在勒奴地耶地区设计有助于保护百年森林的建筑空间,是BESIDE项目带给APPAREIL Architecture团队的挑战。75间小屋是对自然的赞歌,为了保护周围的自然环境,它们集中在1254英亩广袤土地的一小部分上。BESIDE小屋借鉴了森林庇护所的基本理念,融合设计、极简风格与当地材料。通过该项目,设计团队提出紧凑而完整的生活空间,删繁就简,形成与自然交融的活力空间。

Designing architectural spaces that would contribute to protecting a centennial forest in Lanaudière; thus was the challenge that BESIDE gave to the APPAREIL Architecture team. Veritable ode to nature, the 75- cabin development was concentrated on a small portion of the vast 1254-acres terrain, to preserve the surrounding natural areas. The BESIDE chalets are inspired by the fundamental idea of a forest refuge. They marry design, minimalism and local materials. Through this project, the architecture firm puts forth compact and well-thought-out living spaces, eliminating anything superfluous to maintain only the essential; a vibrant space where nature and architecture meet.

▼远景外观,distant view ©Félix Michaud


▼轴测图,axon drawing ©APPAREIL Architecture

The architectural ambition behind the BESIDE chalets rests upon the premise that each terrain has its unique characteristics, whether it be a specific viewpoint or topography. The project’s design was therefore divided into 4 different typologies, allowing for flexible implementation into its environment. Here perched in the trees, there sitting in the hollow of a hill, each model is designed to highlight the site, minimize its footprint on the ground, and offer unique experiences. The main cabin’s volume draws from the collective imaginary of the cabin in the trees, of the welcoming home. The geometry is composed of identifying elements, such as the sloping roof and the skylight. To offer more flexibility, an annexed construction, the Pod, can be attached to the cabin through a glass passage. Almost entirely independent from the main chalet, the Pod finds its place as one of the project’s signaling features.

▼坐落在山间的小屋,the chalet sitting in the hollow of a hill ©Félix Michaud

▼立面,facade ©Félix Michaud

▼倾斜屋顶,sloping roof ©Félix Michaud


The challenge to surmount was steep: to offer an architecture that would seem familiar, as if it had always been concealed within the landscape – but which, at the same time, would have a novel dimension, of something unexpected and contemporary. This guiding line is reflected across each scale of the project, through bold volumes and the use of materials in their raw state. Durability being essential, the outer coating of pre-aged cedar and the galvanized steel sloping roof ensure uniform aging, communicating the passage of time. Inside, the pine slats and the heated concrete floor lend a warm aspect to the space.

▼表皮采用做旧雪松和镀锌钢材质,the skin is made of pre-aged cedar and the galvanized steel ©Félix Michaud


“We wanted to create living spaces that reflect our ability to adapt to the environment, which we do by offering different models of cabins located on lots with distinct vegetation and topography. You choose an architectural concept, not an address.” –Eliane Cadieux, chief creative officer and co-founder of BESIDE.

▼材质细部,details ©Félix Michaud


In the main chalet, an open area punctuated by a high cathedral ceiling was designed to offer a connection between the living room and the kitchen, while encouraging gatherings around the island. The space is enveloped by generous panoramic windows that invite the forest and the landscape in. A soft light bathes the space by offering a play of shadows and leaves that come to life and evolve throughout the seasons. Visible from everywhere in the chalet, the traditional wood fireplace interrupts the panorama for the length of a warm reunion around the fire.

▼入口,entrance ©Félix Michaud

▼高耸的教堂式天花,high cathedral ceiling ©Félix Michaud

▼客厅,living room ©Félix Michaud

▼空间被大面积全景窗包围,the space is enveloped by generous panoramic windows ©Félix Michaud

▼传统的燃木壁炉,traditional wood fireplace ©Félix Michaud

厨房位于每个BESIDE小屋的中心,它由APPAREIL Architecture与À Hauteur d’homme合作设计,用于准备共享食物。为了提供极简而优质的体验,厨房采用大量俄罗斯桦木,巧妙地隐藏了所有设备和电器。空间中心设置大气的不锈钢岛台,既可以用于工作区,又可以用作聚会长桌。

The kitchen is at the heart of each BESIDE cabin and is designed, in collaboration with À Hauteur d’homme, for communal food preparation. To offer a minimalist and optimized experience, it comprises a large volume of Russian birch which judiciously hides all the kitchen equipment and appliances. At the center of the space, the island is deployed, an imposing stainless steel structure that serves both as a workspace and as a large, convivial table.

▼厨房,kitchen ©Félix Michaud

▼大气的不锈钢岛台,imposing stainless steel island ©Félix Michaud


At the top of the stairs, the cabin plunges us into the attic’s playful and intimate universe by situating the main bedroom at the summit of the mezzanine, in the loft. Hidden behind a partition made of openwork pine slats, the bedroom notably integrates a majestic skylight. This traditional element of the Canadian home is reinterpreted to offer a grandiose view onto the treetops and the stars.

▼夹层空间,mezzanine ©Félix Michaud

▼醒目的天窗,striking skylight ©Félix Michaud

▼卧室,bedroom ©Félix Michaud

为了使小屋脱离传统的居住特征并且具有亲切感,所有家具和灯具均为定制。长椅和沙发由APPAREIL Atelier设计,它们采用木结构,腿部结实而富有韵律。APPAREIL Atelier本着原材料精神,参与创作了一系列由Lambert & Fils设计的灯具,他们使用表面带有铜绿的铝管,为空间营造了独特的氛围。

Wishing to distance the cabin from its traditionally residential character and to emphasize its enveloping spirit, the entirety of the furniture and light fixtures are bespoke. The benches as well as the sofa, imagined by APPAREIL Atelier, host an apparent-wood structure, proposing legs that are massive and rhythmed. Continuing in the spirit of raw materials, APPAREIL Atelier participated to create a collection of lamps designed by Lambert & Fils that lend a unique ambiance to the space, by using aluminum tubes with a textured surface whose patina is highlighted.

▼家具细部,details ©Félix Michaud

APPAREIL Architecture设计的小屋囊括了魁北克的北欧根源和勒奴地耶地区的独特性。设计团队在重新诠释森林庇护所建筑语言的同时,通过紧凑而完整的生活空间了切实经验。该项目真正实现了建筑与自然的融合,每次干预都突显出景观,真正回归了建筑的本质与思考。

The cabins designed by APPAREIL Architecture embrace Quebec’s Nordic roots and the uniqueness of the Lanaudière region. All while reinterpreting the architectural language of the forest refuge, the firm shares its know-how with BESIDE by offering compact and thoughtful living spaces. The project inscribes itself in an integration between architecture and nature, where the landscape is highlighted through each intervention, veritable return to essentials and to contemplation.

▼立面夜景,facade by night ©Félix Michaud

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©APPAREIL Architecture

▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©APPAREIL Architecture

▼夹层平面图,mezzanine plan ©APPAREIL Architecture

General contractor: Janson Construction Woodwork and stools: À Hauteur d’homme (HH) Light fixtures: Lambert et Fils Furniture: APPAREIL atelier Photography: Félix Michaud Project completed in collaboration with BESIDE
