
1.  Add a second auditorium on campus that seats 232. 

2.  Add a third on-campus restaurant that seats 138 inside and 48 outside. 

3.  Provide a banquet room for special events that seats 144. 

4.  Provide a board room for quarterly board meetings. 

5.  Provide private dining rooms that seat 8-12 people for lunch meetings.

6.  Provide a 2,843 square foot catering kitchen to provide food for meetings all over campus.

This building is located next to a creek that bisects the campus.  This building is curved and all glass to differentiate it from the brick office buildings and to make clear that this is a public building like the other two all glass buildings on campus (the Conservatory Restaurant and the Fitness Center East Addition).

The curve in the building follows the curve of the creek.  Chesapeake wants to demonstrate that natural gas is a much more eco-friendly fuel for cars and a greener alternative to using coal for electrical generation.  The vertical trellis on the west side will support Coloratus vines that when mature will provide shade from the afternoon sun and is a reminder that Chesapeake is a green company.

The Blue Hackett stone on the exterior and the sandstone stone floor provide a rustic counterpoint to the smooth wood, stainless steel, and glass surfaces.  The full height wood doors slide open to reveal coat storage closets used during special events.

 A curved light box above the serving line helps bring the natural landscaping beauty outside the building into the dining room and provides a beacon at night that is visible from other parts of campus.

 The round concrete columns and the stone enclosure at the two round booths inside the restaurant offer both an “attaboy” to the craftsmanship of the carpenters and help reinforce the curved theme of this building.

 Each of the private dining rooms on the second floor provides stunning views of the creek and campus.  Each room is named for a tree that grows in Oklahoma and the wood table in each room is built from its namesake tree.

 The wood chairs in the first and second floor elevator lobbies were selected because the form relates to the building and the rich wood surfaces relate to the lush landscaping outside.  The linear aluminum ceiling has a maple veneer surface and is perforated to help control the noise in the restaurant.