
ALL STUDIOThe “Wu Tong” is located in the entrance part of Shentang Village in Yiwu, consisting of a concrete structure main building and three auxiliary buildings, maintaining a close relationship with the village. As a landmark building, The front Chinese parasol tree Courtyard has witnessed the historical changes of the village for a hundred years and bears the memory of several generations of villagers.


▽场地鸟瞰 Site aerial view 


▽建筑与周围自然环境的关系 The relationship between architecture and the surrounding natural environment




The design attempts to establish a way that constantly guides people to establish the relationship between the architecture, the tree yard and the surrounding landscape when roaming the building. We hope that through this mechanism, we can create the experience of participants and truly weave the spatial memory, buildings and local landscape into one.


▽建筑西南正立面 Southwest facade of the building


▽树与建筑的关系被展现在立面上供人阅读 Multilevel relationships between building facade and trees for people to read


▽梧桐院子里游客落座休息 Tourists in parasol tree yard



体与景 Block and Scenery


On the premise of not touching the original structure, after strip away the original language confusion of the facade, we put a set of different scales of “Blocks” in the building’s “bones”, relying on these “Blocks” to get close to the surroundings from multiple angles.


▽建筑与梧桐树整体模型Frontal model

©其实建筑事务所 ©其实建筑事务所

▽设计置入的的“体”与建筑的关系 The Relationship between the Blocks and the building


▽二层两个楔形体呈现不同的与院子对话的关系 Two wedges on 2F present shows different relationships with the courtyard dialogue




Two wedge-shaped teahouses were placed on the second floor to restore the intention of pavilions in landscape paintings firstly. Among them, one block have the strong opening height almost swallows the tree in front of it. The other one is opposite, it is small on the outside and large on the inside, crawling and looking towards to the forest in the front courtyard.


▽入口梧桐院内望向楔形“张望”茶室 The entrance space looking at the wedge-shaped tearoom


▽建筑一层灰空间 Gray space on the first floor


▽楔形茶室正立面Main facade of wedge-shaped tearoom


▽西南侧包厢凸出的体,匍匐伸向树院 Block in building and the relationship with the tree


▽楔形茶室与一棵贴近式的树 One wedge-shaped tearoom and the tree


▽楔形茶室望向窗外 Interior of the wedge-shaped tearoom


▽二层楔形茶室空间 2F Wedge-shaped tearoom


▽二层窗户的精准取山景 Accurate mountain view of the second floor window




On the first floor, a 4 * 8M block is designed to create a funnel-shaped gray space between the front courtyard and hallway to coordinate and balance the atmosphere of the front and backyards. The space of the book bar on the south side of the building introduces the Chinese parasol tree crowns landscape on the high side, and the low part opens the sight through the Chifeng Road to the distant wheat fields, accompanied by the sound of the Wulibai River, which is quiet and secluded.


▽一层穿堂过道中嵌入的4乘8m咖啡厅 4-by-8m coffee box inserted in the first floor aisle


▽一层檐下灰空间望向梧桐院 The grey space under the eaves on the first floor looks towards the parasol tree Yard


▽静谧氛围的阅读区 The quiet atmosphere of the reading area


▽书吧的通高空间,将自然从不同方向引进 The reading space introducing nature from different directions



褶与向 Fold and Direction


The east side of the building faces to the hinterland of Nanshentang Village. We transformed the east facade of the building into a folded way – a continuously changing metal plate covering and a directional glass window. The folds absorb light during the continuous turning process, while bringing the viewer’s gaze to the mottled tile roof below, the nearby village houses, and the distant fields and hills.


▽建筑东北立面虫视角 Insect perspective from Northeast facade


▽建筑东北立面 Northeast facade


▽东北立面上咖啡厅、褶子窗、穿堂过道的关系 The relationship between the coffee box, pleated windows, and hallway on the northeast facade



针与线 Needle and Thread


After a hundred years of growth, the Chinese parasol forest on the south side of the site has interwoven tree crowns throughout the yard. The Forest plays an important role in this project. On the west facade, there are four trees close to the building. We set the relationship between the tree and the building to different levels: close, touch, avoid, through… The relationship between the tree and the building is displayed horizontally on the facade for people to read. Facing of the flourishing forest and the cost constraints, the building facade material uses warm and low saturation red roughening paint as a response. The green forest and red buildings complement each other, and also echo the relationship of “needle and thread ” between the two sides.


▽西南立面横向长阳台与长窗如画卷般展开 The horizontal balcony and long windows of the southwest facade unfold as a scroll painting


▽建筑与梧桐树的共生关系 Symbiotic relationship between building and parasol trees


▽树与建筑的关系 之 贴近式 The close relationship between building and trees


▽树与建筑的关系 之 挪位避开式 Staggered relationship between building and trees


▽树与建筑的关系 之 穿堂入室式 Symbiotic relationship between building and trees


▽树“穿越”过建筑Tree passing through the building




Except physical and color considerations, the relationship of ” needle and thread” is also reflected in the streamline from the first floor to the second floor, where the “Blocks” set is connected and repeatedly incorporated and emphasized the forest into the visitor’s experience. Under the interaction of multiple considerations, the fate of the building is closely intertwined with the growing forest.


▽建筑与梧桐院子交织的关系 Interwoven relationship between architecture and trees


▽夜晚建筑与树林静谧的氛围 The quiet atmosphere of the building and yard



▽总平面图 Masterplan 


▽一层平面图 1F Plan 


▽二层平面图 2F Plan 


▽重点场景图 Key space drawing


▽立面图 Elevation





Project Name: Yiwu Chian Wutong yard
Project location: Nan Shentang village, Yiwu, Zhejiang
Gross Built Area: 850㎡
Project Function: Research+Restaurant+Tea House+Coffee
Completion Year:2023
Architecture Firm: ALL STUDIO
Lead Architects: Shiqi Li
Design Team: Shiqi Li, Lei Jin, Hui Tan
Material:Concrete, coating, steel, glass
Website: http://www.qishiarchi.com/
Contact e-mail: all_studio@yeah.net
Photo credits: Qingshan Wu
Clients: Wutong yard
Construction:Pan Feng Achitecture Group




更多 Read more about: 其实建筑事务所


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