
The project sites at the corner of Donghua alley in the northern of Pingjiang Road, Suzhou’s most famous historical district. The east side facing the cannel of the main road with a good view of the cityscape, the other sides are surrounded by old residential buildings, facing walls and windows of neighborhoods. The owners proposed a micro-hotel with 10 rooms with functions like shared tea house or café by utilizing the structure of the existing building.

▼平江路南北向鸟瞰,aerial view along Pingjiang road ©Frank Lee


The idea of “micro garden, neo fashion” is adopted in this renovated old house. The presents of micro gardens (front yard, water courtyard, atrium, side backyard, terrace courtyard) allow the flowing of the space. Every room of the hotel has at least two different views of landscape. Here, weather and seasons could be experienced vividly, through the scenes setting in the gardens.

▼流动渗透院落示意,the flowing space between courtyard and interior ©Studio Ininches


The design is to let the building itself step back, fading in the gardens, serving for circulation and different views, as to simulate traditional spatial quality of the area. It is also a positive attempt in case of micro-renovation in the historic district of this city.

▼西望古城,项目外观,external view of the project ©Frank Lee


Walking from an old stone bridge along the cannel to the front hall of the site, guests’ first encounter with the hotel is in the front hall. Here the space with lights filtered in through the skylight, casting dynamic shadows, welcomes the short stay. The inner courtyard could be glimpsed through the door grilles.

▼前厅光影,lights and shadows in the front hall ©Frank Lee


The first floor includes the front yard, water courtyard, atrium, as well as indoor common area, with experience of some refined local elements in the space.

▼前院,front yard ©Frank Lee

▼前院一角,a corner of the front yard ©Frank Lee


Through the outdoor steel stair or indoor stone stairs up to the second floor, guests could reach the outdoor platform to get the view of street life of the historic district of Pingjiang Road, which is also framed as one visual composition of interior by the strip window of eastern guest room.

▼二层露台,感受老街风光,terrace on the second floor, enjoying the view of the historical street ©Frank Lee


On the third-floor terrace, not only the near-by street life, the skyline of downtown area of Suzhou could be viewed. The “east gate”, A new landmark of Suzhou is clearly in sight if the weather is decent. Here the “old” foreground is merging with the “new” prospect.

▼三层露台远眺东方之门,the “east gate”, a new landmark of Suzhou is clearly in sight on the platform of 3rd floor ©Frank Lee


Which is inspired by one view in the famous local garden “Yipu” The Garden of Cultivation. The scene is in the Longevity Hall of “Yipu”, where the windows frame the view of lotus pond and landscape of rockery, the eaves reflects shining of the water. Drawing on this, we ties elements like folding glass doors, pond, rockery, plants and eaves here to give a dominant composition of the space.

▼剖面与边界取景窗示意,section and the diagram of different views framed by the windows ©Studio Ininches

▼大厅南向内景,interior view of the common room ©Frank Lee

▼大厅与水院细节,detail of the common room and the water courtyard ©Frank Lee


The windows of the neighbor’s kitchen are facing the common hall, so a lower window is set up to take the view. The north side is facing cluttered roofs. Here a courtyard wall is up to block the view of mess, framed a relatively neat view of the old city, also encloses a narrow outdoor space to plant bamboo. The west side faces the yard of an abandoned house. The mottled wall of the house is taken as the background of a pomegranate tree, setts a frame of view for the interior.

▼中庭芭蕉,the plantain in the atrium ©Frank Lee

▼二楼中庭,atrium on the second floor ©马道长

▼一楼西侧庭院房,the guest room with  western courtyard on 1st floor ©Frank Lee

▼二楼东侧街景房间,the guest room with eastern view of the street on 2nd floor ©Frank Lee

▼三楼中间庭院房间,the middle guest room facing the courtyard on 3rd floor ©Frank Lee

▼三楼东侧街景房间,the guest room with eastern view of the street on 3rd floor ©Frank Lee


The design of this project takes a humble approach. For the site locating in the core area of historic heritage protection, the material and structural expression of building itself is limited. It is one common situation to do design works here in the old city of Suzhou. Therefore, our strategy is more about “amplifying” the atmosphere of vernacular courtyard house and gardens by setting daily/seasonal scenes to experience.

▼西侧水院荷花,lotus of the western water courtyard ©马道长

▼老院墙与石榴树,the old wall and the pomegranate tree ©马道长

▼露台房间窗景,view from the window of the guest room near the platform ©Frank Lee


The micro gardens contain natural dynamic elements: water, plants, rockery…which act passively with the weather, daylights and the circulation of the users, which provide continual delightfulness for the space. The more “artificial” interior, with material like wood, terrazzo, diatom mud…is also trying to mimic the experience of the gardens.

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Studio Ininches

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Studio Ininches

▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©Studio Ininches