Le Coq花园店选址在上海静安区URBN精品酒店的一层,此处餐厅位置花园环绕,占满了整个酒店建筑外墙的爬山虎加强着整个花园的绿意。餐厅的设计,试图将场地的这一特性渗透到酒店的使用功能中,找到都市生活方式与自然环境之间的平衡。

The restaurant is tucked in a green courtyard of a Shanghai boutique hotel, URBN Hotel. The atmosphere is wanted to be in balance between modernity and nature.

▼花园鸟瞰,bird’s eye view of the garden ©Arch-EXIST 

▼餐厅入口,the entrance ©Arch-EXIST 


The entire layout is done as a cinema offering different seating heights. It allows each visitor to be able to look at the main screen, which is our green courtyard. The bar is located in the middle of the fully open able façade, re-enforcing and creating a hub between inside and outside.

▼室外花园,the garden ©Arch-EXIST 

▼室外卡座,the outdoor seatings ©Arch-EXIST 


The outside bamboos, combine with metal sticks, spreads on the ceiling, like a root. Embossed metal plates and round lights scattered into space, contribute to play with natural light and reflection. So that guests, can observe visual experience with the natural environment during the day and with lighting effects at night. Different light settings enable the restaurant to have a functional transition from breakfast buffet to late-night party.

▼从花园看环形吧台,view of the bar from the garden ©Arch-EXIST 

▼模糊室内外边界,creating a hub between inside and outside ©Arch-EXIST 

▼吧台作为空间的视觉核心,the bar as the visual core ©Arch-EXIST 

▼不同区域的卡座,the seating zones ©Arch-EXIST 


RooMoo used a concept called: “borrowing’’. With a very humble approach, we look at the site with the idea of straightening the existing elements. We borrowed the existing green decor and the bamboo racks at each window, that we use as a design language to create a bridge between outside and inside.

▼VIP入口,VIP room entrance ©Arch-EXIST 

▼座位细部,the details ©Arch-EXIST 

▼圆形可变灯,the round variable lamps ©Arch-EXIST 

▼花园夜景,night view of the garden ©Arch-EXIST 

▼平面图,plan © RooMoo