Selected paintings by Italian artist Sandro Fabbri adorn the walls of the newly refurbished Hotel Walther in Pontresina, Switzerland. Photography: Reto Guntli. Courtesy of Hotel Walther


在迎接第一批客人进入接待区的110年后,游客们将在2017年来到这里,迎接游客的是一个由20.5吨大理石雕刻而成的巨大立方体。这是一位相对不知名的瑞士雕塑家和建筑师维特·劳什(Veit Rausch)的作品,由郁郁葱葱、奢华的纺织品和家具构成,这是酒店内部设计师维吉尼亚·梅森(Virginia Maissen)惊人转变的一部分。梅森曾在阿德勒酒店(Hotel Adler)、奥斯卡咖啡馆(Cafe Oscar)和巴塞尔机场酒店(Airport Hotel Basel)工作过。




The reception area features a marble cube carved from a 20.5 tonne piece by sculptor and architect Veit Rausch. Photography: Reto Guntli. Courtesy of Hotel Walther

The entry hall, reception area, bar/fumoir, and dining room (pictured) have been designed by Virginia Maissen. Photography: Reto Guntli. Courtesy of Hotel Walther

The hotel has commissioned a lighting installation (left) by Rolf Sachs for the new bar. Photography: Reto Guntli. Courtesy of Hotel Walther

Specially designed wall tapestries, curtains, and carpets have also been added to complement the furnishings with warm oak tone. Photography: Reto Guntli. Courtesy of Hotel Walther

