
▼住宅概览,project overview

Daimyo is a commercial area located in the heart of Fukuoka city, and is a home to many clothing shops and restaurants along its narrow allies. In contrast to this, old houses still remain standing which create a distinct atmosphere of low and high level buildings co-existing. The task we were given by our client was to design a 2 floor structure for high quality tenants. We decided to approach this task with our experience from commercial space design, and to adapt this into the architectural volume, structure and facility planning.

▼街道立面,street facade

▼外观细部,exterior detailed view


The volume on the ground level was set back in order to created a space which separates the relationship of the alley from the building and preventing the entrance from directly facing the streets surrounding. The approach created by this set back continues to the staircase which connects to the upper floor. In addition the line of the stair circles the building creating its distinct exterior impression.

▼后退的入口空间,the set-back space on the ground level

▼楼梯沿着建筑的外轮廓一路旋转上升, the line of the stair circles the building creating its distinct exterior impression

▼楼梯空间细部,stair area detailed view

▼楼梯栏杆细部,stair handrail detailed view



The overall building was constructed based on a frame structure, but by having all its pillars enclosed in the depth of its walls. In general visible pillars in limited zoning are considered as restrictions to the tenant plans, but by successfully designing a structure which creates a flat space, we were able to maintain the freeness for the tenant planning. The outlet / inlets for some of the facilities including air supply and exhausts were accumulated on the rooftop. Expected piping routes were pre-arranged to prevent effects to the exterior even after the tenants move in.

▼通过对结构的合理布局实现了宽敞平坦的室内空间,the freeness for the tenant planning was maintained by successfully designing a structure which creates a flat space



We wish for this project to be a small foundation stone to a city with a disordered character due to the frequent replacements of urban developments.

▼位于城市中心区的建筑,a house located in a busy urban area

▼夜景,night view


Type of Project: Newly build Use: Building for rent Period: Jun 2017 – Dec 2018 Structure: reinforced concrete structure Scale: 2 Story Site area: 146.58m2 Building Area: 113.84m2 Floor Area: 193.17m2 Location: Fukuoka, Japan Schematic Design, Design Development, Design Supervision: Koichi Futatusmata, Koichi Shimohira(CASE-REAL) Contract Designt: Haruka Higuchi(Kyushukensetsu Co.,Ltd.) Contraction: Nobuhiro Kajiyama(Kyushukensetsu Co.,Ltd.) Structural Engineer: Hirofumi Ohno, Satoru Fujimoto(Ohno Japan) Lighting Plan: ModuleX FUKUOKA Photo: Hiroshi Mizusaki