Faulkner Architects:项目位于太浩湖北岸附近的马蒂斯山谷中,海拔约6300英尺,这片两英亩的土地上覆盖着一片由杰弗里松和糖松以及白杉和红杉混合的茂密森林。该场地坡度平缓,向南倾斜,可欣赏到加州北极星滑雪场的景色。设计采用简单的矩形平面是为了尽量减少对场地的影响,在其周围留下一个由115棵60至90英尺高的树木组成的立体屏障。卧室位于体量较小的第二层。

Faulkner Architects: A luxuriant forest of Jeffrey and sugar pine mixed with white and red fir covers this two acre site at roughly 6,300 feet above sea level in the Martis Valley near the north shore of Lake Tahoe. Gently sloped, the site falls toward the south with views to the Northstar California ski resort. The simple rectangular plan is placed to minimize impact on the site, leaving a three-dimensional screen of 115 trees 60 to 90 feet tall surrounding it. The smaller second level contains sleeping rooms.


Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography



An ebonized steel rainscreen built of three inch by three inch angles, spaced one inch apart repeats the texture and function of the bark of adjacent trees, protecting the vulnerable wood-framed portions of the house from wildfire like a large spark arrestor. The elongated south-facing rectangle collects solar energy in winter. The 4,500-square-foot, four-bedroom house is fitted with radiant heat as well as enhanced glazing, mechanical electrical equipment, and insulation. Low maintenance contributes to sustainability.


Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography



Materiality and fenestration are ordered as dark light reversals that repeat the behavior of the forest. A concealed, directional entry builds time into the arrival sequence, extending and connecting the experience to the environment. Movement in route to the entry point, parallel with the form, allows association with the dwelling prior to entering. Translucent green glass screens bathe the entrance in color that associates with the tone of the surrounding evergreen forest.


Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography



Inside, continuous south-facing sliding glass opens the living area to a covered deck that floats just above the ground, sans railing. Materials that are consistent throughout the house include cut basalt stone floors, unfinished reclaimed teak ceilings and floors, board-formed concrete, and white gypsum.


Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography



Continuous recesses in the ceilings conceal light fixtures and fire sprinklers. Three-dimensional skylights wrap from the roof down the wall, allowing light to pour in and offering views to the stars at night. Polished galvanized steel panels at the fireplaces reflect images and movement of the inhabitants throughout the day.


Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography


▽被雪覆盖的建筑 The house covered with snow

Joe Fletcher Photography Joe Fletcher Photography © Joe Fletcher




项目名称:Forest House
地点:美国 加利福尼亚州 特拉基
建筑设计: Faulkner Architects
承包商:Glennwood Mountain Homes
室内设计师:Rory Torrigiani、Natalie Zirbel
土木工程师:Shaw Engineering
结构工程师:CFBR Structural Group
机械工程师:Sugarpine Engineering
电气工程师:Sugarpine Engineering
照明: Faulkner Architects
设计团队: Faulkner Architects
管理:Gregory Faulkner
项目经理:Breanne Penrod
摄影:Joe Fletcher Photography

Project Name: Forest House
Location: Truckee, CA
Architecture: Faulkner Architects
Contractor: Glennwood Mountain Homes
Interior Designer: Rory Torrigiani, Natalie Zirbel
Civil Engineer: Shaw Engineering
Structural Engineer: CFBR Structural Group
Mechanical Engineer: Sugarpine Engineering
Electrical Engineer: Sugarpine Engineering
Geotechnical Engineer: NV5
Lighting: Faulkner Architects
Design Team: Faulkner Architects
Principal: Gregory Faulkner
Project Manager: Breanne Penrod
Photography : Joe Fletcher Photography




更多 Read more about:Faulkner Architects


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