
TUNG DESIGN:Landscape is the romance of the ancients and the source of poetic dwelling. In ancient times, people watched the mountains and rivers to feel the breadth and depth of natural creation; they built bridges and pavilions for themselves to travel and rest in the mountains. Bridges and roads, is the ancient communication medium of the landscape and people; pavilions, is a resting place in the landscape, but also in the turbid world, the spiritual home of the refuge.



British scholar Arnold Toynbee once said, “If I had to choose, I would like to live in the Song Dynasty of China. The feeling and pursuit of beauty in Song Dynasty was from top to bottom. Nowadays, the elegance of Song Dynasty is far away, however, the life style and artistic aesthetics in it have not been extinguished, which is a kind of life attitude of pursuing elegance and quality.


▽《四景山水图》南宋·刘松年 Four Jingshan Water Map by Liu Songnian of the Southern Song Dynasty


【设计概念】Design Concept

自然的布局 A natural layout


The site is high in the northeast and low in the southwest, following the trend. Following the example of Song painting landscape, the landscape is mostly sublime, majestic, quiet and deep. The space is divided into “Jade Screen Pine Wind”, “Moonlight in Murmuring Stream”, “Smoke and Lan Mountain”, “Spring Leads to The five courtyards are divided into the “Jade Screen Pine Wind”, “Moonlight in the Murmuring Stream”, “Smoky Mountain”, “Spring Leads to the Sky” and “West Garden Elegance”. Here, the beauty of the gardens and courtyards are the containers of Song-style aesthetics of elegant affairs.


▽概念来源 Conceptual source

▽设计师草图 Designer sketch

▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view


【壹庭|玉屏松风】One Court | Jade Screen Pine Breeze

门庭 Courtyard


“The house is crowned with a portal”, with a Song-style shaped gate, a Song-style sloping roof and 81 copper nails on the door, reflecting the minimalist style of Song-style garden architecture.


▽入口空间 Entrance space


玉屏迎松 Jade Screen Welcoming Pine


At the entrance, the “Jade Screen Welcoming Pine”, which originates from the black pine under Mount Tai, leans against the scenic stone and sticks out diagonally from the left side of the courtyard wall, and the black pine remains ageless and verdant, which is fascinating.


▽入口景观以苍翠有劲的迎客松展开 The entrance is landscaped by a lush welcoming pine


【贰庭|漴溪见月】Two Courts | Seeing the moon in a stream


Corridor, the veins in the garden, used to create space, divide the scene, step by step, can increase the landscape level, expand the depth of space.


▽局部鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽游廊空间 Veranda space


飞雪 Flying Snow


Flowing stones in the fog interplay, as if the snow rustling stacked under the moon, falling flowers drifting like flying snow, flowing Ying over the gap like cold stars.


▽假山跌水 Rockery fall


冷月双桥 Cold Moon Twin Bridges


The flat bridge and the rainbow bridge are intertwined, and between the two is the Moon Gate, which connects the two bridges, forming a classic borrowing technique.



石影 Stone Shadow


Borrowing the shadow of the stone to get the “stone leaning on the wind and bamboo”, bamboo in the back of the cave, the wind moved the shadow.


▽竹林石景 Bamboo forest stone landscape


【叁庭|浮岚溪山】 Three Courts | Fulanxi Mountain


The only thing that remains the same is the “pattern” of pine and stone. The ancient ravine, the cloudy pine, the stream waterfall, the mountain pavilion, and the pedestrians relaxing in them, like a Zen poem, build up a poetic space and create a transcendent mood.


▽诗意的空间意境 Poetic conception of space



For example, a picture of “Ancient Pine”, from the roll of cloud and water, the sloping bank, cold forest and flying stream appear in turn, and then a pine forest and a winding mountain path. Following the path backwards, through the cramped valley, the painting suddenly opens up and a cloud of smoke comes into view, followed by the ancient pine standing proudly as the main character, which becomes the climax of the whole volume, and then abruptly stops and turns into the void again, integrating into the hazy smoke and water. The “smoke and arashi” is originally a long prelude to the final “ancient pine”.


▽局部鸟瞰 Aerial view


出岫 Out of the mountains


The hole moon gate, the courtyard, will be this lake and mountain, mountain and water wonders half hidden outline the invisible poetic feelings.


▽设计师草图 Designer sketch

▽两桥交相辉映 The two Bridges shine together

▽拱形虹桥 Arched rainbow bridge


岚翠 Arashi Tsui


The mountains are green and foggy, and the grass and trees know that spring has come to earth, and all things resonate with the emerald green.


▽漂浮于水中的平桥 A flat bridge floating in the water



松涧 Pine Stream


The source of the pine forest is a quiet place in the midst of the disturbance. This “ancient” is not a time dimension, but a kind of ancient meaning, a meditative realm, swimming with the ancients, creating a cave with no connection to the earthly world.


▽松林掩映的诗意空间 Poetic space hidden by pine forest


沧浪池 Canglang Pool


It is taken from the “Song of the Children” in “Mengzi – Li Lou”: “The water of Canglang is clear enough to wash my tassel; the water of Canglang is muddy enough to wash my feet.



栖云 Habitat Cloud


Perched in the clouds, living in the high mountains, overlooking the entire Canglang Pond, the beauty is in full view.



琼台 Qiong Tai


Here the Qiongtai night moon, standing in the garden of the highest viewpoint open up a suspended square platform, the four sides of the garden scene in full view, quite a glimpse of the mountains.


▽观景亭台 Viewing pavilion


【肆庭|泉引天境】Four Courts | Spring Leads to the Heavenly Realm

星宿 The Star


There is a “special cave” scene here: the ancient black pine surrounds the boulder, and under the boulder is a disc engraved with twenty-eight stars, and the moonlight spills through the patio, as if heaven and earth are one. Looking up at the sky, the sky is round and the place is round. The hollow design, with moonlight spilling down, echoes the fish playing among the lotus flowers on the ground. Between reality and reality, it forms the scene of “water and moon in the cave of heaven”.


▽连廊围合的景观空间 The landscape space enclosed by the corridor


【伍庭|西园雅集】Five Courts | West Garden Elegant Collection


The courtyard is like a painting, the painting is not what it sees, but what it thinks. Leaning against the moon gate, or walking alone in the afterglow, a frequency step, a stone and wood, promenade, steps, bridges, rockery, a garden is a three-dimensional landscape painting, roaming in which is like swimming in the landscape painting, is a romantic mission belonging to the Oriental sentiment.


▽庭院鸟瞰 Aerial view


问泉 Ask the spring


The most ingenious design is that the source of the entire garden’s goblets is in the small hole in the wall flowing down, all the way forward without obstruction. From time to time, we communicate with each other and look within ourselves.



拓书 Topography

中国人的哲学与审美,始终是基于自然本身的。此时情景化作诗意回旋于笔尖,得此书房文院,从此自在文心。 在此处,有一种只闻花香,不谈悲喜,喝茶读书,不争朝夕的闲情逸致。

The Chinese philosophy and aesthetics are always based on nature itself. At this time, the scene is turned into poetry back to the tip of the pen, get this study and the courtyard, from then on, free in the heart of literature. In this place, there is a leisurely feeling of just smelling flowers, not talking about sadness and happiness, drinking tea and reading, not fighting for the day and night.



赋闲 Employed


“West garden elegant collection”: the Song Dynasty group of Confucian scholars embraced Su Dongpo as an important gathering of literary allies, drinking wine and poetry with friends, playing the piano and splashing ink, opening up a side of the premises can make friends, perform elegant things, the heart within the view.


▽庭院景观 Courtyard landscape



The design of the site is combined with calligraphy, and the beautiful lines awaken the atmosphere of nostalgia, concrete and abstract, commonplace and out of the ordinary. The goblets wind from the West Garden to the East Garden, and the sound of water is heard in the dense bamboo forest, adding to the sense of tranquility.





Project Name: Tangyue Qingshan – South Park
Design time: June 2020
Completion time: June 2021
Landscape Design: TUNG Design
Gardening guide: Pang Mei Fu
Construction unit: Palm (Guangxi)
Photography: Lin Green, Pang Mei Fu
Contact email: etung@qq.com




更多 Read more about:意棠景观


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