中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 – 徐堃工作室:新安江是建德市穿城而过的主要水系,其沿岸景区为建德提供了重要旅游资源,新安江保护和综合治理工作对推动区域经济生态协同发展有着重要意义。绪塘人家驿站是新安江综合保护工程五个系列驿站之一,西靠绪岭路、南沿滨江绿道,场地最近处距江畔距离仅十余米,景观条件优越。

HDEC:Xin’an River is one of the main water systems in Jiande. Its scenic area provides rich tourism resources for the city. The protection and comprehensive governance of Xin’an River is of great significance to promote the development of regional economy and ecology. Xutang Habitat service station is one of the five series stations of the Xin’an River Comprehensive Protection Project. It is only about ten meters away from the riverside and has a great scenic view.

▽驿站与场地的关系 The relationship between post station and site


设计理念 Design Concept


The station is located in a long and narrow site between the river and the mountain. The building is like a slender bamboo leaves falling on the site. The space goes along the river to make full use of the landscape resources. In order to achieve the harmonious state of “people in station, station among scenery, scenery under eyes”, the concept of “light, close, quiet, and neat” is proposed. The building structure is lighter and the facade is more pure, so that the station is better close to the water and integrates into the nature well. Tourists and villagers will have an experience of quietness.


▽设计手稿 Design manuscript

▽功能流线 Functional streamline

▽效果图 Effect drawing

▽建成实景 Live action

▽效果图 Effect drawing

▽建成实景 Live action


空间体验 Spatial Experience


The south side of the site is lower than the flood line. Therefore, an overhead floor of is used at the bottom, and at the same time, the height difference of the site is eliminated. The upper part of the station uses cross-laminated timber(CLT) structure to support the entire curved roof. The roof goes lower from the east to west along the mountain. The main functions of the station are the sharing activity room and toilet. The sharing activity room can be used as a reading room and a leisure teahouse. The two parts are connected by the gray space, which connects the building with the roads on both sides through the rotating stairs in the middle. The glass door of the north façade can be completely opened, which creates a transparent relationship with environment. It also eliminates the boundary between the indoor and outdoor space. Benefit from all above, visitors can experience the space with the feel that the station makes a part of the scenery. There are the landscape steps on the east side of the station, which can not only connect to the road and the sidewalk, but also make the role of a platform for tourists and villagers to enjoy the scenery.


▽剖面关系 Sectional relation


▽驿站与场地的关系 The relationship between post station and site

▽驿站外观 Station appearance

▽由驿站室内向外看去 Look out from the interior of the station

▽由驿站外侧露台看向江面 Look to the river from the terrace outside the post station

▽沿江立面玻璃移门可完全打开 Sliding glass doors along the river facade can be fully opened

▽中部旋转楼梯 Central spiral staircase

▽由旋转楼梯望向共享活动室 View from the spiral staircase to the shared activity room

▽室内实景 Indoor scene


技术创新 Technological Innovation


The structure of the station is made of CLT structure. The components are prefabricated by the factory, which speeds up the construction efficiency and reduces the damage to the environment caused by on-site operations. In terms of materials, carbonized wood is used for the facade, red cedar wood is used for the suspended ceiling, and merbau is used for the outdoor floor. The use of wood helps the building to integrate into the environment better.


▽驿站与环境的融合 The integration of the station and the environment

▽沿道路一侧建筑外观 Building appearance along one side of the road

▽由东侧景观台阶看向驿站 View from the east landscape steps to the post station

▽廊下空间 Gallery space


推动共富 Promoting common prosperity


While providing a resting place for tourists, the station also provides various convenient services for surrounding villagers. With the storage and service rooms on the ground floor, the station not only becomes the express delivery point in the village, but also serves as an integrated platform to open up the logistics channel between city and countryside. It can help to send industrial products to the countryside and agricultural products to the city. Because of this, it will lead to the growth of the whole village’s income and finally improve the villagers’ happiness and fulfillment. In addition to serving tourists, the sharing activity room is also open to the public, which enhances the villagers’ sense of belonging and the cultural atmosphere of the area.


▽首层平面图 Ground floor plan

▽屋顶平面图 Roof plan

▽架空层平面图 Overhead floor plan

▽立面图 Elevation

▽剖面图 Section



项目名称:绪塘人家 – 新安江综合保护工程系列驿站
设计公司:中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 – 徐堃工作室

Project name: Xutang Renjia – Xin ‘an River Comprehensive protection Project series post station
Year completed: 2020
Project area: 220.58 square meters
Project location: Jiande, Zhejiang
Design Company: Xu Kun Studio, Power China East China Survey Design & Research Institute Co., LTD
Company website:
Contact email:
Chief Designer: Xu Kun
Design Team: Xu Kun, Zhang Mingliang, Ma Xueying, Yu Yun, Lin Ying, Wang Hualin
Client: Xinanjiang Comprehensive Protection Project Construction Headquarters
Construction drawing: Power China East China Survey and Design Institute
Wood structure design and construction: Suzhou Kunlun Lvjian Wood Structure Technology Co., LTD
Construction contractor: Power China East China Survey and Design Institute
Photographer: Fan Mingming (Famous architectural photography)




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