Lab D+H:老城南是南京最早的老城区,历史悠久,文化底蕴丰富。场地内建于1895年的云章公所,不仅见证了南京云锦制造业发展更迭的建筑,更和周边的街道肌理,一同保留延续至今。如今,城市居民们急需一个集购物、休闲、娱乐为一体的综合商业区。

Lab D+H: The South of Old Town (Chengnan) is the oldest district with rich historical background and abundant cultural heritage in Nanjing City. Among them, the historic building of Yunzhang Guild, built in 1895, not only witnessed the development and alternation of the brocade manufacturing industry in Nanjing but also has been preserved together with the surrounding street context until today.

为了保护留存南京老城南地区的历史文化资源元素,延续这座千年城市的文脉。Lab D+H SH团队协同南京市、开发商与建筑团队,坚守克制建筑布局,保留古建云章公所,形成MALL+街区+古建的格局;用“云锦编织”的手法将现代大型商业街区、艺术氛围与历史文化传承融合,以旧弥新,以新历旧。

To preserve the historic and cultural elements of this historical place in Chengnan, and extend the cultural heritage of this city with a history of more than a thousand years, the Lab D+H SH team cooperated with the Nanjing government, real estate investors, and architecture teams, focused on the context and the historic buildings, and formed a new combination of “Mall + Block+ Historic Architecture.” The design team adopted the method inspired by brocade weaving techniques to organically interweave the major commercial blocks, artistic atmosphere and historical culture, and achieved the equilibrium between historic preservation and contemporary development.


▽云章公所旧照 Old photo of Yunzhang Office 


▽商业街区中云章公所的新生 The new life of Yunzhang Office in the commercial district




This project preserved Yunzhang Guild Buildings, the Ruins of Phoenix Well, the Ruins of Jiangyun Library, the Historic Street of Heizan Alley, the Historic Archery Alley, and Pearl Alley in Nanjing. Critical and practical questions lie in 1. How to merge a contemporary commercial mixed-use district into a historic district? 2. How to balance the contemporary commercial environment and historic elements? 3. How utilize the forms and spaces of the historic district to satisfycommercial activities’ usage?


▽场地历史遗迹分布 Distribution of historical relics on site



Lab D+H SH运用渗透式的手法,以传统丝织云锦复杂的制作过程为灵感,通过景观设计将历史与现代交织一起。主动线上铺设的线性铺装更是宛若云锦上的经线纬线,引导流线,铺装变化、排布疏密、颜色深浅也潜在定义空间的不同功能。精致的水景节点、历史气息的种植池、照明配合在活跃景观空间的基础上实现了现代的设计语言和跨越历史时空的对话。建筑空间从云锦独有的织金技艺中汲取灵感,以时尚的轻编织元素贯穿空间。遵循古建筑尺度,塑造出特色性的城南街巷空间。

Inspired by the delicate manufacturing process of brocade Lab D+H SH weave Nanjing’s history and the modern through landscape design. The linear pavement design is inspired by the warp and weft of brocade, which guides foot traffic of the street district. And the transition of pavement patterns’ color, form, and density indicates the different of functions of places. Delicate waterscapes, antique planting boxes, and sophisticated lighting design bring vitality to the street district. Architectural space design is inspired by the ancient gold-weft brocade techniques, which emerge fashionable light weaving elements throughout the space.




一座古建 A Historic Building

云章公所始建于1895年,是世界文化遗产云锦织造业发展历程的重要实物。云锦的制作利用金、银、孔雀羽毛制作丝线,使用大花楼织机上下两人配合操作,通过挑花结本、逐花异色、通经断纬等技艺织就。Lab D+H SH将云锦古老而高超的制作技艺融入到场地的设计中,以云章公所为核心,人流来往穿梭于云章公所,俯视之下好似正在运转的丝织机器“大花楼织机”。穿越历史的时空再现了百年之前的金陵繁华盛景。

The Yunzhang Guild Building, built in 1895, is an important presentation of the famous world cultural heritage brocade manufacturing industry. The manufacturing process of brocade uses gold, silver, and feathers of peacock to make threads of brocade. The manufacturing machine requires 2 people to cooperate to complete the weaving process with special techniques like Chinese silk tapestry. Lab D+H SH brings the ancient techniques of brocade manufacture to the design. The foot traffic of Yunzhang Guild Building like the threads on a working brocade-making machine from an aerial view. Through the delicate design, the flourishing streetscape of Nanjing, which lies in history books for more than a hundred years, is recreated.


▽空间布局设计 Space layout design

▽总平面图 Plan


云章两侧广场空间 Adjacent Plaza Space to the Yunzhang Guild Building


The open space in front of the Yunzhang Guild Building is designed for activities with the highlight of the waterscape of the building ridge, which echoes the architectural form of the Yunzhang Guild Building. Tile pavements transition from ground level to waterscape, which is blended into the context and serves as ground lights under the moonlight. Considerate selection of street trees as the finishing touch of space formation of the balance of historic and contemporary landscapes.


▽云章广场 Yunzhang Square


两条旧巷 Two Historical Alleys


Heizan Alley and Archery Alley have been famous for their busy business and flourishing silk industry since ancient times. The design follows the original structure of the street, preserving the entire historic street space. The alleys are planned and designed as “fast alleys”, which ensure a fluent flow of foot traffic, and “slow alleys”, which allow pedestrians to stay and enjoy themselves. Heizan Alley connects the north and the south while Archery Alley links the east and west of the district. These alleys serve as the main roads of the district to link the main entrances.


▽街巷空间 Street space



To satisfy the traffic flow in the “fast alleys” of Heizan Alley, the linear space is designed to be as open as possible. To represent the silk texture of brocade, Indian blue granite material is merged into the grey tone of the pavement design. Considerate selection of Chinese tallow and other plants provide delicate vibe to the streetscape and comfortable canopy for pedestrians. The shop windows with full of merchandise and historic buildings recreate the historical busy streetscape of the South of Nanjing.




“Slow alleys” are behind the Yunzhang Guild Building, connecting the front and back of the Yunzhang Guild Building and forming a closed circle with “fast alleys.” The antique planting furniture design, multi-layer planting design, and shuttle-shaped chairs enlighten the neighborhoods and provide people with abundant space to rest and enjoy the connection with natural elements.


▽古朴的慢巷 Quaint slow alley



The entrance of Archery Alley uses brick stacks as the main form to combine the waterscape with elegant-looking trees and flowers, creating a natural and comfortable feeling for visitors. The exquisite water-flowing sound, cozy flower landscape, and the dancing shadows of trees in the wind form a comfortable and delicate space for drinking and eating here.


▽自然轻松的街巷入口 Natural and relaxed street entrance




The heritage and culture of history should not disappear with the rapid urban sprawl and developments of contemporary cities. Our team makes commitments to organically merge contemporary functions into historic context to ensure the balance between functions and cultural heritage. And our team merges historic elements into design language to further extend the vitality of the historic landscape.



绛云楼 Jiangyun Library Building

Lab D+H SH将带有历史痕迹的金属和瓦片与铺装结合,在现代商业空间的场地中叙述着历史遗迹。用另一种形式纪念历史所发生的故事。夜幕降临,瓦片中透出的微光也许不仅是增加广场的气氛,以现代的设计语言对话历史。

Lab D+H SH brings historical metal and tiles to pavement design, which narrates the historic stories in the contemporary context in memory of the glorious history of this district. As night falls, the reflection of lights in the tiles and metals in the pavements will bring dialog between contemporary city life and the history of Nanjing.



凤凰井 Phoenix Well


The location of Phoenix Well was at the end of Archery Alley, but nowhere to be found now. Our design team keeps the name of it and implements a small fountain waterscape at the historical location. We abstract the traditional cloud pattern of brocade for decoration. The bottom of the waterscape is made of granite tiles to connect with the fusiform metal water outlet cover.


▽街巷涌泉水景 Streets and alleys with fountains


云梭 Cloud Shuttle (Yunsuo)


Our design team abstracts the shuttle form from brocade to design a series of fusiform stone furniture. The fusiform stone furniture design covers the waterscape, flower beds, and sitting furniture on the south entrance plaza. The waterscape on site is linear in general to guild pedestrian foot traffic and divide the commercial plaza area and city bike roads, creating a nearly invisible buffer. The pavements around the fountain spring are under special treatment to reflect the sparkling lights around it.


▽广场艺术梭形置石水景 Square Art Fusiform Stone Waterscape


屋瓦 Roof Tiles


As the oldest city district in Nanjing since Jin Dynasty, the Nanjing Historical South District are famous for its beautiful scenery , busy water traffic of the Qinhuai River, and Jiangnan-style residential buildings with the traditional architectural language of “blue bricks, tiny tiles, and horse-head walls.” Our design team, inspired by the tradition , merges roof ridges and roof tiles as design elements for landscape design. The combination of planting boxes, pavements, and waterscapes create a front plaza in front of the Yunzhang Guilding Building. The transitioning water curtain with surrounding shrubs resolves the visual disturbance of the gas pressure regulating station.



细节之美 Beauty in Details

Every brick and tile on-site present beauty in detail under the elaborate design of the design team.


▽精致的细节 Exquisite details




Due to limited ground space, public space extends from streets to the roof gardens of buildings on site. The four-story roof leaves sufficient space for commercial activities and provides space for people to have an aerial view of the Yunzhang Guild Building. The rooftop design adopts a design with bright-color pavements and chairs around planting basins. The resting space provides a mix-used space for commercial activities. Green plants and tile decorated walls echo Yunzhang Guild Building. Attractive contemporary arts and waterscape bring vitality to the roof space.


▽多功能复合性的屋顶花园 Multi-functional compound roof garden




As a successful case of a contemporary commercial historic street district, the MIXC World in Sanshan Street, Nanjing renovates the historic site and brings abundant vitality to it by binding history and future with deep cultural understanding and high implementing quality.



在这类老城区城市更新项目中,Lab D+H SH通过景观的理念解读历史、尊重历史,更重要的是借助景观的手法重塑历史。在传统街巷空间中,以云锦编织的方式交融现代与传统,让商业活力与时代交织共鸣。

In terms of these renovation projects of city historic districts, Lab D+H SH interprets and respects history from the landscape architecture perspective. More importantly, Lab D+H SH rebuilt historic moments through landscape design language. In the traditional street and alley, the fusion of tradition and modernity has been achieved by techniques inspired by the brocade weaving process, when commercial vitality resonates with Nanjing’s culture.




设计方:Lab D+H SH上海事务所
建筑设计:Lead8 Hong Kong Limited

Project Name: Vientiane World, Sanshan Street, Nanjing
Project Location: Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province
Project area: 39,000㎡
Designer: Lab D+H SH
Design directors: Li Zhongwei, Lin Nan
Scheme design team: Zhu Nan, Zhu Jiali, Gong Haokun, Jiang Wenzhe, Zhang Jiaqian, Huang Shiqi, Pan Xiaowen
Expansion design team: Gu Shuangshuang, Yao Shibo, Shi Yanyan, Zhou Jian
Design cycle: September 2019-September 2022
Construction period: February 2022-September 2022
Owner unit: China Resources Land Nanjing Branch Company
Owner’s contact person: Zhong Yuting
Landscape construction unit: Shanghai Jingyi Garden Technology Co., Ltd.
Construction drawing design: Shanghai Landscape Industry Development Co., Ltd.
Logo Consultant: Shanghai Yixiang Industrial Design Co., Ltd.
Lighting Consultant: Shanghai Ifsi Lighting Design Co., Ltd.
Waterscape Consultant: Shanghai Yize Electromechanical Design Office (General Partnership)
Architectural Design: Lead8 Hong Kong Limited
Photography Copyright: Anmu Photography




更多 Read more about: Lab D+H


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