
▼酒店远景鸟瞰图,坐落在城市中心和海滩之间,distant bird-eye’s view of the home suite that is located between the historic center and the beach © Fernando Alda

Located in a neighborhood that grew over the course of the second half of the 20th century between the historic center and the beach, this building results from working with the context, integrating and questioning the spatialities, atmospheres and forms of inhabitation of the place. It is a free interpretation of the architecture of the town, the surviving vernacular examples, those that remain in our memories and that which is to come.

▼酒店近景鸟瞰图,close bird-eye’s view of the home suite © Fernando Alda

▼酒店俯视图,top view of the home suite © Fernando Alda


At an urban level, the piece is proportioned to fit into the domestic scale of the neighborhood, in essence materializing as a volume of smooth, delineated planes with a forceful curved chamfer highlighting its presence along the street. The infinite possibilities of the color white, blended with the powerful bright light of the Atlantic in Cádiz, emphasize everything that this building wants to become and to contribute, even its approach to the question of ornamentation.

▼酒店外观,造型简单,拥有一个具有视觉冲击力的圆角,整体采用白色色调,exterior view of the home suite in the white tone, with a volume of smooth, delineated planes with a forceful curved chamfer © Fernando Alda

▼酒店外立面局部,矩形的门窗外侧装有具有艺术感的金属网,partial exterior view of the home suite, the rectangular windows are covered with aesthetic mesh © Fernando Alda

▼酒店外立面局部,矩形与圆形和谐共处,partial exterior view of the home suite, the rectangular windows and circular openings stay in the harmony © Fernando Alda

▼酒店入口,the entrance of the home suite © Fernando Alda


▼酒店天井俯视图,top view of the patio of the home suite © Fernando Alda

▼从天井向下看首层的公共空间和各层走廊,looking down to the pubic space on the ground floor and the galleries on each level © Fernando Alda

With the patio as the starting point, the typology is experimented with in order to liken temporary accommodations to the idea of a house, in which fluidity and the relaxation of the limits between the outside and the inside construct the spatial and atmospheric conditions. In this sense, the exterior rooms are enhanced—patio, entrance, galleries and terrace, as well as their relationship with the units, the street and the dense roofscape.

▼从入口天井顶部向下看,天井的墙壁上覆有几何图案纹理,looking down from the top of the entrance patio whose walls are cladded with geometric patterns © Fernando Alda

▼从入口天井底部向上看,looking up from the bottom of the entrance patio © Fernando Alda

▼酒店入口空间,墙面上覆有与大门同样的图案纹理,the entrance passage of the home suite, the walls are cladded with the pattern that is the same as that of the gate © Fernando Alda

▼从入口空间看首层的公共空间,viewing the public space on the ground floor from the entrance passage © Fernando Alda

▼白色的屋顶平台,享有充足的阳光,the white roof terrace with abundant sunlight © Fernando Alda

▼屋顶平台局部,partial view of the roof terrace © Fernando Alda

▼屋顶平台细节,details of the roof terrace © Fernando Alda

▼几何图案的走廊栏杆和墙壁饰面及其细节,the handrails of galleries and the wall veneers © Fernando Alda

▼金属栏杆细节,details of the metal handrails © Fernando Alda


This commission also included the full interior design and gardening schemes for the building. Besides furniture, textiles and other features, specific art pieces were produced which textually express the qualities of this architecture.

▼客房内部,interior view of the guest room © Fernando Alda

▼酒店主入口夜景,night view of the entrance of the home suite © Fernando Alda

▼天井夜景,night view of the patio © Fernando Alda

▼总平面图,site plan

▼平面图,floor plans



Address: Calle San José, 18 esquina calle Ramón y Cajal, Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz). Fecha proyecto: 2018 Fecha construcción: 2019 Promotor: Hostelmansur SL Arquitectura, interiorismo, jardinería, diseño integral: Juan Antonio Sánchez Muñoz & Vincent Morales Garoffolo —kauh arquitectura y paisajismo Arquitecto técnico (dirección de ejecución, coordinación de seguridad y salud) : Enrique Morales González Constructora: Construcciones Hijos de José Aguilar Colaboradores: Asesorías técnicas proyecto: Estructura y cimentación: Duarte Asociados (Ignacio Quijano) Instalaciones: MQE Técnicos asociados Imagen gráfica: Viollet Comunicación visual Obras artísticas Platos de cerámica: Enrique Carrillo Móvil: Esperanza Moreno Cruz (MiMina) Topografía: Ismael Carpinter