Alsace LA项目是CIM Development, NMDA Architects和布鲁克林室内设计公司Home Studios通力合作的成果。这是一栋包含48间客房的精品酒店,位于洛杉矶富有活力的West Adams历史街区。酒店于2021年秋季开业,是Home Studios设计的第二个酒店项目。业主十分欣赏Home Studios在不同餐饮项目——如Vini e Fritti和Caffe Marchio——中时尚的室内设计风格,因此特意委托他们设计了此次的酒店项目。

Alsace LA is the collaborative brainchild of CIM Development, NMDA Architects and Brooklyn-based interior design firm Home Studios, who created a modern 48-room boutique hotel in the vibrant and historic Los Angeles neighborhood of West Adams. Opening Fall 2021, Alsace LA marks the second hotel project from Home Studios, who was approached by the client after they fell in love with Home Studios’ cult-favorite interior design for various hospitality projects, including Vini e Fritti and Caffe Marchio.

▼酒店中庭空间,central courtyard ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

Home Studios由原图书编辑Oliver Haslegrave于2009年创立,事务所的设计目标是通过建筑和室内设计的艺术形式让局外人受到启发。他们设计的餐饮项目以创造独特的外观和感受闻名,在Alsace LA酒店中,设计师将Home Studios设计的餐厅中最抓人眼球的部分转译成为了完美的设计成果。项目中的各个部分都为了特定的目的而建造,反映了Home Studios对细节的关注以及由叙事主导的设计理念,最终呈现的空间既有邻里的亲近感,也会随着社区的扩张不断进化。

Founded in 2009 by former book editor Oliver Haslegrave, the studio’s aim is to help tell the stories of inspired outsiders through the artforms of architecture and interior design. Best known for the distinctive look and feel of their hospitality projects, Alsace LA translates the most memorable and eye-catching aspects of Home Studios restaurants into a fully realized design destination. The purpose-built property reflects Home Studios’ devotion to details and narrative-driven approach to design, which has resulted in a space that feels both of the neighborhood and continually open to evolution as the community expands.

▼给人以亲近感的公共区域,public area with a neighborhood feeling ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

该项目中,Home Studios从West Adams街区上丰富的建筑传统中获得启发,包括新涌入的年轻艺术家和企业家社群;温暖的材料和肌理则体现了地中海风情,那里在气候和能量上均与南加州呈现出共通的精神特质。酒店的室内设计突出了视觉叙事的力量,采用了多种富有魅力的元素,如柔软的曲线、白色橡木天花和地板、以及定点艺术陈设等。空间内的细节甜蜜而层次丰富,古董和Home Studios定制的家具及灯具混合使用,加上凹槽纹理、陶土抹面、温暖的木质材料等,含蓄地呼应了加州丰富的植被和自然环境。

Home Studios found inspiration in West Adams’ varied architectural tradition; the influx of a young community of artists and entrepreneurs; and the warm textures and materials of the Mediterranean — a region that shares a kindred spirit to Southern California in both climate and energy. The hotel’s interior design highlights the power of visual storytelling, riffing on charming elements like soft curves, white oak ceilings and floors, and site-specific art. The sweet and layered details  — including the eclectic use of vintage and custom Home Studios furnishing and lighting; fluted textures; Terracotta plaster; and warm wood materials  — subtly reference California’s diverse vegetation and natural environment.

▼酒店入口,entrance ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls


Upon entrance to the 48-room boutique hotel, guests are greeted within an intimate and tucked away lobby, which mimics a Mediterranean-like portico (or porch). Residential in feel, the hotel’s curved walls and central courtyard filters light through each of the hotel’s three stories, where the serene and inviting rooms provide guests with congenial and homely amenities as if staying in a well-curated residence.

▼温馨的大厅,intimate lobby ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

21平米的客房中含有大量手工细节;稍大的套房中则设置阳台或露台、定制的餐桌和可收纳的沙发,将漫游旧世界的魅力和新世界的舒适混合在一起。除此之外,Home Studio还为每个明亮通风的房间特别设计了各式家具,包括带软装的床头板、藤条和木制衣柜,以及具有雕塑感的黄铜挂钩等,将处于活力多变的城市中心的旅行者带入一片温暖的绿洲。

Each 230 square-foot guest room features handcrafted details, whereas larger suites feature a balcony or terrace,  a custom dining table, and a bespoke pull-out sofa  — blending the charms of old-world travel with new-world comforts. Additionally, Home Studios designed ​​custom furniture for each light and airy room, including upholstered headboard panels, rattan and wood wardrobes, and sculptural brass hooks, transporting travelers to a warm oasis in the midst of a dynamic and energetic urban resurgence.

▼客房,guest room ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

▼带有软装的床头板,upholstered headboard panel ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

▼具有雕塑感的黄铜挂钩,sculptural brass hooks ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

▼家一般的器具陈设,home-like amenities ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

▼露台,terrace ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

▼温馨的露台一角,warm corner of the terrace ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls


以大厅的瓷砖壁画为例,Home Studios和洛杉矶当地艺术家Lukas Geronimas Giniotis合作,以古代马赛克艺术为主题作画,展现出人物在由动物群和古典建筑组成的抽象景观中休息的场景。这些画作如同神话中的景象,遍布在酒店的公共区域中,每幅都暗示了对应空间的功能,如靠近泳池出入口的潜水者,健身房附近玩耍的人群,以及沿楼梯上升的身体等。

With an emphasis on the unexpected, the hotel is truly a one-of-a-kind space, made culturally relevant with contemporary art, photography, and playful design details that incorporate subtle references to European antiquity by way of local craft.

For example, the lobby’s tile mural, developed by Home Studios in collaboration with local LA artist Lukas Geronimas Giniotis, draws on themes of ancient mosaic art, featuring figures in repose amongst an abstracted landscape of fauna and classic architecture. Like scenes from mythology, each of Giniotis’ tile motifs hint at the use of space throughout the hotel’s common areas: divers near the exit to the pool, figures playing near the gym, and bodies ascending stairs.

▼瓷砖壁画,tile mural ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls

在所有Home Studios的项目中,创造室内空间都是一个与业主合作的私人化过程。公司向来崇尚自发设计和在地合作,最终形成了一个独特的目的地,吸引有相同志趣的休闲旅客和洛杉矶居民。

With all Home Studios projects, creating an interior is a collaboration with the client, bringing its personal process to theirs. The firm’s history of and admiration for essential design and locally-minded collaboration has resulted in a destination built for leisure-seeking travelers and Los Angeles residents alike.

▼独特的楼梯间,unique staircase ©Andrew & Gemma Ingalls