

Architectural practice TYPE has reclaimed a dilapidated stone barn in Devon, giving it renewed purpose as a sustainable, contemporary rural family home. 

The 199m² retrofitted barn sits within a 25-acre site of green fields and is part of a wider long-term strategy, which is being developed by the clients and the practice, to regenerate and rewild the secluded site, turning an agricultural relic into the hub of a new ecological smallholding. The scheme creates a new kitchen garden, traditional orchard and series of wildflower meadows, interspersed with wild margins, hedgebanks and areas of copse and scrub.

▼项目外观,Exterior view © Rory Gardiner


Dating from 1810, Redhill Barn was originally a threshing barn and cow byre, built as part of a wealthy farming estate. Separated from other farm buildings and inaccessible by road, the building fell into disrepair; the roof fell in and the remaining stone walls became overgrown. Intent on preserving the character of the original building with its monumental stone walls, TYPE’s strategy has been to create a new home within the reconstructed barn, rather than convert the barn into a house. The design utilises the original envelope, with no new openings imposed on the elevations. Fenestration is set back and minimal, allowing maximum light to enter. Pivot doors allow the wide openings that were originally made for cattle to remain undivided, yet easily handled.

▼建筑立面,保留了独特而厚重的石墙 © Rory Gardiner Building facade, the monumental stone walls have been preserved


The house has a simple hipped roof with milled aluminium sheeting to ‘ghost’ the original roof form in a light, reflective material; the corrugated profile and gutterless eave reference agricultural detailing and materials.

▼入口台阶,Entrance stairs © Rory Gardiner


The plan is informed by the barn’s internal stone columns, which provide the base for a new timber floor and roof structure (Douglas fir from the UK) designed to evoke the rhythm and beauty of traditional barn structures. The roof truss spans lengthways, utilising small diameter timber and steel connections, allowing the structure to sit higher than a conventional truss, stressing the height, form and scale of the space.

▼宽阔而易于操作的旋转门 © Rory Gardiner Pivot doors allow the wide openings to become easily handled

▼石柱为新增加的木制楼板和屋顶结构提供了基础 © Rory Gardiner The internal stone columns, which provide the base for a new timber floor and roof structure


The two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen are located on the ground floor in a cellular arrangement which makes use of a series of arched doorways. The open expanse of the upper floor is a generous light-filled space for relaxing, and the main social space of the house. Floating boxes clad in English sycamore create discrete spaces for a study and shower room that bookend the main space.

▼厨房,kitchen © Rory Gardiner

▼二层开放的休闲空间,the main social space on the upper floor © Rory Gardiner


TYPE managed the project as a self-build, forgoing a main contractor to manage all subconsultants and trades directly, ensuring that they could apply the same quality of care and craftsmanship to all aspects of the build. The design works across multiple scales, from the wider landscape strategy to the smallest fittings, and comprehensive detailing is used to express material properties and marry traditional techniques with contemporary craftsmanship.

▼主空间两端的木制“浮箱”内包含了淋浴间和书房 © Rory Gardiner Study and shower room are arranged in the floating boxes that bookend the main space

▼楼梯,staircase © Rory Gardiner



The site was originally inaccessible and without water and electricity. It now benefits from an access track and is equipped with an air-source heat pump, and permission has been granted for ground-mounted photovoltaics.

Commissioning clients, Richard and Dawn, said: “Now that Redhill Barn is complete, we are focusing on the farmland it sits within and it originally served, which is typical of the Devonshire countryside. Putting ‘wildlife first’ is the driving ethos: we recognise the need to balance stewardship of the landscape with low impact regeneration, creating new habitats which will reverse the decline of our seriously beleaguered wildlife so badly hit by modern farming methods.”

▼从草坪望向谷仓住宅,View from the lawn © Rory Gardiner

该项目反映了TYPE对于生态学、低能耗建筑和建筑与自然界的联系的兴趣,同时展现了他们在工艺方法上的严谨态度。该项目的施工长达5年,为了近距离地指导工作,事务所的创始合伙人Tom Powell甚至与他的伴侣一起搬到现场居住。

TYPE事务所设计总监Tom Powell表示:“Redhill谷仓为我们提供了一个独特的设计和建造机会,它反映了我们事务所一直秉持的理念和整体方法,并涉及到景观设计、室内设计师和家具设计等各个方面。从每块石头的放置到门把手的形状,所有细节都得到了仔细的考量。这使我们得以超越建筑师的传统角色,亲力亲为地把控项目在场地上的精准实现,最终取得令人满意的成果。”

The project embodies TYPE’s interest in ecology, low-energy construction and architecture’s interface with the natural world, and it exemplifies a rigorous approach to craft. It was on site for five years, managed at close hand by founding partner Tom Powell, who moved to site with his partner to lead the build.

Tom Powell, Director, TYPE, said: “Redhill Barn has afforded us the unique opportunity of leading the design and construction of one of our projects. The project reflects the ethos of our practice and our holistic approach, which includes working with the landscape, building, interiors and furniture design, and takes into account all details, from how individual stones are placed to how the door handles are shaped. Going beyond the traditional role of the architect allowed us to achieve a satisfaction in how things are detailed and put together on site, which was as much a result of physically building as it was from drawing.”

▼场地位置示意,Location plan © TYPE

▼轴测图,Axonometric © TYPE

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan © TYPE

▼二层平面图,First floor plan © TYPE

▼剖面图AA,Section AA © TYPE

▼剖面图BB,Section BB © TYPE

▼屋顶桁架细部,Roof Truss © TYPE

▼大门细部,Door detail © TYPE

Site area: 25 acres Gross internal area: 199m2 Construction value: £326,500 excluding landscaping Architect: TYPE Design team: Sam Nelson, Ognjen Ristic, Matt Cooper, Tom Powell, Sarah Firth Project management: Tom Powell and Sarah Firth, TYPE Structural engineer: PCA Consulting Engineers Services engineer: KFT Renewables Schedule: Appointment: August 2014 Start on site: June 2015 Completion: January 2020 Photographer: © Rory Gardiner

Specialist trades: Masonry repair: Torbay Stone Walling Timber structure: Carpenter Oak Limited Steelwork fabrication: C H Jones & Son Joinery and carpentry: Maitland Roberts Cabinet Makers Staircase joinery: Maitland Roberts Cabinet Makers Doors and windows: Bond Joinery Limited Electrics: Howden Electrical Solutions Polished concrete floor: Exeter Floor Restoration Ltd Blacksmiths: John Churchill Blacksmiths
