每年都有一批向往阳光假日的旅行者们来到米科诺斯。在这个最南部的海岸上,两片新开发的度假区域为来访者们带来了意想不到的身心放松之旅。在Thomas Heyne和Mario Hertel的合力打造下,San Giorgio Mykonos & Scorpios酒店以保留传统的方式和简单的风格,诠释了精神之旅的最佳栖身之所。今夏新融入的音乐活动,为该酒店的度假环境带去更多活力,为每一位来访者的内心建立一座秘密花园。

There’s a yearly pilgrimage of the sun-seeker set to an oasis on Mykonos. Here, on a southern shoreline, two venues come together to satisfy souls looking for mind, body, and cultural alignment. Led by the direction of Thomas Heyne and Mario Hertel, San Giorgio Mykonos and Scorpios were created with mind paid to preserving heritage, style, and simplicity, and a fundamental focus on spiritual wellbeing. This summer’s lineup of music and programming is a re-enforcement of these values with the newest offering, ‘Inner Gardens’, set to elevate the emotional quotient.

▼酒店外观,exterior view

▼简单纯粹的酒店环境, to preserving heritage, style, and simplicity

▼怡人的户外休闲环境,the public leisure space

▼用餐区,dining space

坐落于全世界最优美的环境之中,这座拥有32间客房的San Giorgio Mykonos酒店就栖身于风景如画的蓝白色房子里。丰富又充满趣味性的活动,带领来访者们穿梭在美景与情绪之中,让人身心放松的同时,为此次旅行留下深刻的印象。距离San Giorgio仅几步之遥的Scorpios现代集市,为来访者们策划了各种丰富的音乐和聚会活动,让居住在酒店的每一刻都充满着艺术与精神的双重享受。

Situated in one of the most scenic areas, the 32-room San Giorgio Mykonos is surrounded by picturesque white houses and endless blues. This season’s inspirational endeavor at the hotel is ‘Inner Gardens’— an invitation for guests of the hotel to explore mind-body wisdom, creative expression, and positive transformation through a program of workshops, talks, and meditation classes. Just a short walk from San Giorgio, the modern-day agora, Scorpios, curates a diverse program of music rituals and gatherings meant to galvanize the artistic, spiritual, and social life of the community.


▼阳台观景,view from balcony

▼露台 ,terrace






▼客厅,living room

▼客厅望向卧室,view from living room to bedroom


