Discover Outdoor Moments Together.

Austrian fashion brand Martini Sportswear is the ultimate companion for mountain sports enthusiasts. The brand’s story is all about discovering a world outside: Whether you’re a sports pro or just casually enjoying a walk in the mountains — the sportswear manufacturer is all about enabling the best oudoor experience you could possibly have.

These moments are what drive the brand design: We’ve taken the claim ‘Discover Outdoor Moments Together’ literally and turned it into a kinetic design system: We’ve redefined the brand’s typography and refreshed the — in Austria very well known — logo. By using it’s signature circular shape, we’ve transformed it into a simple yet effective signature design element. The pictures replace the words ‘outdoor moments’ by visualizing them.


奥地利时尚品牌 Martini Sportswear 是山地运动爱好者的终极伴侣。 该品牌的故事完全是关于探索外面的世界:无论您是运动专业人士还是只是喜欢在山间散步——这家运动服制造商致力于为您提供可能拥有的最佳户外体验。

这些时刻是品牌设计的驱动力:我们从字面上理解了“一起探索户外时刻”的主张,并将其变成了一个动态设计系统:我们重新定义了品牌的排版并更新了——在奥地利非常有名的——标志。 通过使用其标志性的圆形,我们将其转变为简单而有效的标志性设计元素。 这些图片通过可视化取代了“户外时刻”这个词。