每一年毕业季后, “设计之都”深圳都会迎来数以万计的热情青年来这座城市里寻找发光发热的机会。湾流国际共享社区华天社区应运而生,项目前身是一个落寞的老旧商场,业主希望通过设计改造,将这栋老楼打造为一个年轻化的青年公寓,为初入社会的青年们提供一个活力社区。

▼项目概览,Project overview

Every year after graduation season, tens of thousands young people comes to Shenzhen to Looking for a job offer. Harbour Co-living Huatian community is an apartment which wants to provide a good living environment for these young people. This building turned out to be an old mall, the owner wants to transform it into a vibrant community.

▼项目原始状况,Original condition of the project


HAD designer divides the space of 40 meters into several functional areas, people will not feel cramped.

▼项目公共区域总平图 – 趣味空间,The drawing of the project: spaces of interest


The facade of the project uses a large wall painting with exaggerated colors and geometric patterns, make people feel very trendy.

▼湾流国际共享社区华天社区外立面,The facade of the project


The HAD designer uses pop art in space, make the community looks like an art gallery.

▼湾流国际共享社区华天社区入户接待处,reception area of the project

▼艺术装置细节图,Art installation detail


The design of corridor makes the space very interesting. Using light to create a relaxed atmosphere.

▼光之回廊,The corridor of light


Colorful furniture and decorative paintings change the monotony of white space.

▼开放共享空间,The open shared space


This space provides a lot of books ,you can chat with a few friends here.

▼路演区,Space for communication


HAD designer replaced the bookshelf with a laminate,and provide a lot of pictures. You can read a book on the comfortable sofa.

▼书吧区,Book bar area
