
SOM:A central park and series of open spaces connect a new central business district to the region’s ecosystem.


▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view


源自当地独特景观的设计灵感 Design inspired by regional landscapes

济南是中国东部沿海省份山东省的省会城市,这座城市以“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”的独特风貌和丰富的自然景观而著称—— 城中的泉水、由泉水汇流而成的大明湖,以及泰山脚下、黄河之畔的地理位置,都是让这座历史名城闻名遐迩的丰厚底蕴。

作为济南中央商务区总体规划、建筑和景观的设计方,SOM 从本地的自然特征中汲取设计灵感,并从区域规划、地标塔楼建筑,以及开放空间的设计等各种尺度和层面上体现出来。

Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province on China’s eastern coast, is known for its rich variety of natural landscapes — its springs, Daming Lake, and the nearby Mount Tai and Yellow River.

As the master planner, architect, and landscape designer for Jinan’s new central business district, SOM took inspiration from these natural characteristics at every scale: the plan for the district, the architecture of its landmark tower, and the design of a network of open spaces.


▽总平面图 Plan


▽局部鸟瞰:闹市中的生态绿洲 An ecological oasis in the middle of downtown



Our design for Jinan Ribbon Park creates a world-class ecological park system at the heart of the newly established CBD and contains a series of signature open spaces designed to embrace the natural and cultural heritage of Jinan city.


▽济南绸带公园一角 A corner of Jinan Ribbon Park



在场地中央的地铁交通枢纽之上,多功能草坪雕塑公园和 “柳叶亭”创造了一个由五座地标塔楼簇拥的文化中心。四季交替,气象万千,公园突出了属于每个季节的斑斓色彩——粉白飞花的春,碧绿葱郁的夏,金黄干爽的秋和清冽灰白的冬。中央的莲花湖设有湖滨漫步道和岩石瀑布景观,为市民提供与大自然亲密接触的机会。

The park connects to the region’s landscape ecologies, integrates water elements that evoke the historic springs of Jinan, and provides a rich collection of attractions for residents and visitors of all ages and interests.

At its center, a transit hub, a multi-purpose lawn with sculpture gardens, and a “willow leaf” pavilion are framed by five landmark towers. The park highlights the beauty and colors of every season–pink and white blossoms in the spring, green lawns in the summer, dry golden hues in autumn, and the white grays in winter. A central Lotus Lake, with boardwalks and rocky cascades, provides opportunities for people to interact with nature.


▽公园为各年龄段的人群提供了多元化的城市景观空间 The park provides a diverse urban landscape for people of all ages

▽柳叶亭 Willow leaf pavilion


五种各具特色的景观体验 Experiencing five distinct landscapes


At Jinan Ribbon Park, water flows from south to north through a series of five distinct landscapes. Our design weaves a pedestrian promenade throughout each of these landscape zones, allowing visitors to experience what makes each one distinct.


▽五个风格迥异的景观区 Five different landscape areas



Mountains: Characterized by thick forests and rocky outcroppings


▽山岭 Mountains



Dry Creeks: Rocky, dry creek beds for much of the year, which transform into flowing streams in rain and flood seasons


▽旱溪 Dry Creeks



Lakes: Reservoirs created by the region’s signature springs


▽湖泊 Lakes



Delta: Flooding marshlands and mud flats that support amphibians and birdlife as well as the migratory flocks of the Australasian Flyway


▽三角洲 Delta



Islands: Wooded hillocks in the lower reaches of the streambed, at the transition area to a delta ecology



生态繁荣策略 Strategies for a thriving ecology


After researching the local topography, water flow, and soil types, we reintroduced regional plantings that thrive in Jinan’s climate. Willow trees and lotus are signature elements of the landscape design.


▽莲花湖 Lotus Lake




With a rich layering of vegetation and plantings that actively remove damaging airborne particulates, the park provides comfort and improves air quality.

Building on the “sponge city” concept—using landscape design to assist in the management of stormwater during the flood season—we integrated a network of cleansing wetlands, bio-filtration, and aeration fountains.


▽四季不同的旱溪效果图 Four seasons of different Xerxi renderings

▽旱溪剖面图设计 Section



All of these strategies support a healthier natural environment and, in turn, a more livable city for residents, workers, and visitors to Jinan.



一座中央公园:当城市邂逅自然 A central park, where the city and nature meets



Humans look to nature for inspiration and meaning; this is a recurring theme of Chinese landscape paintings, with the flow of water and winds through mountainous landscapes.

The scheme for Jinan Ribbon Park celebrates these natural ecologies and brings the mountain landscape of rolling hills, rocky creek beds and lush riverside wetland marshes into the city.





业主: 济南市规划局、济南市城市建设投资有限公司

Location: Jinan, Shangdong
Size: 22.6 ha
Status: completed in 2022
Designer: SOM
Service: Landscape Architecture Design
Client: Jinan City Planning Bureau, Jinan City Construction Investment Co.,Ltd
Photo credit: SOM


审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about: SOM


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