SWA Group:半月岛原是东平河畔冲积沙洲,因形似半弯明月得名。半月岛生态公园作为佛山南海区桂城街道滨河景观带环河景观提升的一个节点,其中蕴含了所有亲水设计的特色,通过对于空间的改造,创造了不同体验空间,拉近了城市与水的距离,为生活在平州水道周边的社区提供了更好的户外生活环境——实现了与水的连接, 与历史的连接,与自然的连接以及与情景的连接。SWA 休斯敦团队主导的这次设计,在原有的生态基础上,坚持把其他结构均以柔和的手段体现,并隐于自然之中,不喧宾夺主,将舞台还给自然。让人们在徜徉于半月岛的月半湾时重温诗句中“淡烟疏柳媚晴滩”的惬意和“人间有味是清欢”那甜甜的幸福。

SWA Group:Located on an alluvial sandbar on the Dongping River, Guicheng Crescent Island was originally named for its resemblance to the slender curve of a waning moon. SWA took this poetic interpretation into consideration for the island’s newest offering: Foshan Guicheng Eco-Island Park. As a node in Foshan Nanhai District’s Guicheng Street riverfront landscape belt, the park encompasses all of the features of tide-friendly design, while also honoring the moon that is their driving force. The park offers city residents a more direct connection to the water, especially for communities adjacent to the Pingzhou waterway. SWA’s Houston team led the design based on the island’s original ecological foundation, and insisted that all interventions by embodied by “soft means” and subtly incorporated into the natural environment: keeping nature front-and-center. When people explore the park, nature is the “stage” on which they can relive the spirit and comfort of a well-known poem:”Wandering in light smoke, amid sparse willows, and across sunny beaches.”


▽项目夜景鸟瞰 Aerial view of night scene

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“岛” The Island


The project team approached the site with respect for its original ecology, preserving an expansive bamboo garden, several large trees, and the once-sandy beach area. All of these natural features have informed the historical memories of multiple generations of Foshan residents.


▽改造前场地现状 Historical Condition




Tidal water fluctuations within the park are also reflected in the design; the site is a place where the moon and earth’s convergence can be seen and felt. Water levels imposed practical considerations as well: landscape elements built with native materials were installed at the highest elevation points, while spaces at lower elevation were preserved as best as feasible in their most natural states.


▽场地设计分析EcoIsland Narrative copy

©SWA Group

▽总平面图 Plan

©SWA Group

▽公园鸟瞰 Aerial View

©Chill Shine丘文三映



The design team further honored the island’s tides and moon shape by spreading natural wilderness attractions across the site, turning the island into an urban oasis. The island’s features now include a pocket park, a wildflower lawn, a waterfront walkway, a lakefront plaza, an elevated walk, a nature play, and a pristine beach.


▽公园场景动图 Park scene animation

©Chill Shine丘文三映



The river walkway offers a diverse and charming landscape, enhanced by the Qilong Bridge across the Dongping River, along with views of old freighters laden with goods, flowing in and out. The walkway highlights Eco-Island Park’s exquisite natural and designed features, but also presents the island’s dynamic vibrancy. Multiple lookouts of different heights were installed along the river to provide different perspectives and experiences.


▽河道景观 River landscape

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Where possible, all of the hardscape material for Guicheng Eco-Island was derived from its natural ecological setting: wood and stone were recycled from on-site for gabions and walkways and incorporated into plain wood-grain concrete where needed. These basic material expressions highlight the park’s original ecological charms. Where the use of manufactured materials was unavoidable, the design team took care to integrate them purposefully. Material changes – from gravel riverbed to gabion stone wall to concrete stone wall – are practical given the site’s constraints, but also suggest human activity gradually emerging from the island’s natural environmental state.


▽自然主题乐园 Nature theme park

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“月” The Moon


The design team drew upon the relationship between the moon and the tide as the basis for lighting across the site, establishing a “moonlit” atmosphere on the ground. The moon’s form, omnipresent in the island’s crescent shape, was further interpreted via its influence on tide level changes. These gradual, natural processes where visualized and artistically “dissolved” as abstracted into the forms of the park’s structures.


©Chill Shine丘文三映


以上部的白色的发光板和下部的白色钢制结构,将建筑悬浮于以暖色植被铺盖的山坡之上,打造成为视觉的焦点。走入这个空中环廊后,又有另一番的体验和景致。空中走廊通过一道板墙将行走的空间划分二。外层的走廊是由1.1米的特色栏杆围合,每片栏杆里面的填充板根据大小及倾斜角度的不同,以体现出“月” 的周期变换。在这一层,访客们的视线通透,可以延环廊将公园的园景尽收眼下。

A white steel walkway, which is one of the site’s defining features, is tripartite, with three separate “passages” that visitors can take. White-light panels on and above the structure help to establish it as a visual focal point. The hillside below is covered with warm-toned vegetation, in contrast to the stark “whiteness” of the walkway itself: visitors entering this elevated corridor are treated to a unique, “moonlit” view. The walking spaces on this structure are divided into three passages with two central panel walls. The outermost corridor is enclosed by 1.1-meter feature railings, with their infill panels varying in size and tilt angle as a conscious design move to reflect the changing cycles of the moon. Within this outer corridor, people can enjoy a clear view of the park.


▽空中环廊 Air corridor

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Strategic perforations along the middle layers’ panels offer visual surprises that enrich the walking experience. The innermost layer of the elevated feature is an enclosed garden, with its wall shielding all other landscapes from view. This path leaves visitors privately engaged with the natural, rustic environment, inviting them to contemplate the harmony between humans and nature.


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At the far end of the elevated structure, the retaining wall becomes a characteristic light decoration at night. Here, the circle of light hanging in the air again recalls the moon. The structure’s entirety can be clearly seen from the opposite side of the outer riverbank, the nearby embankment road, and the road, marking it as the park’s “crowning jewel” and local landmark. In contrast to the island’s brightly lit embankment plazas, the design of Foshan Guicheng Crescent Eco-Island Park relies on natural shadows and subtle lighting in order to increase a sense of tranquility on the ground.


▽公园夜景 Park night view

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©Chill Shine丘文三映


“潮” The Tide


The renovated Crescent Eco-Island Park also respects topography and tidal movements by improving the original stormwater reservoirs’ water quality improvement capabilities. The design and plan instigated the drawing of live water from the Dongping River into the island. This water then flows back to the Dongping River after being filtered by the newly constructed wetland, optimizing the circular flow of natural water bodies. The new visibility of this process also educates the public about the ecological functions of the wetland and the science of water treatment. During low-tide/low-water-level conditions, the ecological islands inside the wetland can be viewed by visitors via low-level walkways and wading trails. In high-water-level states, some of these ecological islands are submerged – but the upper layer of water-supporting vegetation is still visible, and the main landscape and attractions of the wetland are connected by suspended walkways, allowing visitors to enjoy “green waves overflowing” the island during high tides.


▽水位分析 Water level analysis

©SWA Group

▽常水位 Constant water level

©Chill Shine丘文三映

▽高水位 High water mark

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Crescent Eco-Island Park is primarily designed around nature. The project’s hard-pavement volume only accounts for three percent of the entire park’s area: a ratio that greatly reduces surface runoff impacts. This measure was taken to protect the lakeshore and wetland slopes’ stability, and to collect rainwater into the site’s inner basins during summer months, when evaporation is a factor to consider.


▽雨水花园&生态湿地 Rainwater Ecological Wetland

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©Chill Shine丘文三映
©Chill Shine丘文三映


从滩涂转变成皎洁的半月岛 From a Mudflat… to a Bright Island Moon

生态岛作为仅有的几块堤外土地,本身有很多潜力,通过打造地形将岛与水进一步融合,并将自然野趣有机的安排在岛上各处。SWA 休斯敦团队将半月岛这片原本的水中滩涂,改变成为城市绿洲,成为平衡生态,提供自然体验及提倡大众科普教育的自然公园,为人们更好的提供服务,提高人与自然的参与和互动。

Crescent Island was once a river mudflat, significant for its moon shape, its tidal changes, and its place in local history as a channel for commerce along the Dongping River. Through thoughtful, site- specific design, SWA’s Houston team has reimagined it as a nature park that balances ecology and recreation. The moon’s monthly phases, their interaction with the tides, and the natural ecology of the island now offer a new place for people of all generations to better understand the ways in which we interact with nature – complete with opportunities to learn about the latest science about water treatment. In and of itself, Guicheng Crescent Eco-Island Park is a striking new community asset. As an exemplar of thoughtful, resilient design, it sets a new standard for an entire region.




设计公司:SWA Group
主创设计师:Scott McCready
设计团队:Fangyi Lu吕方怡, Yinrui Li李寅瑞, Yifei Kou寇逸飞, Na Wang王娜, Ashton Williams
摄影师:Chill Shine丘文三映

Project Name: Eco Island Park, Foshan, Guangdong
Completion Year: 2022
Project area: 24 hectares
Project location: Foshan, Guangdong
Design firm: SWA Group
Company website: www.swagroup.com
Contact email: business@swagroup.com
Lead Designer: Scott McCready
Design Team: Fangyi Lu, Yinrui Li, Yifei Kou, Na Wang, Ashton Williams
Client: Foshan City Nanhai District Guicheng Street Administration Office
Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd; Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd
Photographer: Chill Shine



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about: SWA Group


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