏丛林和寺庙的景色。45 平方米的套房全部配备了当代艺术品、可持续亚麻床上用品、定制的 Gaya 陶瓷、空调和宽敞的浴室。

There are eight rooms of two different types. Guests can catch a glimpse of the waves from each of the treehouses, but the two Ocean Panorama Suites, which sit in front row position, look directly out to sea; the six Jungle Panorama Suites offer views of the jungle and temples. The 45m2 suites are all furnished with contemporary art, sustainable linen bedding, custom made Gaya ceramics, air conditioning and spacious bathrooms.



梅德维冲浪点拥有巴厘岛最长的海浪,吸引了不同水平的冲浪爱好者,这也为酒店带来了可观的客源。此外,酒店拥有一个私人冲浪区 LOST BEACH,房费中包含了由当地教练指导的冲浪课程。游客还可以租用酒店与 Pyzel Surfboards 品牌合作生产的冲浪板。

Home to Bali‘s longest wave, Medewi Surf Point attracts surfers of all levels, and surfing is an essential element of staying at LOST. The hotel‘s own LOST BEACH is still a little known surf spot, and included in the room rates are surf sessions with local instructors. Boards made in-house in collaboration with Pyzel Surfboards are available for hire.



7 米长的实木餐桌是 LOST LINDENBERG 餐厅的核心,客人们可以在这里尽情交谈,享用丰盛的美食。餐厅的烹饪理念以顺应季节变化的当地风味美食来颂扬自然,并以植物食材为基础,在巴厘岛家常菜中融入西方元素。所有的食材均由酒店自己种植或从附近的有机生态种植园采购。早餐、晚餐均可自主选用,除此之外,池畔吧台还供应经典长饮、当地康普茶和时令鸡尾酒。

The solid, seven-metre-long wooden table, where guests meet for conversations and opulent meals, is the heart of LOST LINDENBERG. The culinary concept here celebrates nature with its seasonal and local flavours and offers a plant-based approach to Balinese home cooking with western influences. All ingredients are cultivated at LOST or sourced from nearby organic permacultures. Choose from the likes of homemade granola, tropical fruits and coconut French toast for breakfast, and sumptuous rice plates with a variety of spicy sambals (chilli pastes) for dinner. The poolside bar serves classic long drinks, local kombuchas and seasonal cocktails.



水疗中心 SPA

The small spa is located in LOST’s jungle. Built in the style of a gladak, the traditional wooden houses originally used for storing crops, the site is now a place of tranquillity. Balinese massages smooth muscles strained by the surf; treatments are inspired by local rituals and aromatherapy, filling the spa with scents of chamomile, lavender, lemongrass and bergamot.




酒店建筑由 Alexis Dornier 和 Studio Jencquel 负责设计。Alexis Dornier 表示:“我们的主要思路是在神秘的丛林环境中创造一种不同寻常的梦幻体验。我们将空间和走道建在离地面很高的位置。使交错的建筑悬浮在高大的椰子树间,并可以看到前方的大海。这些塔楼建筑之间由一条被称为“高线”的通道连接,步道可以直接通向大海。我们希望营造一种行走在另一个世界的感觉,就像停在一艘漂浮的船上,居高临下,安全无忧,野生丛林就在家门口。建筑与建筑之间紧密相连,在树丛中形成了一个村庄,一个小型的漂浮社会。LOST 的设计非常注重细节,融合传统与现代于一体。主要材料选用可以持续获得的木材,呈现出各种不同的图案和花纹;地面铺设巴厘岛绿色石材;黄铜则是整个建筑的点睛之笔。通过 LOST,人们得以进入一个介于虚构与现实之间的、梦幻般的世界。”

Alexis Dornier and Studio Jencquel are responsible for LOST’s architecture. “The main idea was to create an unusual, dreamy experience in the midst of a mystical jungle. We imagined spaces and walkways high off the ground. Constructed beside tall coconut trees, the staggered towers provide a glimpse of the sea in front. The towers are con￾nected by a so-called highline, an elevated walkway pointing towards the sea. We wanted to give the feeling of walking in a different world, of resting on a floating ship, elevated and safe, with the wild jungle at your doorstep. Grouped close together, the towers form a quasi village in the trees, a small floating society. LOST is designed with great attention to detail, with examples of the traditional contrasted by exaggerations. The predominant material is sustainably-sourced wood in various patterns and directions, the floors are covered with Bali green stone, and brass is used as an accent in the whole composition. With LOST we move in a dream world, somewhere between fiction and reality.”(Alexis Dornier)



室内空间以及其他建筑元素由 Studio Jencquel 设计。“室内融合了从当地采购的亚麻织物、熔岩石、热带硬木、焦柚木以及河石等材料,温暖而舒适空间装饰仿佛要将我们拥抱入怀。浴室里的木质百叶窗模糊了室内外的界限,不仅能让海风吹入,还能遮挡烈日。而全景式窗户让我们可以遥望地平线上驶过的船只。项目中包含的家具、灯具、陶瓷餐具和几乎所有的配件均由 Studio Jencquel 专门设计。忧郁和昏暗的主题隐隐贯穿于设计之中,用一句话形容就是:为我甜蜜的惆怅划上一道霓虹色的伤疤。”—— Studio Jencquel 创始人 Max Jencquel

The interior concept as well as additional architectural elements are designed by Studio Jencquel. “The interiors are warm and cosy, as if they want to embrace us, integrating linen fabrics, lava stone, tropical hardwood, burnt teak and river stones. The colours and materials are locally sourced. The wooden blinds in the bathroom blur the line between outdoors and indoors, letting the sea breeze in while providing a sense of protection from the hot sun. Panoramic windows allow us to spot boats passing by on the horizon. The furniture, the lamps, the ceramic tableware and almost all the accessories in this project were custom designed by Studio Jencquel. The underlying theme of melancholy and darkness is strongly felt throughout: a neon scar on my sweet melancholy.”(Max Jencquel, Studio Jencquel)



“景观是建筑的延伸(反之亦然)。连接塔楼的高架步道实际上是一条小径的延续,它始于花园,穿过建筑,最终到达黑色熔岩沙滩。小径从入口开始,经过霓虹灯装置,引导我们首先穿过一片植物种类繁多的热带树林:蕨类植物、菩提树、香蕉树、榕树、猴面包树、凤梨等等。在森林里,可以看到长满青苔的岩石喷泉、神龛旁供人冥想的长凳、供游客聆听和阅读 Artur Becker 诗歌的封闭式花园,以及花园中央一棵巨大的菩提树。穿过森林,小径一直延伸到草地,这是一片靠近接待处的广阔区域,在这里可以找到巴厘岛上的所有草本植物。随着我们从一个区域来到另一个区域,地貌也随之变化,雨水被引入河流岩石的沟壑中,汇聚成小溪(雨季时则像河流)。这里有一处圣泉,圣泉旁边有一块精心放置的大河石,位于两座熔岩石庙之间。餐厅和休息区周围种植了大量的九重葛和芬芳的“夜夫人”(白拉索兰)。高大的建筑旁种植了塔形的树种,用以缓和巨大的建筑尺度,使其看起来不那么突出。最后,一条隐蔽的小路穿过一片蒲葵林通向海滩。”—— Max Jencquel

“The landscape design is an extension of the architectural footprint (or vice versa). The highline connecting the towers is actually the continuation of a path that begins in the garden, penetrates the buildings and ends at the black lava sand beach. The path begins at the entrance past the neon installation and leads us first through a tropical forest. The variety of plants here is huge: heliconias, ferns, Bodhi trees, banana trees, Banyan trees, Majapahit trees, Baobab trees, Pule trees, bromeliads to name but a few. Inside the forest, we encounter moments such as a mossy rock turned fountain, a bench for meditating by a shrine, an enclosed garden where guests can listen to and read poetry by Artur Becker, and an enormous Pule tree in the middle. Beyond the forest, the path continues on to grasslands, a vast area close to the reception that extends to approximately the middle of the property and in which one can find every grass species available here on Bali. The landscape changes as we move from one zone to the next, and rainwater is channelled into swales of river rock that look like streams (or rivers in the rainy season). There is a sacred spring and, next to it, a large, carefully placed river rock set between two lava stone temples. Bougainvillaeas and fragrant “lady of the night” are planted generously around the dining and lounge areas. Tower trees are planted next to the tall buildings to appease the size and dimensions of the architectural giants and make them appear somewhat smaller. Finally, a hidden path leads to the beach through a forest of pandan trees.” (Max Jencquel, Studio Jencquel).



艺术品 ART
艺术品的布置和运营构成了 LINDENBERG 所有设计理念的重要组成部分。LOST LINDENBERG 的艺术品体现了印尼传统、自然和城市生活方式之间的折衷主义。为此,LINDENBERG 团队搜罗了印尼当地各个时代的古董,如花瓶、篮子和雕像等。这些物品与印尼艺术家 Prawobo 和英国摄影师 Annie Collinge 等人的当代摄影作品之间形成鲜明对比。

The curation and use of artistic works constitutes an essential part in all of LINDENBERG’s concepts. The art at LOST LINDENBERG plays with the eclecticism between Indonesian tradition, nature and urban lifestyles. To this end, the LINDENBERG team sourced local Indonesian antiques from all eras, such as vases, baskets and statues. These items contrast with contemporary photographs by, among others, Indonesian artist Prawobo and British photographer Annie Collinge.



在入口区域,法兰克福著名艺术家、金狮奖得主 Tobias Rehberger 的霓虹灯装置打断了茂密的热带丛林。这些令人眼花缭乱的彩色信息代表了一个嘈杂的世界,大多数游客可能都想逃离这个世界,当然也没想到会在巴厘岛西海岸的丛林中又与这个世界相遇。“我的装置旨在作为一个阶段性的过渡,是对喧嚣最后的近乎仪式性的告别,当游客发现隐藏的入口,并穿过墙壁上的隐秘开口进入 LOST LINDENBERG 宁静的天堂时,他们就可以真正地远离喧嚣。”—— 艺术家 Tobias Rehberger

In the entrance area, the thick tropical jungle is interrupted by a neon sign installation by renowned Frankfurt artist and Golden Lion winner, Tobias Rehberger. “The bewildering collection of colourful messages represents the noisy world that most visitors probably want to escape from and certainly were not expecting to find here in the jungle on Bali‘s west coast. My installation is intended as a staged transition, a final, almost ritual farewell to the hustle and bustle that visitors can literally leave behind when they discover the hidden entrance and step through the secret opening in the wall into the tranquil paradise of LOST LINDENBERG.” (Tobias Rehberger, artist)




LOST LINDENBERG 尽可能以环保、低浪费的方式运营。酒店使用太阳能电池板提供能源,餐厅使用的水果和蔬菜均来自 LOST 自己的生态农业。所有产品,如肥皂和卫生纸,也都是在当地生产的;管理人员每周都会清理海滩上的垃圾;酒店餐厅和所有 LINDENBERG 的项目一样,完全以植物为原料(不含动物产品)。

为了对当地社区做出贡献,LINDENBERG 与当地冲浪爱好者一起创办了 LOST BUNCH,这项教育计划旨在支持、鼓励梅德维的儿童和年轻人,并为他们开辟新的前景。这里的很多年轻人都对冲浪充满热情,但却没有机会进入教育机构学习,该项教育计划将把冲浪课程与英语、可持续发展和酒店管理等课程结合起来,并希望未来能为他们提供更多机会。

LOST LINDENBERG operates as far as possible in an environmentally friendly, low-waste manner. Solar panels supply the property with energy, and fruits and vegetables from LOST’s own permaculture are used in the restaurant. All products such as soaps and toilet paper, are produced regionally and fairly; litter is collected in weekly beach clean-ups; and the restaurant – like all LINDENBERG projects – is entirely plant-based (free of animal products).

In order to contribute to the local community, LINDENBERG founded LOST BUNCH, an educational programme with local surfers that supports, encourages and opens up new prospects for children and young adults in Medewi. Many of these young people are passionate about surfing, but have no access to educational institutions. The programme combines surfing lessons with classes in subjects such as English, sustainability and hospitality with the hope of opening up more opportunities to them in the future.





项目地点:印度尼西亚 巴厘岛
项目时间:2022 年
建筑公司:Studio Jencquel, Alexis Dornier
室内设计:Studio Jencquel
艺术家:Tobias Rehberger
图片:Robert Rieger

Project location: Bali, Indonesia
Project time: 2022
Project Type: Hotel
Construction company: Studio Jencquel, Alexis Dornier
Interior design: Studio Jencquel
Company Website:
Artist: Tobias Rehberger
Photo: Robert Rieger




更多 Read more about:Studio Jencquel


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