
The project is located at Caojiadu, Shanghai, with St. Michael’s Cathedral in the front and a residential garden facing Suzhou Creek in the back. Our goal is to create a comfortable but dramatic space in between two high rises while keeping the building’s original massing and form unchanged.

▼酒店外观,external view of the hotel ©苏圣亮

Processed with VSCO with v8 preset原建筑层高低矮,大堂十分压抑。我们决定将首层地板全部打开,形成一个上下通高的大洞穴,并临空架起一座小拱桥。桥下是完全开放的,是城市向内的延伸。酒店则藏在桥的彼岸,和城市保持距离。桥是空间的中心,过桥就像完成一个仪式,被桥下注视,也被两侧的房间窥视。

The problems of the original structure are its low floor height and repressive basement. Hence, we opened up the entire first floor to form a continuous vertical space with a bridge in the bridge. Underneath the bridge is an inner extension of the city; across from the bridge is the hotel, at a distance to the clamour. Walking across the bridge therefore becomes the visual center, a sense of ritual as well as the theme of the hotel.

▼大堂空间概览,上下通高,overall view of the double-height lobby ©苏圣亮


Spaces and materials are expressed based upon the story of “bridge.” It is intended to create a waterfall facade impression in the concrete urban context. The curtain wall is by glass bricks, the which balance the privacy and lightness.

▼立面草图和建造过程示意,sketch of the facade and construction process ©XING DESIGN

▼改造后的酒店立面,由玻璃砖组成,facade of the hotel after renovation composed by glass bricks ©上:苏圣亮,下:XING DESIGN


“Water fall” is carried through both exterior and interior design, in which various materials and finishes expressed different conditions of movement: falling water, underwater and at the bank. The water current is also implied within each room: the walls of bathrooms are made of handmade azure glazed tiles and watermark glass, reflecting the soft movement of river onto the walls.

▼大堂设计草图,design sketch of the lobby ©XING DESIGN

▼入口连接下层空间的楼梯,stairs connecting the entrance and the lower space ©苏圣亮

▼下层餐厅和活动空间,桥横跨空间上方,restaurant and event space on the lower floor with a bridge stretching above ©XING DESIGN

▼纹理混凝土表现桥上的瀑布,textured concrete reflecting the waterfall above the bridge ©XING DESIGN

▼水纹材料表现桥下水面,water wave material reflecting water under the bridge ©XING DESIGN

▼上层空间,桥连接前台和起居厅,upper space, bridge connecting the reception and the lounge ©XING DESIGN

▼不同表面的混凝土材料细部,material details of concrete with different finishing ©XING DESIGN

▼起居厅,玻璃砖透光而私密,lounge, glass bricks letting in the light while keeping privacy ©XING DESIGN


Solving the layout of rooms is a game with existing pipes and wires. In order to achieve maximum floor height, the original concrete is exposed nakedly. The bathrooms and air-conditioning pipelines are inserted as integral boxes. Most importantly, no louver can be found within the entire building as they all hide within the gaps between materials.

▼客房,所有风口都藏在材料接缝里,guest room, all louver hidden within the gaps between materials ©苏圣亮


The mullion walls on the southern façade contain two operable windows which are specifically designed to maintain a complete water-falling appearance when opened. Other details in the rooms include: openings on the balcony wall and two overlooking rooms above the bridge, as well as a triangular mirrored window expanding one’s visual experience of a tiny space.

▼整面取景窗化解小空间,space expanded by the panoramic window ©上/下右:XING DESIGN,下左:苏圣亮


There are a few surprising setup in the hotel: a mirror periscope window in the darkest room reflecting the exterior landscape; little openings in the courtyards where can handshake with neighbors; strip windows people can peek at the bar and bridge, etc.

▼客房细部,details of the guest rooms ©XING DESIGN

▼楼梯和细部,staircase and details ©XING DESIGN

▼夜晚酒店中隐秘而有趣的空间,private and interest space in the hotel in the night ©XING DESIGN

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©XING DESIGN

▼标准层平面图,typical floor plan ©XING DESIGN