酒店分为两部分,分别位于蒙希克的Madre Deus修道院和十六世纪的旧工业仓库中,所在建筑群距离Alfandega区域仅有几步之遥。Alfandega区域是波尔图的历史中心,自1996年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。该项目的主要特点是可持续性与创新性,它们推动酒店朝着始终注重可持续建筑原则的方向发展。

The building is located partly at the old Convent of Madre Deus of Monchique, and the old industrial warehouses that have their first reference of settlement since the XVI century. The whole building is a couple steps away from Alfandega, in Oporto historic centre, classified as UNESCO World Heritage since 1996. Sustainability and innovation were some of the main features of this project, pushing this project’s development to always take into account the principles of a sustainable architecture.

▼项目区位,project location © PK Arquitetos + Colectivo ODD

▼教堂外观,external view of church © FG+SG

▼仓库外观,external view of warehouse © FG+SG

▼庭院,garden © FG+SG

▼从教堂拱廊望向仓库,view from arcade to warehouse © FG+SG


When considering innovation linked to sustainability, a glass roof with photovoltaic capacity was projected and built, that  covers the space occupied by the convent’s old church. The glass maintains a slight transparency, thereby partly filtering sunlight while producing energy for the hotel in a clean and non-polluting fashion. On the other hand, the permanence of natural light delivers to the space its dignity and the mysticism associated to a romantic ruin.

▼光伏发电玻璃屋顶,glass roof with photovoltaic capacity © FG+SG

▼光照带来庄严感与神秘感,light bringing dignity and the mysticism © FG+SG


Therefore, a reutilization of existing materials such as wood, stone and metal and their re-adaptation to a new purpose, was a constant feature throughout the whole process. We recovered roof tiles from the old roofs, wooden flooring from the old warehouse, some pillars and metal beams of the old factory “Fabrica de Massarelos” and we reutilized the granit  stone from walls which were demolished.

▼接待大厅,reception lobby © FG+SG

▼等候区,lounge area © FG+SG

▼客房区交通空间,circulation of hotel room area © FG+SG

▼木地板、金属梁、花岗岩组合,combination of wooden flooring, metal beams and granite © FG+SG

▼连廊连接不同区域的房间,新旧共存 © FG+SG skybridge connecting rooms in different areas, coexistence of old and new

▼三角形中庭与天窗,triangle patio and skylight © FG+SG


The innovation and sustainability were also found in other parts of this project, most prominently in the reusage of sanitary waters to water the gardens, as well as in using the water of the existing springs for the refrigeration of the hotel AC system.

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan © PK Arquitetos + Colectivo ODD

▼五层平面图,forth floor plan © PK Arquitetos + Colectivo ODD

▼立面图,elevation © PK Arquitetos + Colectivo ODD

▼剖面图,section © PK Arquitetos + Colectivo ODD