
Set amid the pine trees and reed fields of Yeongjongdo Island, off the west coast of Incheon, Nest Hotel emerges as a modernist-meets-cubist masterpiece. Defined by a landmark architectural style that echoes the surrounding nature, the 370-room hotel features a unique “nest” formation that allows for uninterrupted views and abundant sunlight.

▼项目概览,project overview

▼酒店建筑融合了现代主义和立体主义建筑的精髓,Nest Hotel emerges as a modernist-meets-cubist masterpiece

▼局部外观,exterior view



Architecture and design practice JOH & Company was responsible for the bold interiors, best exemplified in the expansive, high-ceilinged lobby where the exposed concrete elements, waffle ceiling, and glass walls set the perfect stage for the beauty outside.


▼酒店四周被松树和芦苇田环绕,the hotel set amid the pine trees and reed fields of Yeongjongdo Island

▼从露台望向室内,view to the guest room from the terrace

作为旅行爱好者们的终极度假目的地,Nest酒店的设施旨在为客人带来丰富而奢华的感官体验,包括图书馆咖啡厅、迷你剧院、水疗中心、室外无边界温水池以及世界级的餐厅等等。喜爱自然的游客还可享受酒店的豪华野营设施、数量可观的自行车道、徒步路径以及设置在黄海(Yellow Sea)平静海面上的水上运动设施。

Conceived as the ultimate getaway for the international jet set, the hotel is overflowing with amenities designed to restore and revive the senses, including a library café, mini-theater, spa, outdoor heated infinity pool, and world-class dining. Glamping facilities are available for nature lovers, alongside myriad biking and hiking trails and watersports on the calming Yellow Sea.

▼室外水池,outdoor pool

▼spa水池,spa pool area

▼图书馆咖啡厅,library cafe

▼健身房,fitness room

▼酒店客房,guest room interior



▼客厅,living room

▼带有儿童床的客房,children bed view



▼宴会厅,event space

▼会议室,meeting room

▼室外水池夜景,outdoor pool by night

▼露台夜景,city view by night