
——《上塔坡村日记》 王润年

L&A GROUP: “Shangtapo Village was among thousands of Chinese villages that disappeared in the process of urbanization. From demolition to new construction, the local culture and the nostalgia will become an emotional connection and lifelong memory of every Tapo Villagers.”

Shangtapo Village Diary by Wang Runnian



设计理念 | 追溯场地记忆 Concept | Bring Back Memories of the Site


“Tapo Village got its name for there was a pagoda on the mountain slope. It is west to Weiqu Town and nearby General He’s Forest.” Located on the site of Shangtapo Village in Chang’an District, Xi’an City, the project is adjacent to the Western Avenue, overlooking the Qingliangshan Forest Park in the north.


▽项目区位 Project location




Tapo Village, as its name suggested, was a village on the slope. Time flies. Later, General He’s Forest was developed into a village, where hard-working Tapo people worked and lived for more than one hundred years. Located in northwest though it was, it looked like a water village in Jiangnan Region with canals, fertile farmland, vegetable gardens, paddy fields, dwellings, dogs……

With the rapid development of economy and society, factories, schools and cement roads were built in Tapo village, and tap water was also available. It was once the biggest village in the city for migrant workers to settle in Chang’an District. Afterwards, in the process of urbanization, Shangtapo Village was relocated and withdrew from the historical arena. Years later, when visitors to Grandjoy Future Here strolling around, will they think of a pagoda that was once standing on the slop?


▽毗邻清凉山森林公园 Nearby Qingliangshan Forest Park



Now this thousand-year-old village has ushered in a new chapter. From an ancient village to a modern city, we established a dialogue and created an exhibition hall of the city that embraces nature.




From the very beginning, the project is positioned as an exhibition hall and art center of the city. Considering its location and history, the landscape design fully respects the characteristics of the site, and combines the natural environment, site memories and urban image. We are expecting to create a public exhibition hall that displays the beauty of art and the future of the city at the same time.


▽项目俯瞰图 Aerial View of the Project


建筑 —— 森林 | 自然渗透场地 Building – Forest | Naturally Permeate the Site 


The forest permeates the site, where modern building meets the urban oasis, shaping an urban image that features art and energy.



艺术切角 | 城市对话新视角 Artistic Perspective | Dialogue with the City 


Since the site is parallel to the Western Avenue, with an uncomfortable visual distance. Therefore, how to extend the interface and respond to its position as “exhibition hall and art center of the city” was the first challenge we faced.


▽设计思考 Design thinking


In the beginning, resonance with Malevich in art allowed us to draw inspiration from his paintings, which feature geometrical abstract pieces to develop a form of expression that moved as far as possible from the world of natural forms (objectivity) and subject matter in order to access “the supremacy of pure feeling”and spirituality. In our opinion, the same is true for landscape, which should serve as the carrier of feelings as well as the connection between nature and humans. With this idea in mind, we are trying to create a multi-dimensional, multi-perspective and aesthetically valuable landscape experience.


▽卡西米尔·塞文洛维奇·马列维奇 画作 Painting by Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

▽空间模型 Space Model


” 几何形状漂浮在空间中,一些似乎在其他的前面,空间似乎由多层组成,这些构成语言自身看起来是扁平的,但显然浮在三维空间中,让空间表现出纯粹的情感。”



“Geometrical pieces float in the space, some in front of others, making the space display multiple layers. The pieces themselves appear flat, but when they are floating in the 3D space, the space accesses “the supremacy of pure feeling.”

By combining natural and artificial landscapes, we hoped to create a multi-functional landscape space, which is expected to give people a better life experience and make the city and community more attractive.

The building and the interior spaces are integrated into the landscape system. Skills of extending, stacking and balancing are employed to create a new space structure, which contributes to a flowing, relaxing, floating and timeless spatial experience. A new connection between the urban environment and the site thus is established.



美学融合| 建筑景观化与景观建筑化 Architecture and Landscape | Aesthetic Integration


By integrating the building with the surroundings, we made it part of the landscape and thus created a more practical and beautiful space. It is not only a landscape style but also a comprehensive consideration about the interaction and integration between architecture and landscape.


▽化解城市喧嚣 A Relief From the Hustle and Bustle of City Life



Vertically, there is a large height difference between the site and the urban road, and the multi-level building itself becomes a terrace overlooking the city. How to take advantage of the height difference and integrate the landscape with the building is the second challenge we must to overcome.




By skills of stacking, staggering and balancing, we gave up conventional blocks, which helps soften the building while extending the space and upgrading the visual experience. At the same time, we employed Malevich’s artistic expression, combing art, design and lines to establish a dialogue with the city. The deconstructed planes extend three-dimensionally, making the space richer and more meaningful.


▽从城市到景观展厅 From City to Landscape Exhibition Hall



Terraced spaces overlook the Qingliang Mountain in the east. Two vertical lines run fast and slow, up and down to enrich the experience and offer multiple options for visitors. And as a supplement, the terrace garden provides a panoramic view of the city.


▽建筑景观室内相结合 Integration of Building, Landscape and Interior 


空间体验序列 | 以自然之姿 与艺术对话 Dialogue with Art in a Natural Way | Order of Spatial Experience 


The integration of building, landscape and interior creates a flexible order for spatial experience. According to the characteristics of the site, landscape is designed to integrate into the building and the interior spaces, thus forming two lines for spatial experience and traffic respectively. Changes of height difference and space allow visitors to have different views while walking around.


▽悟空雕塑北望大雁塔 Sculpture of the Monkey King Looking at the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in the North 


寻踪 Journey of Discovery




Begin a journey of discovery at the foot of Qingliang Mountain

The site is long and narrow from east to west, and adjacent to the urban road in the north. Therefore, an urban landscape space is created on the north and open to people, which allows them to have a rest or overlook the distance here.

Located nearby the Western Avenue is the main entrance to the exhibition center, where the gate is designed with a huge cantilevered structure, making it impressive. Simple but elegant lines make the space open and inclusive to attract visitors, which is in line with the theme of the exhibition hall to some extent.


▽抵达区飞檐意象 Overhanging Eaves at the Entrance


流光 Flowing Light



Light Dances, Flows and Twinkles

Reflected in the clear water, the huge exhibition hall looks as if floating on the pool. The boundary between the building and the landscape is blurred, reflection of light dances and twinkles, and the sculpture of the hillside tree gestures to visitors from the building.


▽光影流淌 Flowing Light and Shadow

▽镜面水庭框景·中国黑石雕 Water Atrium & Enframed Scenery & Chinese Black Stone Sculpture


见瀑 Waterfall



Mirror Lake, Valley, Waterfall

Upon seeing the landscape at the entrance and the mirror water around the building, you will forget all the hustle and bustle of city life. You can choose either the fast route upstairs or winding route downstairs as you wish. The spaces interlace and the paths zigzag, allowing visitors to enjoy the beauty of light and shadow accompanied by the sound of the waterfall.


▽空间由内而外相互连接 Connection Between the Internal and External Spaces



The cross bridge and the air corridor are deconstructed parts of the whole space. Beyond the high wall is the busy Western Avenue. Though the wall creates a clear boundary, the vertical spaces are flowing and flexible, allowing you to see the city from different perspectives.




The overhanging water feature beside the urban road cascades down to cause quite a splash, which serves as a natural barrier between the busy road and the quiet exhibition hall.


▽空中连廊的空隙透出道道微光 Glimmers of Light Penetrates the Air Corridor


浮岛 Floating Islands


Green Islands Floating on Land


▽景观延伸至室内空间 Landscape Extends to the Interior Space

▽冥想空间 Space for Meditation

▽屋顶小憩 Have a Rest on the Rooftop



“客观世界的视觉现象本身是无意义的,有意义的东西是感觉,因而是与环境完全隔绝的,要使之唤起感觉。” ——马列维奇


“The visual phenomenon of the objective world itself is meaningless, and the meaningful thing is feeling. So it is completely isolated from the environment. It is necessary to evoke the feeling.”– Malevich

Designed to be an art exhibition hall that shows the image of the city, it not only carries the memories of the past but also displays the high-quality life in the future.


▽空间变幻 Changes of Space

▽穿水步道 Steps Over Water

▽俯瞰图 Aerial View


▽总平面图 Site Plan



Five theme areas above respectively represent different cultures and values, providing visitors a space for thinking and experiencing the culture and history of the city. As a public art exhibition hall, it not only owns its aesthetic value but also carries the beautiful memories of the city for the future. Visitors here will have a taste of art and experience the development of the city as well as the possibilities about the future.


▽施工过程 Construction process




项目名称:西安中粮 · 大悦未来城
项目地点:西安市 长安区
景观设计:奥雅西安公司 项目三组
采写 / 奥雅西安公司 项目三组
编辑 / Rachel
摄影 / Chill Shine 丘文三映 忍冬

Location: Chang’an District, Xi’an
Category: Public Space
Land Area: 10,050㎡
Floor Area: 3,308㎡
Landscape Area: 9,628 ㎡
Developer: GRANDJOY Northwest Regional Corporation
Developer Team: Heyan Jiaozi, Dong Yao, Pu Wei, Ran Boqun, Li Nan
Landscape Design: L&A Group Xi’an Branch, Project Team 3
Architectural Design: GEE DESIGN
Interior Design: CCD, SSID
Landscape Construction: Shaanxi Muye Landscape Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Time of Design: May, 2021
Time of Completion: April, 2023
Text / L&A Group Xi’an Branch, Project Team 3
Edit / Rachel
Photo / Chill Shine、Lonicera




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