仅仅经过了四个月的施工,Stilt Studios在巴厘岛Ubud设计的Treehouse C的第一个木制原型便完成并投入使用。

After only 4 months of construction time, Stilt Studios is happy to announce the opening of our first wooden prototype of Treehouse C in Ubud, Bali.

▼建筑外观,external view of the project ©Arley Mardo

木制的Treehouse C位于印度尼西亚巴厘岛Ubud城郊的Penestanan村庄中,这里自1930年代以来一直以艺术家之村闻名。从项目区域步行十五分钟即可到达Ubud城镇中心。基地环绕在茂盛的稻田之中,周边充满舒适的餐厅和酒吧,是一个安静而宜居的空间。Treehouse是一片名为Bukit Sari的小规模居住区的一部分。

This wooden Treehouse C is located in Penestanan, a village just outside the town of Ubud, in Bali, Indonesia. It has been known as an artist’s village since the 1930s. The area is a 15-minute walking distance to Ubud center. Surrounded by cozy restaurants & bar scenes while at the same time embedded into lush rice fields, it is a quiet area with a high living standard. The Treehouse is part of a little housing community called Bukit Sari.

▼建筑与周边环境,the studio and its surroundings ©Arley Mardo

和工作室A到C一样,Treehouse C的结构主要包含由四根立柱组成的核心元素,起到支撑作用的楼梯间,以及由钢缆悬挂的天花和楼板,从核心向外伸出。

Like our studios A to C, the structural principle of the wooden Treehouse C consists of a core element that is made of 4 vertical columns, braced by a staircase, that suspends both the ceiling and the floor plane with firm steel cables spanning from that core.

▼悬挂的楼板从核心伸出,suspended floor spanning from the core ©Arley Mardo


This results in the reduction of member cross-sections and building parts for the entire building. Our guiding structural principle allows, next to impacting the building’s memorable hovering appearance, a plane field to create slender facades with thin window frames and panels that do not need to carry anything else but their own load.

▼悬挂屋顶和轻盈的立面,suspended roof and light facade ©Arley Mardo

项目的平面与2020年10月在Buduk完成的Treehouse C不同。相对于只有一个开放空间和露台的前一个Treehouse,新的项目划分出了厨房、起居室和带有休息区的宽敞卧室。所有空间通过浴室相连。

The layout of the studio differs from the previous Treehouse C in Buduk published in October 2020. Instead of one open space all around and a corner terrace, this unit is divided into a kitchen with a living area and a spacious bedroom with a sitting area. Both areas are connected through the bathroom.

▼起居空间,living area ©Arley Mardo

▼餐厅,dining area ©Arley Mardo

▼开放式厨房,open kitchen ©Arley Mardo

▼带休息区的卧室,bedroom with sitting area ©Arley Mardo

▼连接不同空间的浴室,bathroom connecting different areas ©Arley Mardo


The unit fits 2-4 people easily on a 64 m2 space and it provides a stunning view over the rice fields–on clear days you can witness the sun rising behind Mount Agung.

▼从建筑的不同区域欣赏周边景观,view of the landscapes from different areas of the project ©Arley Mardo

项目周围的花园系统由True Nature Nusantara设计建造,这是一家总部在巴厘岛的景观更新设计顾问公司,专门运用永久培育的设计原则创造可食用的景观。主创设计师Bodhi Denton解释道:“该花园的设计目标是利用色彩丰富、容易养护的多年生花草和树木,创造一个梦幻般的野外迷宫,人们可以坐在荫蔽的休息空间中,享受邻近的稻田风光。”花园中种满花朵、热带观赏植物和香草。其中一角甚至挖了一片小小的池塘。

The surrounding garden system was designed and executed by True Nature Nusantara, a Bali-based regenerative landscape design consultancy that specializes in using permaculture design principles to create edible landscapes. Their director, Bodhi Denton, said “The goal with this garden was to create a dreamy and wild labyrinth of low-maintenance and colorful perennial plants and trees, with hidden away places to sit and enjoy the view of the adjacent rice fields.” The gardens are full of flowers, tropical ornamental plants, edible fruits, and herbs. It even features a small pond at one of the corners.

▼鸟瞰,建筑外的迷宫式花园,aerial view, labyrinth-like garden outside the building ©Arley Mardo

除了Tetra Pod,建筑师还在售卖Treehouse A,B和C的图纸。只需要简单三步,人们就可以获得图纸,创造属于自己的梦想之家。

Besides our Tetra Pod, we are also offering our drawings of Treehouse A, B, and C for purchase. In three simple steps, you can get access to the drawings and license of your dream studio. Please find more information on our website.

▼平面图,plan ©Stilt Studios

▼立面图,elevation ©Stilt Studios

▼剖面图,section ©Stilt Studios