
The city of Seoul expresses the epitome of a complex city that is a cross between the present and the past. It shows the concurrence of the historical architecture of the palace, the mountain nature that originally existed, and modern architecture. It is a city that contains various aspects of life, programs that are different or incompatible, and natural urban elements at the same time. The conflicting scene in Seoul can be seen as an important clue for finding the true nature of architecture. It is not simply a physical environment, but has a variety of discoveries that question the essence of the mental identity that urban residents should have.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Jaeyoon Kim

DOHWASEOGIL文化中心作为朝鲜时代绘画研究的官方办公场所,可以说是韩国传统绘画艺术发展的摇篮,因此,该建筑的设计必须化解历史记忆与现代商业空间功能需求之间的矛盾。项目的核心设计理念旨在追溯人们心中即将消失的对传统历史的记忆,并以此来探寻建筑的本质。那些正在消失的历史元素有着一种超现实主义的神秘魅力,虽然韩国的传统已经逐渐消失,但是其精神本质是不容消亡的。UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation事务所的建筑师们试图将韩国传统的山水画元素融入到现代化的首尔城市结构中。

The Dohwaseogil Project, the government office in charge of paintings from the Choseon Dynasty, was the cradle and center of traditional Korean painting, and had to overcome the conflict between its memory as a historical place and modern commercialized programs. Through the Dohwaseogil Cultural Complex Center, we try to find the nature of architecture through the work of awakening disappearing original history. The disappearing original has a mythical code with a structure that is difficult to achieve, and is different from the real world. Although Korean tradition has disappeared, it can be said to be the most important factor in its essence. We tried to incorporate the composition of a landscape painting, which can be called a typical Korean tradition, into an urban structure.

▼由街道看建筑,viewing the project at the level of street © Yong Su Kim

▼项目与周边城市环境,the project with surrounding environment © Yong Su Kim


Eastern style landscape paintings are to paint imaginary landscapes. If Western style landscape paintings present nature as it is and are drawn to reflect reality, it is interesting to note that oriental landscape paintings are a representation of memories of looking at nature. It occurs in a painter’s imagination in the overlapping afterimages of erroneous codes for the object of nature. This is not limited to serious reflection and achievements on environmental sustainability, but is connected with the attitude for building a new utopia that links to imagination.

▼建筑的立面表达了一种山水画般的写意, The facade of the building expresses a landscape painting feeling © Jaeyoon Kim

▼有街角看D2栋, viewing the D2 building from the street corner © Jaeyoon Kim

▼由街道看D1栋, viewing the D1 building from the street © Jaeyoon Kim

▼立面细部,detail of the facade © Jaeyoon Kim


The space of a landscape painting tries to reproduce the code of publicness that ordinary commercial spaces do not have. The ground level becomes an empty public space like a city plaza, a resting place for city residents, and an event area. The interior and exterior ramp spaces are continuous along the landscape painting skin. It is the core of the pedestrian space that flows up and down the commercial space, and it contains various public programs that take place on the road such as exhibitions and breaks.

▼项目底层被规划为空旷的公共空间,The ground level becomes an empty public space © Jaeyoon Kim

▼山水画式的空间布局再现了普通商业空间所不具备的公共性质,The space of a landscape painting tries to reproduce the code of publicness that ordinary commercial spaces do not have © Yong Su Kim


As you climb along the ramp, you will find a public garden open to citizens. It becomes an observation plaza open to citizens to view Gyeongbokgung Palace from a different perspective. It locates a public space in the middle of a building which cannot be done in expensive commercial spaces. Creating a public space where it can only be filled with private space can be a meaningful prposal.

▼空中开放花园平台,Open garden terrace in the middle of the tower © Jaeyoon Kim

▼花园平台不仅作为城市景观广场,还提供全新的城市全景视角,The garden terrace not only serves as the public plaza, but also provides a new panoramic view of the city © Jaeyoon Kim

▼由屋顶露台看周边环境,viewing the city at the roof top © Jaeyoon Kim

▼阳台,balcony © Jaeyoon Kim

▼室外楼梯与坡道是项目步行系统重要组成部分, Outdoor stairs and ramps are an important part of the walking system © Jaeyoon Kim

▼室内空间概览,overall of interior © Jaeyoon Kim

▼大面积的玻璃创造出极佳的自然采光,Large areas of glass bring excellent natural lighting © Jaeyoon Kim / Yong Su Kim

▼色彩丰富的商业空间,Colorful commercial space © Yong Su Kim

▼商业空间,commercial space © Yong Su Kim

▼D1底层平面图,ground floor of D1 © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation

▼D1二层与三层平面图,2F&3F plan of D1 © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation

▼D2底层平面图,ground floor plan of D2  © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation

▼D2 七层与八层平面图,7F&8F plan of D2 © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation

▼D2立面图,elevations of D2  © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation

▼D1立面图,elevations of D1 © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation

▼D1剖面图,sections of D1 © UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation

Location: D1_ 18, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea / D2_ 26, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Use Living Facility Site area: D1_810.58m2 / D2_308.10m2 Built area: D1_469.80m2 / D2_184.44m2 Total floor area D1_6,715.72.85m2 / D2_2,467.25m2 Floor: D1_B4F, 14F / D2_B4F, 11F Structure : SRC Height: 50.0m Design period: 2016. 09 – 2018. 09 Construction period: 2018. 05 – 2020. 04 Architect: YoonGyoo Jang, ChangHoon Shin Design team: Teakjun Oh, Wonjoon Yang, Minkyun Kim, Eunsol Ko, Jiyeon Woo, Ara Jo, Teakmin Kim, Sungjung Shin, Hwayoung Shin, Gayeon Lee, Inhoo Lim, Sangho Jung, Sanghyun Choi, Yooyoung Hwang, Din Nan, Sangji Han Photographer: Jaeyoon Kim , Yong Su Kim