
The site is located in the northern part of Yamanashi City, Yamanashi Prefecture, surrounded by vineyards, with a panoramic view of the Kofu Basin and Mt.Fuji. This architecture is located in a corner of the site with a total area of 920m2, consisting of 470m2 of area for building and 450m2 of area for vineyard. This is a two-storied wooden building with a total floor area of 123m2 and a building area of 92m2.

▼住宅四周环绕葡萄园,surrounded by vineyards © satoshi shigeta

▼从入口一侧看住宅,view from the entrance of the courtyard © satoshi shigeta

▼住宅立面,the facade © satoshi shigeta

▼立面向葡萄园开放,the facade open up to the vineyard © satoshi shigeta


The owner is a family of four, a couple aged 30 and two children aged 3 and 1. After the construction, the building was handed over to the family, and their life began.

▼通透的落地玻璃门,the floor-to-ceiling door © satoshi shigeta


This architecture is a vessel that can be changeable as the family grows. The building was planned to be able to develop around a flexible configuration. The floor plan is based on a grid of 2,730mm, and the entire structure is made up of wooden columns and beams.

▼屋顶平台,the roof platform © satoshi shigeta


As the life cycle of the family changes, the configuration of rooms and the location of objects can be changed. This grid allows for the renewal of walls and fittings.

▼室内概览,overview of the interior space © satoshi shigeta

▼从不同角度看起居空间,views of the living space © satoshi shigeta

▼室内建筑网格,the structure grid © satoshi shigeta


Although this is common in traditional Japanese architecture, I think that this structure is very suitable for the changes and speed of modern life.

▼开放餐厨空间,the open kitchen and dining space © satoshi shigeta


The shape of the building and the design of the exterior are designed to be simple, without forgetting the fact that the main actors are the families living there. The design of the building’s shape and exterior is simple, keeping in mind that it is the family that lives there that plays the main role, and valuing the flow of life that takes place there.

▼二层榻榻米房间,tatami room on the second floor © satoshi shigeta

▼楼梯与卫生间,the stairs and the bathroom © satoshi shigeta

▼首层平面图,the first floor plan © SAKUMAESHIMA

▼二层平面图,the second floor plan © SAKUMAESHIMA

▼立面图,elevations © SAKUMAESHIMA

▼剖面图,section © SAKUMAESHIMA