APA Wojciechowski Architects:Riverview comprises 7 residential buildings with retail units erected on the site of a former meat plant. The dual nature of historic Gdańsk – bourgeois eclecticism and Hanseatic architecture – has been reflected in the detailed façades, brick walls and sloping roofs. The project stands out with its landscape design and sustainable building solutions.

APA Wojciechowski Architects: Riverview由7栋住宅楼和零售单元楼组成,建在一座肉类工厂的旧址上。建筑的立面、砖墙和倾斜的屋顶,反映了历史悠久的格但斯克城市的双重性——资产阶级折衷主义和汉萨同盟城市的传统建筑风格。该项目以其景观设计和可持续的建筑解决方案脱颖而出。




The Riverview complex comprises seven buildings connected by an inner courtyard. Its urban layout features many openings facing the Main City and the Ołowianka river, making the structure light, flowing and seamlessly fitting into the neighbourhood. At the same time, when seen from the street’s perspective, the complex forms a compact frontage. In the development there are also offices, green areas and retail units which makes work, services and leisure all easily accessible to its residents. The Riverview complex offers easy access to the city centre.





The development is located within a listed heritage area. Due to the unique location and planning recommendations, the character of the project alludes to surrounding historical buildings. Its designers have also analysed how the form of the Riverview complex fits into the city skyline seen from various vantage points. The project was inspired by both the Hanseatic architecture and the eclectic burgher architecture with the aim of creating a modern and timeless development characterised by minimalistic details with high quality finish.

Additional soil required for planting trees was heaped in soft hillocks that smoothly blend in with their surroundings. The panel over the underground car park was designed with the intended trees arrangement in mind.




View corridors from Na Stępce Street open to the river panorama. The inner courtyard was elevated above the street level to both enhance the riverside landscape experience and ensure privacy for the complex’s residents.





项目名称:Riverview 地点:波兰 格但斯克Angielska Grobla街 完成年份:2020年(2018年开始) 总面积:13,660 m2 可用建筑面积:37,939 m2 设计师:APA Wojciechowski Architekci(APA Wojciechowski Architects) 项目团队:Szymon Wojciechowski、Dżafar Bagraszewski、Klara Janicka、Joanna Siejak、Piotr Gałecki、Daria Zajác、Paweł; Majewski、Piotl Janczewski、Katarzyna Pudlarz、Beata Ksiáek、Monika Wielocha、Grzegorz Gurgazz、Karol Wojnarowski、Klaudia Laccik 初步概念:ARC-ML 景观设计:RSAK Architektura Krajobrazu 客户:Vastint Polska 总承包商:CFE Polska Name of the project: Riverview Location: Angielska Grobla Street, Gdańsk, Poland Year completed: 2020 (Year began 2018) Total area: 13.660 m2 Usable floor area: 37.939 m2 Designers: APA Wojciechowski Architekci (APA Wojciechowski Architects) Project team: Szymon Wojciechowski、Dżafar Bagraszewski、Klara Janicka、Joanna Siejak、Piotr Gałecki、Daria Zajác、Paweł; Majewski、Piotl Janczewski、Katarzyna Pudlarz、Beata Ksiáek、Monika Wielocha、Grzegorz Gurgazz、Karol Wojnarowski、Klaudia Laccik concept at a very preliminary stage: ARC-ML landscape Architecture: RSAK Architektura Krajobrazu Client: Vastint Polska General Contractor: CFE Polska



更多 Read more about:APA Wojciechowski Architects


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