AFA Group:AFA景观团队设计并建造了一个多功能“儿童实验室”(KID’S LAB),位于开发商Sminex打造的Renome精英住宅区内。该项目基于Wowhaus bureau在2017年提出的理念,其作为开发商旗下住宅区内的标准游戏空间,结合了适合所有年龄段人群的丰富活动和任何时候都能娱乐放松的舒适场所。项目包括一个室外区域和一个位于住宅楼一楼的室内游戏休息室。

AFA团队的主要挑战是将一个细节丰富的概念落地实施,保留其游戏属性和教育意义,并丰富场地环境,同时还要考虑客户的偏好以及施工预算。“儿童实验室”(KID’S LAB)作为住宅区基础设施的重要组成部分,不仅提供了一个家庭友好的活动空间,还增强了Renome住宅区的优势。

AFA设计团队根据他们对儿童玩耍过程的研究来创造空间,同时基于相关心理学家分析的游乐场上的典型行为模式设计了新的游乐设施。 项目场地长60米、宽10米。AFA设法将户外区域分成几个部分,以满足各不同年龄段人群的兴趣和需求。这些空间并不是孤立的,而是相辅相成的,因此孩子们在游乐场的每个区域都能找到他们感兴趣的地方。

AFA Group: Landscape bureau AFA designed and built a multipurpose KID’S LAB zone located in the elite residential complex «Renome» (developer Sminex). The project is based on the idea developed by Wowhaus bureau in 2017.

KID’S LAB is a standard for play spaces by developer Sminex. It combines a wide variety of activities for all ages with a comfortable place to relax at any time of the year. The project includes an outdoor area and an indoor play lounge on the first floor of the residential building.

AFA’s main challenge was to adapt a concept rich in details for implementation, preserving play and educational potential and enriching the environment. At the same time, it was important to consider the client’s preferences, including budget for construction. KID’S LAB is an important part of the housing estate infrastructure, and provides a family-friendly space, which enhances the benefits of «Renome».

AFA’s team has created spaces based on their research of children’s playing processes. The inhouse psychologists analyzed typical patterns of behavior in playgrounds and used these findings to design new facilities. The project was implemented on a piece of land only 10 meters wide and 60 meters long. AFA have managed to divide the outdoor area into several sections to meet the interests and needs of different ages in each one. These spaces are not isolated, but follow and complement one another, so children of all ages can find something interesting at any point of the playground.


© Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov


关注幼儿的兴趣和健康发展 The youngest visitors’ interest and development

A toddlers’ area (for children under three) is in the quietest place oт the playground, where many play elements for developing fine motor skills and stimulating intellectual growth are set. A tactile panel has different natural pieces which can be touched and examined, and there is a «busy board» with locks and components, a car track and so on. Everything is individually designed to appeal to the baby’s curiosity and mind. There are also benches and a small table for parents in the shaded corner, where they can sit with stroller for example, or watch their baby on the playground — many options are available.


© Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov


戏水和机械器具 Water plays and mechanics stuff


The next section is oriented more to preschoolers and older children. A water area with a real stream and trays on different levels is a key point in this space. The sandpit to experiment with dry and wet sand and a slate board are also distinctive ones of this part in KID’S LAB. Two water sources in this area supply the upper level trays and fill the stream.


© Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov



A special device here — a transforming model with gears — is a unique product which has been invented by AFA. Gear wheels of different sizes and colors are held together and attached to metal panel by the magnets. Because of the magnets, children are able to build their own moving mechanism and can experiment with its length and rotation speed. The device has really been enjoyed by everyone.


© Anton Donikov


适合青少年的户外设施 And what is for teens out there?


Finally, there is more mobility and an acceptable level of risk in the space for schoolers and teenagers. A tower with a voice pipe and direct access to the 4.5-meter tunnel slide is a key point of the area.


© Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov



Next to it, there is a play platform and climbing complex with inclined slide, staggering bridge for balancing, and a rope track for going down. An optical illusion disk, a bench for talks and relaxation under the canopy, swings and trampoline are also a part of the space.


© Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov


活动分享空间​ A place to share events

“儿童实验室”(KID’S LAB)户外中心区域也具有多种功能,是为所有年龄阶段人群而设计。天棚下有一个用于小型社区活动的露天剧场,有舒适的座位和电源插座,附近还有一个可以互动的发光万花筒。

The central zone of the KID’S LAB outdoor section is also multifunctional and designed for all ages. There is an amphitheater for small community events under a canopy, with comfortable seating and access to power outlets. One more Interactive feature is an illuminated kaleidoscope which stands nearby.


© Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov


环境友好 Environmentally friendly


The playground is made of natural materials which are resistant to temperature changes and are suitable for all weather conditions. Plants and flowerbeds in various combinations are set all around, not only for decoration but also to provide opportunities for environment exploring, learning about textures, species and smells. There is an information board with the guidelines on using the playground, and well-designed multilevel lighting.


© Anton Donikov


游戏室 Playroom



A well-equipped indoor space on the first floor of the apartment building is another benefit, allowing children to spend time comfortably even when it’s cold. Residents can visit the playroom in comfortable clothes and shoes without going outdoors. The room is also designed to provide a diversity of physical activity and educational creativity, and the whole space is divided into several zones on different levels.

There is a ball pit and a climbing cupboard with barriers and slate surface, which leads to the upper level — playing platform under the ceiling with the net maze for active exercise. Drawing tables and a mobile children’s designer on the first floor make this area a real place of free creativity and development. A projector and a screen with a sound system for movies are also fixed in the playroom and everything works together as intended. Additionally, the space is provided with an information board, WI-FI, a shelf for shoes, hooks for clothes, surveillance and a warm floor to maintain the desired temperature.


© Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov © Anton Donikov


总之,在设计“儿童实验室”(KID’S LAB)时,设计师试图在一个小的区域内创造尽可能多样化的空间,并实施最佳的紧凑型解决方案,以避免占用太多空间,为孩子们每天玩耍提供不同的场景。“儿童实验室”也成为了附近儿童的主要聚集点。该团队的成功之处在于设法创造了一个具有不同分区和元素的多功能游乐场,让人可以自主选择符合各自兴趣和需求的活动。

In summary, while designing KID’S LAB the architects tried to create the most diverse space possible in a small area and implement the best compact solutions, so as not to overwhelm the space and to enable everyone to play different scenarios every day. The KID’S LAB is the main attraction for children in the neighborhood, and the team’s great achievement is managing to create a multifunctional playground with a variety of zones and elements, where visitors can choose activities matching their interests and needs.


© Anton Donikov




项目名称:Renome KID’S LAB
设计: AFA Group
游乐场设备制造商:Richter Spielgeraete(
摄影师:Anton Donikov

Project name: Renome KID’S LAB
Design year: 2021
Year Built: 2022
Design: AFA Group
Client: Sminex(
Manufacturer of playground equipment (if any): Richter Spielgeraete(
Photographer (if hired, a professional): Anton Donikov




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