
因此,自图里亚河(Turia River)被改造成公园以来,2024年欧洲绿色之都瓦伦西亚即将迎来40年来最大的城市开发项目。这也是该比利时设计工作室首次在西班牙获得如此大规模的设计委托。

OMGEVING: Landscape and urban design studio OMGEVING has won the design competition in Valencia for a four-kilometer-long landscape park with three eco-neighborhoods. The landscape park covers one and a half kilometers of train tracks and gradually phases out highway infrastructure, while the eco-neighborhoods accommodate five thousand residents.

Valencia, the European Green Capital 2024, is thus on the threshold of the largest urban development project in 40 years, since the Turia River was transformed into a park. It is the first time a Belgian design studio has won a commission of this scale in Spain.






This ambitious project fits within the vision of making Valencia a climate-robust 15-minute city.

OMGEVING was able to convince the jury with its “Green Leaves Strategy”. The elongated landscape park forms the ‘stem’ from which the surrounding neighborhoods are systematically greening. This contributes to a cooling effect in the streets during heat waves and droughts. New bicycle and walking paths will bring residents to the city center in 15 minutes via the green ‘leaves’. With this, the southern part of Valencia is initiating the modal shift to less car traffic.




三个生态社区与这个绿色-蓝色的交通网络交织在一起,处于气候变化的最前沿。项目负责人Sven Augusteyns表示:“该区域的城市再开发工作完全致力于可持续交通、气候适应性、生物多样性、碳中和、循环和经济适用房。”因此,设计工作室OMGEVING将该城市开发项目命名为“绿色走廊”,完全符合瓦伦西亚21世纪的发展。

The three eco-neighborhoods are intertwined with this green-blue mobility network and are at the forefront of the climate transition. “The redevelopment of this part of the city”, says project leader Sven Augusteyns, “is therefore fully committed to sustainable mobility, climate adaptation, biodiversity, carbon neutrality, circularity and affordable housing.” With this, design studio OMGEVING is doing full justice to the name that Valencia gives to this 21st century urban development project ‘The green corridor’.





Drawing up the master plan to refine the competition design will take at least a year. OMGEVING can count on the support of a local team of ecologists, hydrologists, architects, landscape architects and co-creation specialists. With projects in Teruel, Zaragoza and Burgos on the agenda, the studio wishes to continue growing in Spain.




创意总监Luc Wallays补充道:“OMGEVING在西班牙拥有50年的设计经验”。例如,该设计工作室率先为安特卫普的Ringland设计了第一个天幕,并在今天效仿此举在安特卫普开发了两个环城公园,即根特和布鲁塞尔环城公路的景观。此外,OMGEVING还参与了布鲁塞尔和安特卫普的生态公共游泳池项目,以及布鲁塞尔和佛兰德的生态项目和自行车公路的设计。OMGEVING在安特卫普、布鲁塞尔、根特和越南胡志明市均设有办事处,在比利时和国外从事大型景观和城市开发项目,以及景观设计和城市领域的其他具有挑战性的项目。

“OMGEVING brings fifty years of design experience to Spain”, adds creative director Luc Wallays. For example, the design studio pioneered with the first canopy designs for Ringland in Antwerp and, following suit today, is developing two Antwerp ring parks, the landscaping of the ring road in Ghent and in Brussels.  In addition, OMGEVING is working on ecological public swimming ponds in Brussels and Antwerp as well as on the design of ecoducts and bicycle highways in Brussels and Flanders. From offices in Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), OMGEVING works both in Belgium and abroad on large-scale landscape and urban development projects and other challenging projects within the fields of landscape architecture and urbanism.






地点:西班牙 瓦伦西亚
设计师:OMGEVING bv i.c.w. Peñín Arquitectos SLP、Quintana Segui Landscape、Nadalviflente、Pablo Navarro Tena、CPS Infraestructuras Movilidad y Medio Ambiente
更多信息:Lynn Vandeput,;
Sven Augusteyns,

Project name: Valencia Green Corridor
Location: Valencia, Spain
Design year: 2023
Designer: OMGEVING bv i.c.w. Peñín Arquitectos SLP, Quintana Seguí landscape, NADALVILLENA, Pablo Navarro Tena, CPS Infraestructuras Movilidad y Medio Ambiente
More info: Lynn Vandeput,;
Sven Augusteyns,



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: OMGEVING


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