位于京都的BnA Alter Museum是BnA旗下的第三家酒店。酒店中包含了一个10层/30米高的垂直阶梯画廊(SCG),同时,客房中还容纳了由15位日本艺术家创作的31件永久展品,向人们展示了日本最优秀的当代艺术。BnA Alter Museum是为所有艺术爱好者和体验家们准备的实验文化中心。对于那些“希望在博物馆中度过一夜”的人而言,这绝对是一个不可错过的机会。

BnA Alter Museum is the third hotel for BnA. Featuring 31 permanent exhibitions (art rooms) by 15 Japanese artists and a 10-story/30-meter vertical staircase gallery, SCG, showcasing the best of Japanese contemporary art. BnA Alter Museum is the experimental culture hub for all art enthusiast and authentic experience seekers. For those who have wanted to spend a “night at the museum”, here is your chance.

▼酒店外观,exterior view

▼立面细部,facade view


▼10层高的垂直画廊,10-storey vertical staircase gallery

作为首家位于东京以外城市的BnA酒店,该项目延续了BnA一贯的反叛精神、以社区为中心的理念以及对艺术的关心与热爱。基于多样化的媒介形式,15位来自日本的艺术家在9位艺术总监的带领下为酒店创作了31个永久性的艺术展品。从Daito Manabe的全天候数字作品到EY∃的互动声光装置,再到BnA长期合作伙伴Mon Koutaro Ooyama创作的360度壁画,每个房间都对传统的艺术和酒店理念赋予了新的内涵。

The first hotel out of Tokyo, BnA Alter Museum will have that same rebellious spirit, community focused attitude and utter devotion to art that has become synonymous with anything BnA baptized. The 31 permanent art exhibitions created by 15 Japanese artists, under the direction of 9 art directors, feature a diverse range of mediums. From 24/7 digital works by Daito Manabe (Rhizomatiks, director of the Olympic Handover and female music group Perfume), to interactive sound and light installation by EY∃ (vocalist of BOREDOMS), to 360 murals by long term BnA collaborator Mon Koutaro Ooyama, each room defines conventional ideas of art and hotels.

▼ 《NEXTEFX – 抽象的龙》Mon Koutaro Ooyama | NEXTEFX – Abstract Dragon, Mon Koutaro Ooyama (#BCTION, DOPPEL)


▼《无人之水 / 无景之境》,梅田哲也 | no man’s waters – place that don’t see, Tetsuya Umeda

▼《旅行的梦,梦的旅行》,河野Lulu | Dream of a trip, journey of a dream, Lulu Kouno

▼《X先生的卧室花园》,Sai | ASITA_ROOM REM sleep garden of Mr. X, Sai


▼《二重梦》,菅本智 | Double Dreams, Sato Sugamoto

▼《维纳斯的花篮》,河野Lulu | Venus’ Flower Basket,Lulu Kouno

▼《我的房间》,三嶋章義 | MY ROOM, Akiyoshi Mishima

▼《连续体》,真鍋大度 (Rhizomatiks) | continuum, Daito Manabe (Rhizomatiks)

▼《1993》,油野愛子 | 1993, Aiko Yuno

▼《五円硬币》大平龍一 | goen no ma, Ryuichi Ohira

▼《鸟栖池边树,鱼寝月下波》,中野裕介 / Paramodel | The birds stay in the tree by the pond, and the fish sleep below the waves in the gracious moonlight (A Model of Our Blue Heterotopia), Yusuke Nakano / Paramodel

▼vault,BnA – sumar works

▼《一笔画》香月美菜 | From one stroke, Mina Katsuki

▼《Galápagos住宅》,Mizuguchi Guchi | Galápagos Danchi, Mizuguchi Guchi

▼《移动的房间》(声音艺术)青木孝允 | TRAVELING ROOM, AOKI takamasa

酒店大堂设有独特的美术馆商店、咖啡厅/休闲室以及作为酒店核心区域的Untitled酒吧。BnA Alter Museum与其他所有的BnA酒店一样实行“收益分成”制度:酒店每订出去一间房,该房间艺术品的创作者将收到房费的1%作为回报,每一位在酒店留宿的客人都将成为艺术赞助者。这种互惠互利的生态系统在为艺术家创造长期收入和曝光的同时,也为顾客带来了独一无二的艺术体验。

The lobby houses an equally impressive Museum Shop, Cafe/ Lounge, and the heart of the hotel, a place designed with serendipity in mind, the bar, untitled. BnA Alter Museum, as all BnA hotels, employs the BnA Revenue Share System – a percentage of each room booking is direct income for artists who has created permanent exhibitions. Guest, by sleeping in a room, become patrons of art. A mutually benefcial eco system creating continual income/exposure for artists and unique one-of-a-kind art experiences for patrons.


▼接待前台,reception desk

▼美术馆商店,Museum Shop

▼Untitled酒吧,Untitled bar


▼休闲室细部,interior detailed view

垂直阶梯画廊(SCG)是BnA Alter Museums探索空间与艺术界限的一种方式。它拥有10个楼层,高度为30米,共包括4个画廊,同时向公众和酒店客人开放。某些特定房间还拥有专属的画廊视角。SCG每年会举办两次大型展览和一系列活动。二层空间还会定期展出当地新人艺术家的作品。

SCG is part of BnA Alter Museums way of exploring, challenging and pushing the boundaries of physical space and art. Towering at 10 stories high/30-meters tall, with 4 galleries, SCG is open to both the public and patrons. Patrons also have private views of galleries from selected rooms. SCG features two major exhibitions annually supported by a number of events. Exhibitions by local up and coming artists will be regularly showcased on the 2nd floor of SCG.

▼酒店夜景,night view