CEBRA Architecture:据估计,红树林覆盖了阿联酋 150 多平方公里的海岸线,是该地区最重要和最独特的景观之一。朱拜尔红树林公园(the Jubail Mangrove Park)约占阿联酋红树林总面积的 75 %,在提高人们对红树林栖息地重要生态功能的认识、欣赏和理解方面发挥着重要作用。红树林独特的生态系统不仅为阿布扎比本地的各种鸟类和海洋物种提供栖息和觅食场所,还通过建立缓冲区、过滤和平缓潮汐流来保护沿海地区免受侵蚀。

CEBRA Architecture: Estimated to cover more than 150 km2 of the UAE’s coastline, the mangroves form one of the region’s most important and distinctive landscapes. Containing approx. 75% of the total mangrove forest area in the UAE, the Jubail Mangrove Park plays an important role in enhancing the awareness, appreciation and understanding of the important ecological function of the mangrove habitats. The mangrove’s unique ecosystem not only provides shelter and foraging to a variety of avian and marine species native to Abu Dhabi, but also protect coastal areas from erosion by creating a buffer zone, filtering, and pacifying tidal flows.


▽项目概况 Project overview

© Rahul Vinodan © Rahul Vinodan


由 CEBRA Architecture 设计的公园项目旨在让公众能够进入红树林,并提供不同的学习和休闲体验,同时尽可能减少对脆弱生态系统的影响。

CEBRA’s design for the park project aims at making the mangroves accessible to the public and providing differentiated learning and leisure experiences, while impacting the delicate ecosystem as little as possible.


▽穿越红树林的木栈道 Wooden walkway through the mangroves

© Rahul Vinodan © Rahul Vinodan


在景观中学习 Learning from the landscape


To keep the architectural interventions to a minimum and to put the natural landscape at the centre of the experience, our concept utilizes three design elements, which are combined and adapted to different locations throughout the park: the visitor centre, the boardwalk, and the learning nodes.


▽概念草图 Sketch concept

© CEBRA Architecture


▽入口和平台草图 Sketch entrance & platforms

© CEBRA Architecture © CEBRA Architecture



The ambition for the architectural elements is to focus on experience and learning. Not limiting learning stations elements to the visitor centre but spreading them along the boardwalk as varying learning nodes, we activate the entire Mangrove Park, creating diverse learning experiences directly related to the changing landscape along the boardwalk.


▽游客中心 The visitor centre

© Jon Wallis


▽木栈道 The boardwalk

© Jon Wallis



In line with the design philosophy – to create a subtle and gentle intervention – the educational nodes are designed with few, but strong storytelling elements integrated into the boardwalk. Furthermore, by distributing most of the learning elements along the route through the mangrove the size and impact of the visitor centre building on the landscape is reduced significantly.


© Jon Wallis © Jon Wallis


▽观鸟塔 Birdwatching tower

© Jon Wallis


▽观鸟塔结构细节 Birdwatching tower structural detail

© Jon Wallis © Jon Wallis


▽观鸟塔 Birdwatching tower

© CEBRA Architecture



The platforms are designed as natural extensions of the boardwalk, as “intensified” areas building on the design variations already integrated in the boardwalk system. Our concept includes seven learning nodes, which are specifically designed to communicate different themes relating to the mangroves, for instance tidal movement, underwater life, the distinctive mangrove roots, or traditional salt collection.


▽潮汐作用 power of tidal water

© CEBRA Architecture


▽食盐收集 Salt collectors

© CEBRA Architecture © CEBRA Architecture


▽独立平台 Detached platform

© CEBRA Architecture © CEBRA Architecture


▽平面图 Plan

© CEBRA Architecture




项目地点:阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿布扎比 朱拜尔岛
规模:670 平方米的建筑、3 公里的木栈道
状态:2020 年竣工
设计公司:CEBRA Architecture
客户:Modon Properties
摄影师:Jon Wallis、Rahul Vinodan

Project Name: Mangrove Park
Location: Jubail Island, Abu Dhabi; UAE
Size: 670 m² buildings and 3 km boardwalk routes
Status: Completed in 2020
Landscape/Architecture Firm: CEBRA Architecture
Client: Modon Properties
Engineer: GHD
Photographer: Jon Wallis, Rahul Vinodan



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: CEBRA Architecture


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