Orchestra Design Studio:​一个沿河的新公共空间通过一系列步行、骑行以及运动(“健康之路”)路线连接起来。在这条沿河的轴线上,过去纺织工业中“洗衣房”的位置被重新规划了特殊的物体,以加强整体场所营造。

Orchestra Design Studio:New public spaces along the river will be connected by a system of routes: walking, cycling, sports («health path»). On the axis along the river, special objects are planned on the location of historical «washing houses» used by the textile industry, to reinforce the place making.


▽项目概况及夜景 Project overview & Night view



In 2020, the first stage of the project was implemented around the recreation area «Red pines», located next to an old red pine forest. A city beach was created along the Vyazma embankment with three distinct piers for fishing and recreational activities, a playground made from tree trunks, and a picnic area. An amphitheater was located on one side of a large pond, and next to it is a small stage for community events. The natural character of the zone is emphasized by the smooth curves of the new paths inscribed in the relief.


▽项目概况 Project overview


▽由树干打造的游乐场 A playground made from tree trunks


▽路旁休息设施 Rest facilities




The project integrated an abandoned bunker near the pond in the project. To soften the perception of the building, we placed a light installation on its roof: a «forest» of column lamps becomes an unusual play area in the evening and reveals the presence of the bunker below. The bunker itself will open in the future as a platform for exhibitions of works by video art artists.

The old bridge across the pond was reconstructed with perforated Corten steel sheets for railings. The corten sheets, which are also used for the amphitheater and piers, are perforated with a specially designed ornament: it combines the symbols of the military history (stars) and traditional patterns of local industrial production. The reddish hue of corten also fits in well with the natural environment and complements the «warmth» of the wooden elements.



▽钢板上的装饰图案 Decorative patterns on steel plates



The lighting of the territory respects the natural character of the site, with dim lighting along the paths. Only activity zones are highlighted with bright illumination, for example, the stage and the playground. Bird houses were located on the trees with some of them having solar panels on the roof feeding a light bulb from the inside making it a poetic installation.


▽树上的鸟屋 Bird houses


▽露天剧场和舞台 Amphitheater and stage 


▽舞台上的灯光 Stage lighting


▽用户分析图 Analysis chart




项目名称:Rediscover river Vyazma. Renovation of the Red Sosenki recreation area in Teikovo
项目地点:俄罗斯 Ivanovo地区 Teikovo

景观/建筑事务所:Orchestra Design Studio
首席架构师:Edouard Moreau
设计团队:Ekaterina Goldberg, Anastasia Zavada, Sofia Shaikhutdinova, Ekaterina Shchblykina, Jeanne Beglaryan, Maria Kalinkina, Olga Mnishko + Center for Territorial Development of the Ivanovo Region
客户:Administration of the Teikovsky Urban District, Government of the Ivanovo Region
图片来源:Oleg Pavlov, Yaroslav Bakal

Project name: Rediscover river Vyazma. Renovation of the Red Sosenki recreation area in Teikovo
Completion Year: 2020
Size: 47000 m2
Project location: Teikovo, Ivanovo Region, Russia

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Orchestra Design Studio
Website: https://www.orchestra-design.com/en
Contact e-mail: orchestradesignstudio@gmail.com
Lead Architect: Edouard Moreau
Design Team: Ekaterina Goldberg, Anastasia Zavada, Sofia Shaikhutdinova, Ekaterina Shchblykina, Jeanne Beglaryan, Maria Kalinkina, Olga Mnishko + Center for Territorial Development of the Ivanovo Region
Clients: Administration of the Teikovsky Urban District, Government of the Ivanovo Region
Photo credits: Oleg Pavlov, Yaroslav Bakal



审稿编辑: Simin

更多 Read more about: Orchestra Design Studio


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