作品集: 克里斯蒂安·德·波特赞姆巴克christian-de-portzamparc

Grafton Architects

Located at a turning point of the Canal de Garonne, the site of the new School of Economics is important for the university and the city. The new building, with seven stories above ground and two basements, is, according to the architects, “a composition of the re-interpreted elements of Toulouse: the buttresses, the walls, the ramps, the cool mysterious interiors, the cloisters and the courtyards.”
In order to provide places of research and education which are pleasurable to work in, the architects have devised a building strategy to maximize natural air, light and ventilation to each space within the building from offices to seminar rooms to terraces. This allows them to position larger volumes with very little fenestration to act as a “deep wall,” controlling light, shadow and shade.

Local Architect: Vigneu Zilio Architectes
M&E Engineer: Chapman BDSP
M&E Engineer: (Subconsultant) OTEIS
Quantity Surveyor: Gleeds
Fire Safety: Vulcaneo

Grafton Architects

Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Dennis Gilbert


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