作品集: 克里斯蒂安·德·波特赞姆巴克christian-de-portzamparc

Ed Reeve

We imagined a place where students would feel at home.
This building is about people, interaction, light, possibilities.
It is about connecting to the community, the passer-by, an invitation to cross the threshold; a three dimensional framework with layers of silence and layers of sound.
Space, volume and light are the organisers.
The building edges are not boundaries but active gathering spaces, terraces, galleries. Being outside under the big sky is always just a few steps away.
Kingston University gave us this educational vision which we translated into a spatial open matrix.
We are absolutely delighted the Kingston Town House has won the prestigious Stirling Prize.
Grafton Architects

Ed Reeve

Ed Reeve Dennis Gilbert Alice Clancy Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects Grafton Architects


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