项目是一栋为一个成员增加的家庭设计的住宅,面积约为1250平米,俯瞰海岸边由于海水侵蚀形成的池塘,那里曾是古代夏威夷人的养鱼塘。建筑中所有主要居住空间都可以享受Uluweuweu海湾和Kikaua Point的美景。Wai’olu这个名字来自于夏威夷语里的“淡水”(wai)和“愉悦”(olu),包含凉爽、富有吸引力、柔软和温和等意义。

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Joe Fletcher

Overlooking coastal anchialine ponds where ancient Hawai’ians raised fish, this 13,497-square-foot home for an extended family was designed so that all its major living spaces capture views of Uluweuweu Bay and Kikaua Point. The name Wai’olu comes from the Hawai’ian words wai (fresh water) and olu (pleasant) and means cool, attractive, soft, and gentle. 

▼鸟瞰图,俯瞰海岸景观,aerial view of the building overlooking the coastline ©Joe Fletcher

住宅设计受到John Ruskin的书法和William Morris的画作的启发,他们是工艺美术运动的支持者。观其哲学根基,该运动运用手工技艺、自然材料和不同艺术形式,探讨人类灵魂的本质,追寻实用主义价值和粗野的简单性。Wai’olu住宅的业主希望他们的家拥有同样的精神内核。此外,设计还需要将当代的生活方式和情感融入其中。

The design of this home was inspired by the writings of John Ruskin and the art of William Morris, proponents of the Arts and Crafts movement. At its philosophical root, the movement was invested in the essence of the human spirit, utilitarian values, rustic simplicity, and the use of handcraft, natural materials, and allied arts. The owners of Wai’olu Residence desired that their home be designed in this same spirit. The design also needed to accommodate a contemporary lifestyle and sensibilities. 

▼住宅外观,俯瞰海水腐蚀形成的池塘,external view of the building overlooking the archialine ponds ©Joe Fletcher

▼建筑近景,closer view ©Joe Fletcher

▼从房屋中穿过的池塘,pond across the building volumes ©Joe Fletcher

▼室外景观,outdoor landscape ©Joe Fletcher


The home’s entry vestibule is understated and compressed to a low scale with a simple cedar beam ceiling. The enlarged volume of the entry, with its timber-frame trusses, adds drama to the sense of arrival. The dining area, living area, and kitchen are casually grouped under one roof. A partial-height coral stone wall sets the dining area apart from the living area and kitchen. 

▼入口外的空间,space outside the entrance ©Joe Fletcher

▼低调的入口,understated entrance ©Joe Fletcher

▼从入口看向门廊,view to the hall way from the entrance ©Joe Fletcher

▼木桁架支撑起的门廊空间,hall way supported by wooden truss ©Joe Fletcher

▼公共区域里装饰的船头雕塑 ship figurehead decorating the common area ©Joe Fletcher

▼连接入口和餐厅的门洞,door connecting the entrance and the dining area ©Joe Fletcher

▼木柱细部,details of the wooden columns ©Joe Fletcher

▼起居室,living area ©Joe Fletcher

▼珊瑚石墙分隔起居室和餐厅,coral wall separating the living area and the dining area ©Joe Fletcher

▼厨房,kitchen ©Joe Fletcher


Transition spaces such as the entry, lanais, foyer are an important architectural element that in addition to providing shade to living spaces add considerable graciousness to the atmosphere of the home.  Curved wood knee braces frame views from the living spaces, and are an iconic arts and crafts detail. The clients’ collection of late-nineteenth-century ship figureheads overlooks several of the common areas as if to provide guidance and protection for the residents and their guests. 

▼室外走廊,outdoor corrdior ©Joe Fletcher

▼不同空间均设有室外露台,可以享受丰富的景观,outdoor terraces for different areas with view to various landscapes ©Joe Fletcher

▼曲木角撑框出景色,curved wood knee braces frame the views ©Joe Fletcher

▼角撑细部,details of the knee brace ©Joe Fletcher


Materials for the home were selected for their contribution toward a spirit of Arts and Crafts ideals, island life, and durability. The soft gray standing-seam zinc roof complements coral stone exterior walls. Hardwood doors and windows add richness and warmth to the exterior. Interior finishes consist of local ohia hardwood and travertine stone floors, cedar trusses and ceilings, plaster walls, and teak hardwood doors. Detail appointments such as bronze hardware, an etched metal range hood, and cast bronze beam fastenings were all designed and selected to evoke the spirit of the Arts and Crafts era.  

▼从公共休息室看向室外露台 view to the outdoor terrace from the common room ©Joe Fletcher

▼冥想室,meditation room ©Joe Fletcher

▼卧室,bedroom ©Joe Fletcher

▼自然的材料和装饰画作,natural materials and decorative artworks ©Joe Fletcher


Through the collaborative efforts, Wai’olu Residence exists as a place that has successfully blended memories of a bygone era with all the comforts of a modern-day island home. 

▼夜景,night view ©Joe Fletcher

▼夜晚的起居空间,living area in the night ©Joe Fletcher

▼总平面图,site plan ©de Reus Architects

▼主厅平面图,plan of the main hale ©de Reus Architects

Architecture: de Reus Architects Interior Designer: Philpotts Interiors Contractor: Oakes Management Structural Engineer: GFDS Engineers Landscape: David Y. Tamura Associates, Inc. Lighting: KGM Architectural Lighting 

Project Principal: Mark de Reus Project Manager: Dan Dzakowic Photography: Joe Fletcher