
MAT Office: XPORT is located at Guanqian Street in Gusu District, Suzhou, the centre of the old quarter.



▽空中俯瞰设计聚落 Aerial view of design settlement 




Compared with other parks in Suzhou, although this pocket park’s volume and content are not outstanding, this small plaza-sized place is surrounded by opera houses, bookstores, theatres, People’s mall and other public buildings, which lead this little place be well known since the 20s’ last century.


▽小公园区位图 Location map of Small park 


▽苏州观前街 & 观前街小公园历史照片Suzhou Guanqian Street & Historical photos of Guanqian Street Small Park

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This year, the pocket park was transferred into a pop-up bazaar that stimulated the high-street in old town by inserting programmed containers.


▽小公园改造前 Small park before renovation 


▽观前街的夜生活 Night life in Guanqian Street




Recently, taking advantage of Suzhou International Design Week, this pocket park is once again empowered by design, with a new label and presence.


▽小公园改造后 Small park after transformation


▽小公园改造概念图 Concept drawing of small park transformation




During the installation of this pocket park regeneration, we rearranged and attached the original containers to devise three groups of exhibition space with an artistic manner. As a modern interpretation of ambulatory in traditional Suzhou gardens, the exhibition spaces are either aggregated as groups or winded linearly through containers.


▽改造概念图前的集装箱单体 The container monomer in front of the revamped concept drawing 


▽不同尺度的集装箱单体改造模式 Transformation modes of container monomer with different scales 


▽最小尺度的集装箱改造模式 The smallest scale container transformation mode 


▽集装箱功能组合模式 Container function combination mode 




Additionally, the canopy’s unique atmosphere, which made up with yellow valance, has also emphasised the pocket park as a cultural landmark at Guanqian Street. The striking canopy would attract people from every street in this area.


▽展厅聚落的功能拆解 The function of exhibition hall settlement is disassembled 




This regeneration design is to enhance the geometric characteristic and costumers’ touring experience of this temporary construction to create a peaceful cultural site in the boisterous commercial strip for citizens to experience culture and environment in touring.


▽集装箱展厅聚落 Container exhibition hall settlement 



▽老城中的新设计地标 New design landmark in the Old town



升级改造之后的小公园名为 XPORT, X代表着开放和无限的可能,PORT是港口、是门户、也是风向标。

The pocket park is renamed as XPORT after updating, X means infinite possibility.


▽主宾城市展厅 Guest of Honor City Exhibition Hall 


▽闹中取静的设计聚落 The design of the settlement 




We aspirate to generate the flexibility in product and use by readjusting the container units and groups arrangement, and this productisation design method also has extensive feasibility and applicability. Each city has needs of conceiving various advanced commercial sites in public spaces. Thus, each city could have an XPORT.


▽展厅聚落的基本形态 The basic form of exhibition hall settlement


▽网格布围合形成上部标识空间 The grid cloth is enclosed to form the upper sign space 


▽网格布围合形成上部标识空间 The grid cloth is enclosed to form the upper sign space 

©️MAT ©️夏至

▽阳光板作为下部展厅聚落的围护材料 Sunshine board as the enclosure material of the lower exhibition hall settlement 


▽组合后的展厅聚落内部 The interior of the exhibition hall settlement after combination 




After this year’s Suzhou International design week, XPORT will continue to serve as a “mini-design centre” that hosts various design and culture exhibition and commercial festival events and consistently incubates the optimum regeneration of this old town the future.


▽广场上看设计聚落 View of design settlement 


▽夜幕中的设计聚落 Design settlement at night


▽从商业街巷里看设计聚落 A view of the design settlement 



▽改造前后总平面图对比 Comparison of general plan before and after renovation 


▽平面图 Plan


▽立面图 Elevation 


▽建造节点 Build the node 




建筑摄影:MAT, 夏至

Project Name: XPORT·Pocket Park
Location: Guanqian Street, Suzhou
Architecture & Installation Design: MAT Office
Design Team: TANG Kangshuo, ZHANG Miao, LIU Youpeng, HE Ningyan, CHEN Tianyi(architectural drawing), ZHU Congzhe(architectural drawing)
Project Client: Suzhou International Design Week
Built Area: 130m²
Material: Steel, Polycarbonate panel, Fiberglass cloth
Photographer: MAT, XIA Zhi




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