Gustafson Porter + Bowman:伦敦国际开发区位于伊丽莎白女王奥林匹克公园的入口处,是伦敦最大的新综合开发项目之一。Gustafson Porter + Bowman公司负责整个项目的景观规划设计,为此打造了一系列公共空间和广场,包括各类小型的私密花园和大型的活动区域,正是这些灵活的空间使得伦敦国际区成为了一个理想的休闲观览区域,同时也为生活和工作在此的人们创造了一种归属感。

Gustafson Porter + Bowman: Located at the gateway to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, International Quarter London is one of London’s largest new mixed-use developments. Gustafson Porter + Bowman’s landscape design covers the entire development and is comprised of a sequence of public realm spaces and plazas. From small and intimate gardens to large events areas, it is this flexibility that makes IQL both a desirable area to visit whilst providing a sense of place to those that live and work there.


▽伦敦国际开发区景观总体规划 International Quarter London landscape masterplan

© GP+B  © Richard Bloom


奋进广场是该项目第一阶段的中心市民空间,将作为一个新的聚集点,承接来自伊丽莎白女王奥林匹克公园、斯特拉特福市(Stratford City)和新文化教育区的游客。它的灵感来自该地区历史上的一条铁路线,从威斯特菲尔德大道(Westfield Avenue )穿过一条橡树小巷就可以到达。凸起的种植池和长椅被放置在线性路径之间,提供了休闲停坐的空间;三个菱形的水景倒映了四周的建筑、天空和植物,旨在吸引游客。

Endeavour Square is the central civic space for the first phase of the development and will be the focus for visitors arriving from the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford City and the new Culture and Education District. Inspired by the railway lines seen in historical maps of the area, it is approached from Westfield Avenue through an alley of Oak trees. Raised planters and benches are placed between these lines to create areas to pause in and three diamond-shaped water features, reflecting the surrounding buildings, sky and planting, have been designed to engage visitors.


▽奋进广场 Endeavour Square

© Richard Bloom


▽小巷 Southern Promenade

© Richard Bloom



A spectacular, International Pavilion designed by Acme, sits at the heart of the Square, providing both a meeting place and social destination with a visitor centre, café and two new restaurants. We have designed the green roof which features two main planters containing a selection of perennials, grasses and shrubs that have been carefully chosen from the RHS pollinators list to promote biodiversity. Tall grasses also help animate the terrace generating sound and movement in the wind and twining plants climb up the walls providing a colourful backdrop for the terrace bar. Our plant selection for this space is designed to be a sensory experience. Flowering plants provide colourful, seasonal interest, while herbaceous plants such as Salvia, stimulate the sense of smell.


▽屋顶花园 Roof garden

© Richard Bloom


▽项目中的植物选择 Plant selection in the project

Courtesy of Gustafson Porter + Bowman Courtesy of Gustafson Porter + Bowman

总体规划中包括一个由艺术家 Troika创作的艺术作品“线性迷宫”,其为一个扭曲、转折和蜿蜒的迷宫,实际上是一条由方块状天然石材铺成的道路。当从不同的角度观看时,其本身将创造一种三维建筑结构的视觉错觉,整体似乎从地面上突出来。行人可以沿着这条路从头走到尾,最后到达展馆前。除此之外,广场还举办了各种临时活动和pop-ups活动,包括Weave工作室的“温室”和Tom Massey工作室的“移动森林”。

Part of the Masterplan’s artistic strategy includes ‘Labyrinth of a Straight Line’ which is artwork by the artist Troika. Consisting of a labyrinthine formation that twists, turns and meanders, it is essentially a path of tessellated natural stone. When seen from different viewpoints, it creates an optical illusion of a three-dimensional architectural structure that seemingly protrudes from the ground. Passers-by can follow the path from start to finish, ending up in front of the Pavilion. Additionally, the Square also plays host to a variety of temporary events and pop-ups including the Hothouse by Studio Weave and the Mobile Forest by Tom Massey Studio.


▽线性迷宫 Labyrinth of a Straight Line

© Richard Bloom


紧接着是植被繁茂的雷德曼广场(Redman Place),我们将其定义为一个逗留、休息和聚会的地方。该区域以一系列户外“花园房间”为特色,为未来进一步的开发提供预案,也是通往办公楼和零售空间的“前厅”。

Next is the richly planted landscape of Redman Place which we have created as a place to pause, rest and gather. Featuring a series of outdoor ‘garden rooms’, the area offers solace from the wider development and a ‘front door’ to the office buildings and retail spaces.


▽雷德曼广场花园 Redman Place gardens in front of S9 building

© Richard Bloom © Richard Bloom



Finally, running alongside the Woolwich railway line, is a 300m-long concrete, green wall which defines the Southwestern edge of the site. One of the largest green walls in the UK, its textured surface allows for self-clinging plants to colonise and encourage biodiversity. These native plants will attract birds, pollinators and insects and are supplemented by more than 50 bird and bat boxes. Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) are an important consideration in the planning process and our design evidently demonstrates a strong commitment to this.


▽绿墙 Green Wall

© Richard Bloom © Richard Bloom Courtesy of Gustafson Porter + Bowman




项目名称:International Quarter London
景观/建筑公司:Gustafson Porter+Bowman
首席建筑师:RSHP (Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners), AFK (Arney Fender Katsalidis), ACME 和 Makower Architects
合作者:AECOM, Arney Fender Katsalidis, Buro Happold, GIA Equation, Green Infrastructure Consultancy, Troika
图片来源:Richard Bloom

Project Name: International Quarter London
State: Completion Present
Scale: 18ha
Project Location: London, UK
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Gustafson Porter + Bowman
Contact e-mail:
Lead Architects: RSHP (Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners), AFK (Arney Fender Katsalidis), ACME and Makower Architects
Clients: Lendlease
Collaborators: AECOM, Arney Fender Katsalidis, Buro Happold, GIA Equation, Green Infrastructure Consultancy, Troika
Photo Credits: Richard Bloom
Photographer’s Website:




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